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Owen Jul 2020
When I decease,
if I ascend to heaven ,
what is the point?
If I return to this plane
as human or worm
what is the point?
If I simply cease
to perceive, to exist,
and become one
with all matter.
Why does life matter?
I know theres no true answers out there for me.
Amanda Sant'Anna Jun 2020
Let my words reveal the hidden mysteries of the earth
And let my wrists bleed pure life like they never glanced at death
Let my tears be a river pouring joy; and let me flood the world
Oh, let the world torture me, let it burn me to ashes
Let me taste the apple, even if it's rotten
Let me go to eden, and let me meet the devil too
Let me belong
Just for a moment
Even if it's just for a moment.
Mister J Jun 2020
Been going down this stream
Of chaos and uncertainties
What destination will I come upon?
Where will my paper boat take me?
Tony Tweedy Jun 2020
There is a scream that lives inside born of endless pain.
It takes me down by every thought residing in my brain,
So hard for me to keep a world that resembles even being sane.

A feeling of sad deep despair grown from within my inner core,
I feel it rise again and know that it is here to stay forever more.
So long the question I've asked myself "what do I go on for?"

There must be a reason and there has to be some way...
So many are the wounds that lead me to souls dark decay,
Struggling to find reason to go on even just for one more day.

When you know that love and hope and dreams are long dead,
How to stop the dark thoughts congealing within your head?
What is there left to keep your world sane and a soul well fed?

You know you gave everything and it has all become to tough,
And the face I show now to the world is all a front and only bluff.
When all the future I know lays ahead just cant be enough.

I have become pointless and a soul so depressed....
Not yet expired, but a ghost of who I was, not yet laid to rest.
And by my own judgement I have failed life's every test.
"I watch the birds fly south across the autumn sky.... and one by one they disappear"..... Jeff Wayne... How sad when the last bird flies never to be seen again.... I feel my birds have flown and only winter and darkness are ahead.
Kelsey Banerjee Jun 2020
they say
great men found
enlightenment caves,
outside civilization.
in my high rise I look out
over the land.
what wisdom
can one find eavesdropping
in dusky caverns?
what knowledge can be
gleaned outside the home,
which cannot be found within it?
Holly Black Jun 2020
We live our lives
blind, dumb, unknowingly deaf
to the eternities echoing around us,
stuck in an echo chamber
screaming emotions,
sobbing the woes of the world.

We are a drop in the waters,
puddles, lakes, endless oceans
of a universe so vast
that no man will ever reach the end,
an addition that does nothing,
a subtraction quickly forgotten.

The forces ruling us all will be unchanged;
space, time, the laws of physics;
none will notice.
We bellow, whisper, laugh and plead,
raze mountains, build nations, conjure the impossible,
and still are swallowed, unremarkable.

But every drop starts something new,
ripples, waves, raging tsunamis
spilling over the edges of a small world,
brushing up against innumerable lives,
dropping a teaspoon of our essence
and sparking a fire that will never be quenched.

Nothing can ever be completely destroyed,
dust, dirt, the smallest atom,
forever recycled until the end of days.
We are made from the hearts of lions,
talons of eagles, fur of polar bears,
and the cores of stars of eons past.

Even if no one is left to remember,
to cry, smile, pass down our stories
from one heart to another,
we have started something that can never stop,
flowing outward from our birth, life, death,
no one can destroy what we are.
Amy Perry Jun 2020
Nothing worth reporting besides the usual
Importance of ignoring negligent thoughts
That seek to destroy me,
Harboring inside me,
A caged bird with a broken wing.
Hope calls out in many ways,
Still your surroundings to hear its bays.
Quiet. Listen.
It’s seeking you in earnest,
Its mysterious hands fiddling with
The lock of your entrapment.
Soon, you will have the strength
To pursue all of your dreams.
But right now, you’re too consumed
By the hopelessness of your confinement.
The bars disappear when you look at them
A certain way. Illusory, these posts, these chains.
Break free, some sympathy may come your way,
And unleash you, teach you how to fly with your handicaps.
Don’t look back, once you’re released -
Fly over the valleys and the rivers, wherever you please.
Fly brave, fly free.
Continue to seek
All that seems out of your reach.
Bathe in the waterfalls of your fortune.
It’s yours, after all.
You have this as your guiding motion.
Snap back to your present situation.
You see the cage, you feel your stuntedness,
Your loss from grace,
From freedom, the chase,
You so earnestly thought you’d finally taste.
One day, it’s yours.
Just hold on to hope, on to your scope,
The sights and the breeze under your wings,
It’s all yours, always has been, always will,
And still, I know it stings.
Listen to the way the ocean sings,
Once you make it there, I know you will,
But for now, let the ink spill and spell
Your own misfortune, your own destruction,
Slowly deteriorating any sense of fruition.
I know you want to give up on these ghosts,
But they are yours to catch with a gilded net,
So let them go, if you choose, but remember
You’ll have to live with regret that you never pursued
Beyond the bars that immobilize you, like roots.
You were meant to travel and traverse,
The universe will push you towards your path.
Do not listen to those who jeer and laugh.
You know your purpose. Listen, it’s there.
What your inner voice guides is your truth to bear.
Branden Jun 2020
I've no need in an afterlife
As I know there is life after mine

I've no need in a god of the universe
For me a godless universe isn't any less

I long ago gave up trying to find my purpose
When I found I could make it myself

I can't believe in love at first sight
Seeing as I fall a little more in love every time we meet

And I'm hesitant to speak of true love
Since I've loved many who loved to lie

I know we aren't made evil
Because we make evil all on our own
People often get hung up on a dichotomy where either you believe what they believe or in nothing at all, when that's seldom the case
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