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anna Jun 2020
Early hours with smoke and rising skies
Sleep that drug we denied
We knew
Even then , this was -
Ephermal as ephermal could be.

In deafening silence, our
Entwined fingers knew
Through beating hearts and a myriad little hurts ;

We weren't a forever
Barely a today,
You and I -
- Broken, breaking,
fallen, falling -
Albeit a plot hole
In each other's stories.
We knew , we knew , we knew
We knew we would break
You or me
Still we stayed
The charade had to be played

(After all)
Bhill Mar 2020
this is him
no I don't need a burial plot
what's wrong with you people
how did you get this number
the obits
no way
I'm not dead yet...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 65
Bad phone call...
No, I'm not dead!
Juno Feb 2020
A movie with a plot twist;
I didn’t see it coming
It shocked me somehow even though
You were always cunning.

A ballad with a key change;
You could’ve stayed the same
But you left me with a hole in my life
And you left me here to pay.
Anthony Pierre Nov 2019
Time has plot with night
to do away with day

An evil plot they thought of
so Night was here to stay

You may not grasp this story
until your day is through

When time and night are your friends
and day now dead is you
A Night Time Plot
Simon Oct 2019
My voice box is without equality. Especially when it’s never designed to structure peace without logic filling in the rumbled gaps. Gaps full of peace and central thoughts mucking up too many interpretations on how to develop the central pieces trying to determine what is, and how it’s done? Voice box being tethered cords situated toward the brain’s primary accuracy, and performance majors. Cords being interpreted by thoughts on a wild whim full of constant nagging! Nagging never determining what thoughts go with who. Trying to write this down is miraculously dissolving. Why is it miraculously dissolving? Because everything isn’t what it seems when cords producing sound, commits before you write even a smidge down on a platform of plot. A platform of plot thoughtless without thoughts. The mouth piece isn’t performing, until those thoughts become presentable to the cords enabling sound. Maximizing the form of words on the platform of plot. Giving credence with peace that invokes time and pressure to a well-suited promise. A promise that infuses the logic of desires prompting fissures of premature sound getting caught up in the words not making sense in its realization. Realizations cut short from thoughts never enabling a sound proof system to its setup. Writing on the platform of plot becomes too justifiable. Yet premature sound interpreting the earlier pattern of your own thoughts taking effect for the very first time. Allowing words to become somewhat presentable in its own claim. Diverse a newly formed respect for your own components charging up the messages received by the cords charging up sound. Voicing opinions and options on the platform of plot. The options also allow one to peek at the hints for the writing on the platform of plot. The opinions however, allow one to judge if it’s what they’ve always wanted to include. If not… Try adding something different for a change. A style of writing which maximizes mouth piece. Will become a trade-off of nonsense giving you piece. Nonsense being the smallest level, which brings all the pressure down to the lowest peak. Settling until one focus is prompted by another focus and so on. Charging up, until every piece of information is well suited for either filtering out. Or correcting itself through thoughts filtering it out. Finalizing the standards onto the platform of plot. Revolutionizing a newer perception for thought versus focus. What happened before the lowest peak circulated the settlement period before activation? Easy. Sifting through all what could have been? And how it could have been done? Now think for a strict moment, before giving me your newly respectable answer?
Voice boxes are treasure troves full of binary language of there own. Words funded by the cords connected by the brains senses to interpret proudly. What is your language? And how does one write that language down?
Psychostasis Sep 2019
I believe happiness lives in Blood.
Whether our own, or that of others is the question.
I remember when I first realized it;
You were the reason I was unhappy.
The shattered vase recognizing the hammer that destroyed it.
The broken heart spotting the surgeon who haphazardly carved it from its home.

I remember realizing that my happiness was stolen and by none other than you,
And that if I wanted to be happy once again, I had to free my happiness from your blood.
But what's the fun in ******, when it's so easily accomplished?

I decided to destroy you.
To make you regret being born just as I had;
To make you taste the saltiness of your own sweat and tears
As you sat in a pile of ash you once called your beloved and cherished sanctuary
Was my idea of "salvation".

I dismantled you, and your family's life.
I disrupted the dismal peace you all so boringly accepted as your lives
And by stirring the waters, I brought out the worst in all.
The pestilence grew within your home
And quickly leaped from your family
Onto mine.

Suddenly, the plan backfired.
You steered into the chasm of life that I spent years mapping,
And all I had to do was whisper in your ear and sew doubt into your skull.

And yet,
This backfire;
This single moment of social dissonance,
Reshaped the earth we both stood on.
The dark corners I once knew became twisted and corrupt copies.
My mind became a new place to explore and learn about.

I just wish the last image to bless my genesis
Had been of you
Swinging gracefully, and peacefully
From your neck.
Max Aug 2019
The night silence screams in my ears after I startle awake.

Another nightmare.

The crying whistle of iron, wood and fletching echoes in the night
Memories of a dead mother sinking in a sea of vibrant autumn leaves
dead eyes commanding me to run
but I don't run

The girl needs me.

Tanya, child of chains, of blood, of regret, of sin, of... hope.

She taught regret like its something I lost
Like it wasn't torn from my chest and replaced with hammers
and blades and chains and blood dripping in silence

I see in her eyes a seed, something that grows in a land that hasn't seen green in a century
And footsteps in the night herald our death, heed my words, a life of such misery and cruelty brings only misery and cruelty in return.

We tear our skin on greedy grasping and groping thorns
fleeing the howls another night again

Black hair like the stars were plucked from the sky just to give something to liken it to
Brown eyes that sound like chains rattling on stone, so I don't forget my promises.
She speaks of hope, as if it's something tangible and abundant, enough for everyone.
But like a stubborn candlelight in the winter night, fighting the wind for survival, it does warmy my heart.

Perhaps the road does not have to end.
Perhaps we have bled and fought and wept enough, and we have finally paid our dues.
Perhaps we can find it in ourselves to find forgiveness for the wicked things we have done, and if not, at least we have found forgiveness in each other.

Perhaps life without pain is possible.


The night no longer screams silently, but speaks the hidden language of footsteps, of drawn daggers and ill intent.
Years turned a child into the promise of a young woman.
The promise of a life lived in peace.
But as I know, the enemy of peace is the cutting midnight whistle of an arrow, and the earth itself opening up to swallow anything I hold dear.
She sinks into a sea of dead leaves and tides of blood.

It was not a ******. It was a theft.

A theft of the last good thing in the world.
The last star in the sky, snuffed out, to leave all in darkness.

A theft of a promise, made to a naive child in early summer.
Where once a promise stood, now a blade named Vengance.

A theft of lives, not one.
But regret was not something I lost. It was torn from me. The ones who gave me my hammers and blades are the ones who took my child.

And now, I go to return my hammers and my blade.

And to take back my regret.
A poem about a couple of characters I've written. The main character was as a child taken by a ruthless gang of outlaws. They killed his mother in front of him as they attempted to flee.

The gang took the boy in and trained him to be one of their own, making him their de-facto torturer, his prefered tool being hammers, hence the title.

During a raid, the main character finds a young girl hiding in a house, and he takes pity on her and takes her as his own, and by doing so incurred the wrath of the outlaws. The main character and the girl fled into the woods and lived many years as quietly as they could, the girl teaching him to be good and kind, and to seek redemption for the people he had hurt.

Eventually, the outlaws find them and as a petty act of revenge they attack them both, killing the girl. The main character takes up his sword again after many years and heads to **** the outlaws.

(For anyone curios, it wasn't mentioned in the poem; but after the main character wreaks havoc on the outlaws, he lives a life of kindness, redemption, and peace.)
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