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Emma Nicole Mar 2016
Tell me that you love me in a loud, clear voice. I am struggling and cannot understand a mumble at this moment.
Emma Nicole Mar 2016
When I am alone,
I sing lullabies to vacant space.
I imagine your grin,
Appreciating my off-key song.
Gia Garcia Feb 2016
Your mind-  it's too young.
Knows not the truth of the world.
I suppose its the reason why I adore you.

Your innocence, your purity,
Your heart, your soul, all intact.
All the things I've lost and watched shatter before my eyes.

You admire my physicality
Not my soul
For you do not appreciate the existence of one that is pure, and undamaged.

The kind that you have.

One day you will.
And you will understand,
Why we couldn't be together.

And if that day arrives
I will be here
Still adoring your everything just the same.
For a friend from high school
AM Feb 2016
"If I knew it, I would not..."
she said—choking—
while tears dripping down her cheeks

that is the thing about life
we do not know, we never do

therefore we should spare some patience—
breathe easily, think slowly
in order to save a lifetime of regrets
so that we will be able to say;

"Eventhough it turned out this way,
I am glad I was kind. I truly did my best'
Aris Feb 2016
It's not going to be... From this point, it's over.
Q Feb 2016
how you calm your tongue
blows my hasty mind away
i'll sway to your sway

jigyasa Feb 2016
I’ll find you in a coffee shop
In some corner of a bustling street
Staring into cracks and crevices
Of the words in a book
Amongst a pool of phone screens

I’ll find you hiding
in the majestic wonders of Planet Earth
one corner or the other
Shuffling a camera
Slouched sloppily on broad shoulders
Capturing moments of clarity

I’ll find you deep
within the depths of the ocean
wading amongst the corals
submersed in the adrenaline of life
meditating its mystic origins

I’ll find you perched
on a rock in the midst of barren land
watching the sunset
scrawling in some bound blank pages
holding back tears
just as I am now

I’ll find you my love
just you wait
Adrián Poveda Feb 2016
Ojalá todo fuera un circulo que vuelve a girar, así podría hacerme de sus oídos de nuevo y decirle querida dama que fui nefasto, de cierto modo tuve miedo, sus ojos esquivos turbaron mi cabeza y un laberinto imaginario caminé, un laberinto entre su cabello rizado a mano y sus expresiones extrañas , sus ganas de no perseguirme a pesar de haber robado su mochila y de haberla hecho esperar en aquel lugar cerrado, le aseguro que su abrigo gris de aquel día no solo guardaba su cuerpo del frío sino que también supo mágicamente envolverme de calor sin tocarme;

y aquellos besos que siempre quiso y que yo también quedaron afuera del café, pero no intente recogerlos tal vez alguien ya los pisó,  o alguien que pasó por ahí se nos robó las ganas de un beso, de explotar.

Admito sin lugar a dudas que hice que perdiera el tiempo fijándose en mí, pero le confieso que no era yo, o era un yo que no pudo ver ni sentir,

El tiempo pasa y los pesares se vuelven más pesados, en mi caso le agradezco por que fue la paciencia que necesité para encontrarme envuelto en su laberinto, solo lamento que hoy la paciencia se ha terminado.
Copyright © 2016 Adrián Poveda All Rights Reserved
Tafuta Atarashī Feb 2016
You've given me
a couple of infinities,
And a couple forever's
with a side of ethereal treasure's.
And passion you've given aplenty.
flare into my being

Not unlike a nova
you flare, ever assuring.
I find myself
In a constant state of free-fall
I find myself orbiting
your sweet selfless entirety.
Waiting for you to take me in completely.
Waiting for you to take my all,
when you accept
my restless.

Patience have it's due.
Know My adoration is true.
Earl Jane Feb 2016

When your arms can't hug the one you love,
When your lips can't kiss the one you love,
When you aren't physically in contact with the one you love,
When you can't hang out with the one you love,
When you can't go dating with the one you love,
Just close your eyes,
You can shed a tear,
But do that while praying,
Extend your little patience,
Water daily your seed of hope,
Know that so soon things will happen according to God's plan,
God wants us to be persevering in praying and being patient in His answers,
His plans are amazing,
Your time will come don't worry,
His time is perfect..

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
Yes, God's time is perfect. Just be  patient. As i am being patient for my lover, we will meet soon ,, <3 <3
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