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rosecoloredpoet Mar 2018
Trapped in an prescripted plan
Held back by unwritten rules of the human clan

I wander down the dark alleyways and I hear them whisper
You should do that! You should do this!
You're not a kid anymore stop the whimper!
Forget those foolish naive dreams!

As I get older those whispers get louder
I hear them scream
Go to college! Find a partner! Work from dust till dawn to satisfy the hunger for the papers so intoxicating, so beautifuly green!

But what is this for if it doesn't bring me joy?
What if I don't want to live the same boring life as they all did?
egoistic without purpose so horribly materialistic

No! That is not the path I want to take
I'll rather be broke than fake
I'll rather be single than in the arms of a snake
I'll rather be uncertain than certain about every little detail

Set me free so I can be what I was always destined to be
I'll find real happines for me and I don't need you all to agree
We sometimes think that we have to follow certain path that somebody had previously made for us but we often forget that we have the ability to build our own.
Thomas Mar 2018
Her fingers run through my hair, bringing purpose to my life....
Old demons creep back
Only to haunt me
Igniting flames from the smoldering embers of a dark and buried past....

Her fingers run through my hair, bringing purpose to my life....

One sip, one taste, one drunk
How easy it is to crawl back into this fast.
But this only dulls the pain
This cure does not last...

Her fingers run through my hair, bringing purpose to my life....

It's unsettling to submit to the good and trusting it will last...
When in this play called life,
the part of villain is the only role
We have been cast...

Her fingers run through my hair, bringing purpose to my life...

With faith I extinguish the flames
With hope I quench my thirst
With love I allow myself a new future and with it a glorious past...

Her fingers run through my hair, bringing purpose to my life
Rahama Mar 2018
From dust I came,
To dust I shall return.
With this in mind,
I strive to make my numbered days fun;
And productive.
To ensure I fulfill the purpose that brought me here.
To leave my mark on the few ones that do care.
The message remains as the days burn;
From dust we all came,
To dust we all return.
A little reminder for everyone to live a fulfilling life because life is short.
lost lauren Mar 2018
I am made from

the perseverance and kindness of my mother,

and the knowledge and patience from my father.

My mind tangled with

overwhelming emotions that I try too hard to suppress,

and memories that light up my eyes with wonder

filling my stomach with warmth and purpose.

Experiences that shaped a heart of empathy

having been far down in the pit of despair

once strangers that are no longer, helped me find clarity.

Chapped lips and a quick tongue

I fear to say something too fast,

without a second thought

having unintentionally stung.

Inside are taped up cracks and stitched holes

knowing all too well I could have helped myself

out of a toxic relationship by just taking control.

Inside are bones and bad blood circulation

all the caffeine, drugs and nicotine consumption

coping mechanisms acquired over the years for a fix,

a pleasurable sensation

to balance out the losses, betrayals, deaths, and depression.

Passions, soul, and substances all churning and rumbling mixed about

I used to be good at self-sabotaging

now I’m trying to pace myself so I don’t get worn out.

I am made from

every kind encounter I’ve had with a selfless stranger,

laughter from my friends and lovers

sounds of sweet nothings but the wind in nature.

My ears filled with

the first time you told me you loved me

and the voices that allowed me to overcome tragedy

songs that carried me away in bliss

with only a simple tone or melody.

My eyes deep and dark like the color of soil after the rain falls

squinting through thick glasses trying to see clearly past life’s pitfalls.

I’m constantly inspired by the world around me

Always wanting to try it myself so I can experience it all.

Jack of all trades, but a master at none.

I feel like there so much to learn and so much to see

it’s hard to pick just one thing to be.

I can barely even attempt to fathom

what else life has in store for me.
Raviha Hussain Mar 2018
"Opportunities are never lost; they are just found by someone else"

"You'll end up where you are headed if you don't watch out"
Life rules
If the sun has purpose
If the clouds have purpose
If the light has purpose

Where do you fit in?

If the moon has purpose
If the stars have purpose
If the darkness has purpose

If even the most potent tenebrosity has purpose, why don't you?
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