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Rickey Someone Jul 2019

I look around and see,
All these things piling up.
Such a stressful relationship,
This world has made with me.

Everything’s broken,
Everything needs fixing.
Everything’s failing,
Everything needs a solution.
Everything’s old,
Everything needs renewing.
Everything’s falling,
Everything needs picking up.
This cursed world is dying!
And I can’t fix all it’s problems!

My career is built on fixing;
I find solutions, I slave for renewal,
And I reset the recoverable.
Forever, as long as someone is paying.

It never ends…

But what’s it all for?
Who really cares?
I’d bet not even the millionaires.
Lord, how do I keep going anymore?
Rickey Someone Jul 2019

If time is a racetrack,
This lap is far from over.
If time is a river,
I’m swimming against it like a maniac.

One day I’ll be out of time.
Which is sad, but by that time,
I’ll have to say, “bye,” to that time,
It’s lost; I can’t buy that time.

If time is a classroom,
I’ll always be tardy.
If time is a party,
I’m hiding in the bathroom.

I’m powerless to overhaul,
I can’t fix it – certainly!
Life goes by so slowly,
But I can’t remember me at all.

If time is my master,
My contract will always remain.
If time is a drop of rain,
I’m dry ground circled by water.

Plot twist- I’ll live forever,
Yet time affects me and my effects,
I continue, while it’s rule infects.
Oh, Lord how much longer?

If time is an elevator,
I’m opposite the top.
If time is a mop,
I’m the unfortunate floor.

Comparatively, I’m very young,
But I’ve always felt for “this generation,”
Treated like fools in corroboration.
You with experience, hold your tongue.

If time is a book,
I read the first and last page.
If time is a cage,
I’m in it, like a crook.
Turning 20... Just another number, but these numbers hit hard...
Crown Shyness Jul 2019
Can I be alive again
She asked her reflection
Can I go to heaven
She asked the one considered golden
Can I move on
She asked again
And she kept asking questions
"Not all of them have one answer; not all of them have an answer at all; and not everyone can answer them."
Rickey Someone Jul 2019

Will you ever find the object of your search,
With your bird's-eye-view from such a low perch?
You know you can't see the whole picture,
And you're exhausted down to your last conjecture.
Is this whole ordeal just a big misadventure?
The difficulty of life is poorly portrayed by literature.
We live confused on the outside, we sit and watch,
Our fervent and frantic prayers we rapidly dispatch.
Talon Robinson Jun 2019
I have these moments
Of Sorrow, Hatred, Pain
For myself
But i also have
Love, Admiration, Breath-taking
Moments for others
How can I feel myself
What I do others
Sometimes it does happen
And I treasure those
Sometimes a total switch
But it soon goes back
For I'd rather hate myself
And dump my love on another.
Garrett Johnson Jun 2019
Glacial Coffee.

No Home.
Hung over Sideways.
All created mutants.
All pipe thoughts.
Blasted into the universe.
All to be alone.
Like the golden record.
Trying to prove drastic reasons for being alive.
The being of life.
All by finding out why by reading today’s newspaper, and sipping a cup of glacial coffee.
Meanwhile I’m also in a car going 70.
On the highway to A certain shop in the middle of a forest in Seattle.
Hold on.
I’ve gotten off track.
I’ll be right back.

Garrett JOhnson.
Alisha Shibli Jun 2019
What’s the point?
To struggle for the unknown
To suffer uncertainty

What’s the point?
To believe in a bright future
While living in the dark present

What’s the point?
To have people who care
Who only offer sympathetic stares

What’s the point?
To lose a bit of you everyday
Trying to build a fuller you for tomorrow

What’s the point?
To try and keep everyone happy
While feeling miserable inside

What’s the point?
To anything...
Keiya Tasire Jun 2019
Are you bothered by "It?!"
Are you pushing it away?
When you hit rock bottom
The only way back is up.

Make friends with "It."
Move  closer to "It."
Expand your awareness around "It."
Totally embrace "It."

If you drop the story line about "It."
"It" will become a Love story.
A story about Unconditional Kindness & Love.
Is it a person, place or thing?
What is it that bothers you? What is it about it that bothers you?
It bothers you so much!
Now what? What are you going to do?
Do you have a choice?
If you do what are your choices?
Questions, questions! So many questions!
Yes, it is okay to embrace it and ask questions.
Have fun with it.
You never know what may arise :-)
izzy Jun 2019
Don't you realize
How much you're hurting me
Every word you don't hear
Is destructively burning me

You're supposed to make me feel safe
Yet you're breaking my heart
You're supposed to make me feel like I have a place
Yet you're tearing me apart

Stop locking me out
Of everything I need
Stop shutting me out
Of the life I want to lead

You're hurting me more than anyone else
When you should be my shoulder to cry on
You can't expect me to trust you
If you don't trust me

I won't respect you
If you don't respect me
I can't love you
If you won't love me

Because you should be here
Yet you're slamming this barred door in my face
I can see everything I want through those bares
Right in front of me, things I can't even taste

Because you're keeping them from me
You're killing me
And I told you so many times
It looks like you'll never listen to me

Why are we this way
Why all the doors
Why all the locks
Where are the keys ?

Why are you locking me out ?
Why are you locking me away

I stand here in front of you
Every cell in my body
Is screaming in agony
Yet my smile holds strong

Why can't we talk
Why don't you trust me
Why do you hurt me
Why don't you listen
Why do you always think you're right
Why can't you consider my opinion

You make me feel like I don't count
Why ?
Why mum ?
You won't ever read this will you
And if you do you still won't listen
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