What do I live for?
This is a question many people including myself ask.
Society has consumed the idea that
if we don’t HAVE an ultimate goal
or a perfect life plan,
then our life is meaningless.
You see there’s so much
unrealistic expectations
that are placed on yourself
for simply wanting to reach a perfection
that doesn’t exist.
To this I say:
Not because you don’t have the next 10 years planned it doesn’t means your value is less
this is my answer to that question.
What do I live for?
In all honesty I don’t have a goal for my life.
I’m not planning on becoming the next
superstar, or millionaire.
I live day to day.
I don’t expect anything more out of life,
than to simply be happy.
I don’t think you need a reason to live.
You don’t have to live for the idea of perfection.
You don’t have to live for goals you might not even reach.
Simply live because you want to.
Find a fulfillment in life.
Having your future predestined is ridiculous.
Sometimes I can’t even see my future
in the next year.
The world might end tomorrow,
but all you were focused on was the next day, not this one.
If you live preparing one day ahead when are you truly alive?
Practicing slowing down is
sacred and important.
Moments of peace in quiet rooms,
in the sunsets,
morning coffee,
a good book.
These are moments are the I live for.
I live because I know..
despite my own flaws and struggles.
Life is too short to waste.