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Jo Barber Mar 2018
It would be nice, yes,
To not have to think about money.
Then again,
It would be nice to not have to think
About anything.
That’s what so much of life is nowadays - not thinking.
Avoiding, at all costs, the chance that you might be forced to think about your life.
What you’ve lost, what you’ve yet to lose, and why it even matters that
You’re losing anything at all.
Nicky Mar 2018
As time sits still, I sit here and wonder
If time exists, this question I ponder
The clock goes around, twenty four hours a day
Time is an illusion, so some say

If time is an illusion then how do we measure
Look back and feel, pain or pleasure
The past is gone, the future, yours for the taking
It's up to you, the memories you'll be making

This game called life well it's fully in your hands
Don't leave it to chance, get on, make those plans
Do the very thing that sets your spirit on fire
Go after everything, what do you desire

And when it's all over what will have you achieved
All that your spirit wanted, previously agreed
As time sits still I sit here and wander
If time exists, this question I ponder
camps Feb 2018

i want to buy these mice a home so
that their presence helps keep the table clear
i think i’ll place it in the gap between the door and the floor
in the hopes of keeping the noise out and
of having at least one of us feel
a sense of being welcome

the paper bags in my hands wouldn’t feel
heavy if they knew where they were going maybe
and hitting my head against the bed again doesn’t stop me from
showing off the letters on my chest although
i’ve been known to miss the mark

if there's a spark in her eyes it’s 'cause she stole the light from mine
but i like the cold because it makes me feel alive

my favorite part comes around
when the two trains meet and for a second
i can catch a glimpse of everyone’s place in the world
before we’re whisked away to
our respective loneliness

or maybe it’s where the streets
run narrow like those in the places where
connection, if anything, tastes a bit more genuine
it's quite polarizing but this time i’ll seek
comfort in the grey of it until it
all comes rushing back

they say home is where the heart is so this probably still isn’t it
but it will do for now

[new york city] | [definition of home] | [pursuit of cold]
eleanor prince Feb 2018
this thing
called ‘life’
patchwork of

from robust seed
seared limp
through vagaries of

seeking salience
as globe revolves
even without

days silken smooth
dangle sweet
stolen by capricious

mattering's refused
recycling worn tapes
peanut gallery

judge self as abandoned
in Father’s absence
his character

deaf to lessons
as winter’s early
dusk and darkness

solitary friend’s
suspends in night

song of bloom
pierces snow
Maker's voice is
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
I'm done
I'm tired of unfinished songs unsung,
The goals, the things, the one
I know will make the way clear. Destiny.
It's choice, its worth, its certainty.
Words like lasers with direction
Are meaningless without proper action.

For me, at the time, this was the word equivalent of a table flip, to a certain extent, lol.
anotherdream Feb 2018
Thought I was warm,
Just as I held,
All of your core,
Every single cell.

But never understood,
My heart will freeze,
All that you say,
Switch it around,
Make it my way,

Giving it meaning,
Giving it purpose,
Holding its feeling,
Only to serve it.

I never knew,
Of my disparity,
Until I flew,
Away to sincerity.

Never wanted heat,
More than I do now.
I’m stuck here to freeze,
Left here to drown.

My hands full of stone,
From all that they’ve touched.
Refuse to keep them alone,
Wanting to run,

Towards all my dreams,
Seeing them clear.
They all just seem,
Like they could be here.
Never realized how could my heart was until I felt your warmth... S.B. <3
Navahopi119 Feb 2018
She said she wanted a Knight in shining armour
But what she doesn't realize.
All the Dents, Cuts, and Scratches
Are due to the effort I applied to better myself
Each Battle, Conflict, and Barrier
May have left their marks on me
And yet here I stand

The armour I wear may be
Grimy, Gritty, and Dull
But I wouldn't wish it any other way
Because that would mean
To erase all I worked for
And all that I strive to be.

She said she wanted a Knight in Shining armour
Lean, Clean, and Pristine.
Well I wish her the best
On her foolish quest
Because I have more battles to war.

Karisa Brown Feb 2018
Outlets are a must
I bust my *** off
Just to watch another day fade
I think not

I can't help but fill my spare time
With the verses that wrangle inside
This caged lion

Spliting hearts for a living
is hard work I tell ya?!
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