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Somi kaushik Jan 2018
This is the end of her story

A girl who is barely of the age of seven
Had to face this ****
Tortured marks on her face
And her crushed tongue
Proves an inhuman nature of those ****** people

Let the god gives peace to her soul
And at least an order of shame to that kidnaper, ******, murderer, and what not...
For the harassment of a lovely daughter

In this age..
In this age..
When she doesn't even know what a ****** stands for
She struggled her last days in his bare hands, demanding mercy for her own self

Humanity cried, the day when she got ***** and killed

Where are the local lawmakers?
Who doesn't even know what their own law sense for them.
Where are the Police Force?
Are they still chilling in their apartments
And waiting for an order to execute their plan
Did everyone fall asleep when this little girl got dumped into the garbage pile.

This was the end 
Of Zanaib's Story 
Which started with Unknown cases and 
End with a Candle march glory..
I wrote this poem on 12th of January but couldn't post it. And very sorry for the late post
Umi Jan 2018
The size of Allah,
Is more than my little mind can handle, it makes me stay in awe
We are but none existent if you would compare
Just remember, my children, to fulfill your prayer
His mercy if far bigger than his wrath
He wants us to stick to his path
The path which he has picked for us,
So do not follow the devil, for he only means us harm
My children,educate yourselfs and think of God, he keeps us warm
Think about all blessings you have recieved
Even the ones you wouldn't have believed in
For your own sake, please don't commit sin
It is far better to be righteous and pure
Righteous deeds are for a sick heart some kind of cure
Indeed, he is the one who created the heaven with might
And he is the one who constantly expands it. Has this switched a light ?
This is just one of many signs you can find
Now rest, it  is already night...
Let us sleep, then tomorrow do what's right

~ Umi
Mercy the one who no longer feels
She has been through a lot
Bless her who gives to people
She has nothing for herself
Love her who loves everyone
She has always been alone.
Have pity on her.
She is tired.
Death is her only resolve now.
And there i felt something. A realization that i have a lot of friends but i am always alone.
gabriela Jan 2018
i know a man who
has been radiating warmth since the day
we met--
i know this because i've seen it
spill out of his chest, gutted, like
sunlight through curtains.
like a massacre that speaks softly.

i've watched that light
land on my skin so timidly,
almost without notice.
i've felt it tread gently
across my ribcage and
my heart stop beating
whenever it got close.
to give in to man is to
ask for mercy;
a different kind of

and mercy.
that man has had
my heart ever since.
i've spent so much time writing about boys that when i got myself a man, he took all my words away. i feel like they're in good hands this way.
ShowYouLove Nov 2017
Mercy and Healing

Drink from the fountain of mercy
Be washed in the waters of love
Where the chains fall away and you are free
The sun giving warmth and light from above

Come to the table of goodness and plenty
Partake in the great wedding feast
Where blessings run over and never are empty
All are now equal no greatest no least

In the great light of love there is mercy and healing
Joy and peace will be together once more
When we can move past the hurt we’ve been feeling
We find the forgiveness we’ve been searching for

He bled and died from the wounds we inflict
His ultimate sacrifice the cost of our sin
The greatest act of love and grace he chose to depict
And as he was murdered they were all forgiven

Jesus forgave his killers so why can’t I let go
Of a burden that is not even mine to bear
Lord forgive my un-forgiveness and help me to grow
Remind me that in every situation you are waiting there

Cover me Lord in your loving embrace
Wash me with your precious blood
Fill me with mercy, healing and grace
Drown me in your Most Holy flood

Sing to my soul the sweetest note
Burn your word into my mind
Move me as I read what you wrote
That where I seek you, my heart may find

A place of profound peace and refreshing sleep
A place of great joy where it is forever content
A place of restoring grace and where mercy runs deep
A place where broken things are mended you are present

I ask this and all things with great confidence in your name
To the one who was and is and ever will remain
For we know you hear our cries and hasten to us when we call
But Your will be done not mine for you are Lord of all

ShowYouLove Nov 2017
Sacred Heart of Jesus your heart was pierced and broken
We who slumber will finally be awoken
At the end of days when time has run aground
The dead will live and the lost will be found
Sacred Heart of Jesus water and blood freely poured
By your sacrifice our union was restored
For one without sin died to save
From His death it was life that He gave
Sacred Heart of Jesus fill me with your graces
Reveal your presence to me in the secret places
Fill me with your love and kindness
Take the scales from my eyes remove my blindness
Help me turn my heart to your most sacred one
Remind me when I fail that I’m a work in progress not yet done
Sacred Heart of Jesus full of mercy and love
Look with favor on your child as you reign from above
Sacred Heart of Jesus be my hope and peace
That nations lay down their weapons that war and violence may cease
I pray for holiness and wisdom, patience to do your will
To step out in faith into darkness and trust you have me still
Sacred Heart of Jesus pour forth you love like the summer rain
Let the seeds of faith open and flourish and always remain
Sacred Heart of Jesus take hold of my heart
Enter in fully and come to invade every part
So I am no longer me, but you that lives within me
Break the chains that steal me away somehow set me free
Sacred Heart of Jesus take me into your presence here
Overflow with love and drive out all fear
Sacred Heart of Jesus seek me now tonight
Sacred Heart of Jesus live within me and let me radiate your light. Amen
AtMidCode Dec 2017
when the knife is being twisted oh so slowly deep in my gut
i am imagine myself fighting back
in my mind's eye
i am twisting the same words to hurt you more than you're hurting me

with the hilt of my words
you will wail
and beg
for me to stop
to please just stop it

and i wouldn't listen
because you didn't even
offer me a chance to breathe
from all the suffering

i will return the favor
and even after all of what you've done to me
i will still hesitate to give you the final stab
because that is what revenge does
it makes you pause and rethink
but only for a little while
afterwards, you will pick the weapon again
and give the final blow

i killed you right after it all

while you left me here—rotting to death

i still have mercy
Umi Dec 2017
Hellfire do not go out!
Please just stay as you are
Hellfire keep roaring loud
Burn as bright as a star
Punish those who commit sin
Those who's bad deeds have gone too far
Those whose goodness is thin
Al Haawiya burn bright
Make these people want to hide
Then they'll have too abide
An never-ending dark night
But with the sincere have mercy oh fire of the almighty

~ Umi
a spoof
on reality
there only
peculiar to
sensitivity as
mobility does
change in
cyberpunk while
our glorious
rays portray
freedom with
our initiatives
in management
or idolatry  
and driven
to extreme  
in America
growingpains Dec 2017
I thought I knew you
But you were just aloof
They said: he's lone wolf, lone wolf
But I say: he's more like lion, look at the proof
Sneaking, reaching for what he desires
Him and mercy have never met in person
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