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A picturesque moment
Forever frozen still
Beautifully perfect
Before all became ill
John Seth Mar 2019
I picked this flower just for you
But you weren't walking with me

So I went and took a picture
And now it's for the world to see

*maybe you'll see it someday too
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2019
A picture of serenity
a reflection of divinity
a clear sense
beneath blue sky
as the birds dive
take a flight high
a space in matter
a few words in a letter
a nervous energy
fizzles out
gather and revolve
a freedom so poised
all fall in right places
the nature blooms
to the elegance
inspiring a change
that spirals to a pleasant vision
alice Mar 2019
carts rolling down the beaten up street
kids daring others to hide out in forgotten alleyways
bottles clinking inside musty bars
and you.
you are sitting around reading another novel, as usual, and finally reach the last page
you look up and stare at everything around you
this average looking city
but it isn't so average now that you see it all
its so much more than that
with its towers testing one another to see who can touch the clouds
the graffiti on the old brick walls of rundown buildings

and the love that you see everywhere
the memories
the joy
the heartbreak
this city has imprinted its signature into all of our hearts
this city has stamped itself onto you and now you don't want it to fade away
this city is your home.
filled with so much love
and so much hate, too
but isn't that life?
Oskar Erikson Mar 2019
there's 3 varieties of rock
scouted from the hillside
at the foot of the launchpad.


to simmer and smoulder
before impact
like a whispered promise.

(i reach for silence)
(the underhandedness catching my fingers)
(drawing blood over the drawstring)
(sending another part of me in its flightpath)

it never reaches the sky
you can't fire a non-feeling
as much as we wish we could.

The castle walls remain up, the remains of a young man were recently disposed of by the guards, cause of death?  
Trying too hard.
Jade Mar 2019
Amidst the glory of the music
And the triumph of letting go,
The sun seemed to brighten every corner of the room.
It framed it into a picture
Painting out the beauty
Of the simple love
Friendship brings.
When the sun finally set and it was quiet,
I knew that I'd keep that moment with me forever,
And though the sun will be shining again,
I hope I never forget the way it shined
When we lived in that time-stilled moment
And all the world was, was
The sun and the music.
A poem about the beautiful moments friendship brings.
nightdew Mar 2019
you were my picture perfect fairytale,
and i'd die a million times just to see you,
in my dreams by my side.
xoxo dearest lover
Nylee Mar 2019
When you keep on compromising
      forgo something for someone
          you are building someone's expectation
        and a slightly false picture of you
  because they will make you let go of everything
thinking it is natural for you.
Ibrahim Williams Mar 2019
If tomorrow
You wonder
What happened to us
Just remember that
We were
A perfect profile
Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2019
How many of our smiles are fake?
How many of us wish our own lives to take?
How many people out there feel alone?
Or even worse feel like they are just another clone?
How many souls are crying out for another?
And how many of them will meet each other?
How many loved ones have passed away?
How many deal with depression each day?
Or another mental illness they carefully hide?
How many of you out there are broken inside?
How many humans are truly at peace?
And just when will that contentment cease?
How many of us have cut out our hearts?
And destroyed it so no one else could hurt that part?
How many of us have watched those we love the most,
Change over time into an unrecognizable ghost?
How many people have each one of us used?
How many words have we said that left others ego bruised?
How many friends have we drifted apart from?
How many of us are horrified by what we have become?
How many goodbyes cut good people open wide?
Leaving them gutted by the empty space by their side?
How many hours have been wasted by sorrow?
How many todays ruined by yesterday or tomorrow?
How many questions has mankind really asked?
How many people walking by are wearing an ornate mask?
How many of us are able to say the smile we don is real?
And mean it when we tell another how it is we feel?
The answers are only numbers with an unimportant sum,
They don't matter because the tragic fact of every last one
Is that they all show us our harsh reality;
The truth most people cannot accept or see

We'd rather make-believe our lives are as happy
As we know they will not ever be
Actually thinking about other people's problems for once..
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