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kain Aug 2019
Nothing is really
All that strange
If you think
Too much or
For long enough
If there really is
A great big man
Who lives in
The clouds and
Watches our
Every move
Then why
Is it such a big deal
When people love
Each other
In a way they're
"Not supposed to"
If an immortal
Presence graces
Our every moment
Then why do we
Care if someone
Cuts their hair
When there are
Wars and natural
Disasters why do
We prioritize
Someone's abortion
In the news
Besides, who is
This "God" guy
Why the hell
Should we trust him
He "created" us
But we don't owe
"Him" anything
In case you couldn't tell, I'm a raging agnostic. Anyways, why do people give other people **** about tiny things, like wearing what they want or learning what they want or generally just not being sheep. If there's a "god", we've got bigger problems to worry about. And if there isn't... let's just say that getting a pixie cut is way less "weird" than gathering weekly to worship the nonexistent sky god. Just saying.
Rammy Jul 2019
Skipping stones near the
wondering why Dad got a 
wondering why Mom bought a new 
wondering why Dad calls Mom a
Because the birds are singing
And the wind is blowing
And the hand is still swinging
Not thinking and just go on skipping is
Sam H Jul 2019
i keep come knocking
on the same old door
to no answer,
i'm always ignored
shes in there alright
all alone and in constant fright
dictated by the versions of what she knows and sees
panic lurks behind her street
yet she is gentle, so calm and meek
home and comfort is all she seeks

i'm not the girl i used to be
not even the girl i pretend to be
still fighting the same old fights
bruised and battling every night
must i lie?
everyday behind a broken smile
shattered yet still standing high
the old me is quite hard to meet
liberation from the cycle is what i seek

pessimism is what i lack
always so eager the way i act
yet my soul is not intact
keep on knocking
though ill keep locking,
ill come through
7/7/19 11:30:00 pm
Sammy Jun 2019
You look at Her
All She wants is to take your eyes off me
I don’t think She cares about my feelings or yours
Has She ever?

She hurt you
You know that by now
You still want Her

You said,
“This doesn’t change us”
But it clearly does
Why else would you stop saying you miss me?

This hurts me more than I think you realize
It’s not all your fault, I know that
I’m not saying it is
It just hurts

I’ve been hurting for what feels like an eternity
A couple weeks, maybe longer
It started before you told me
You stopped texting like you had been

Looking through old texts
I can see where it started to go downhill
One day it was “I miss you <3”
Next it was almost nothing

For days I blamed myself
I thought it was all my fault, you didn’t want me anymore
I guess, in a way,
I was right

I know full well I’m being overdramatic about this
That’s who I am I suppose
I need to rid this from my system
It’s eating at me from the inside out

You once said you just wanted to hold me
I said
“One day”
And that day passed by in an instant

You put your arm around me the other day
It was nice for a moment
Then I realized it didn’t really feel right
We’re still off

It’s gone
There is no turning back
You have feelings for Her
And I’m caught in the middle

I thought that I had a decent life for once
Things seemed as if they were going my way
But it’s somehow
Always Her that steals my good times

We’ve had a complicated history, Her and I
I wish we could still be close friends
It might make this a lot easier, maybe a lot worse
But that’s over now

All I want is for you to figure this out
I want you to be happy
Whether that’s with me or not
We’ll find out soon enough

It seems like it’s pretty close to over
I’m sorry for that
I’ve ******* up a lot
Relationships aren’t my thing

You deserve someone better
I really thought that was me for a moment
The likelihood of me being the right one for you now
Is probably close to nothing

This has been longer than I intended
I’m sorry for everything
I hope for your own sake you can get over Her
You need to

I’ll still be there for you
I was throughout this last year
I can do it some more

Maybe not
But that’s not a problem right now
We need to sort this situation out
So that’s what we’ll do
ok okay Jun 2019
Her only fault
Was that she couldn't land a tennis serve
just thought about this randomly, i dont even play tennis anymore. (when you miss a tennis serve, its called a fault)
Sani Jun 2019
Sleepless nights and cigarettes
I breathed in the pain, out the money
Shaking on the floor, chewing rent rates
Call me sweet thing, call me honey
I keep on breathing in the pain
Out the money that you keep chewing
Dad don't appreciate girls this insane
Before he appears, let's keep running...
i thought writing bout a messed up teen would help me gain strength soooo~
CJ Jun 2019
I wish I could,
Scroll pass things I cant't bear to see
Mute voices I don't want to hear
Delete people I don't like
Escape reality into the dreams I've dreamt
Shut down whenever I want
Restart again from where I have faulted

All I had to do is Ctrl, Alt, Del
and all my problems will be solved
If only life was that simple
Gabriel Jun 2019
Take me back
not to undo my scars
but to learn more about myself
How to carry my own burden
to drown my sickness
before it drowns me

I wish I could go back
and redirect my life
back to when living was basic
and math was the only problem
with a solution
****** up
StoryTallinn May 2019
Customer support sitting at a desk
Problem solver to the core
Lord of the FAQs
Dealing with other people's issue until the payday

About life and love
I frequently ask the questions
No clear procedure I can follow
Trial by error day after day
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