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Kenya83 Mar 2017
I'm jotting down words like there's no tomorrow
My minds thinking fast my hands trying to follow
I have so much that I need to say
But your intoxication led me astray
Not because I know your face or name
But the words you speak seep out through your veins
Those words remind me of a lovely lyric
"Oh I've got lightning in my veins"
By the great Rod Stewart
They aren't the best words in the song
"The rhythm of my heart is beating like a drum, with the words I love you rolling off my tongue"
Now they're the ones that get me every time
Turned up loud feeling the vibe, aching from the passion inside

Just as Elton performs his greatest intro
I listen to beat and it's you that I'm in to
The grand piano and the piano man connect as one
Just a mans feelings and an instrumental being, create the birth of a new beginning, a musical feeling has the listener stealing his emotional dealings

Funeral For A Friend / Song For Guy
This song has two titles, I think I know why
The music tells a story and the lyrics can't lie, Guy must've been one hell of a guy
If love lies bleeding in his hands and Elton John's one of his biggest fans

I guess it isn't just me
Who cant find the words so lyrically
For This Song Has No Title, is another one
Maybe he wrote it emotionally numb
Or maybe there just aren't the words to express, the way the music beats powerful and strong through his chest
So this song has no title just words and a tune, I'll keep on writing by light of the moon
Rod & Elton fan
JGuberman Aug 2016
Your complexities
are compounded by my simplicities,
and since
you came to me
like the alphabet of a language
I cannot read
you will,
when you leave
depart unchanged.
I will be changed forever
like a root verb
which is built upon
to express
a more complex idea.
Peter Lyon May 2016
Roses are red
violets are blue
I thought I was ugly
and then I met you.
Michaela Ferris Apr 2016
So tell me why you stay at all...

You'll always wait for me to come home
But you would be better off without me.
Why do you stick around to watch it fall?
Why do you stick around when all I do is build up these walls?
Please, don't wait around for me!

I am falling further for you and I can't stop
But I don't want to drag you down.
I don't want to keep pushing you away
But I'm too scared to say things I need too.
Please tell me why you stay at all?

If you don't stick around much longer
I won't protest, I will not fight
Because I know you could do so much better.
Its just so hard to say the words that I mean
Because I'm losing myself to this pain!

Just please tell me why you stay at all?
Christine Apr 2016
last night i wanted you to **** me
but now i want you to love me
another one for you. never can i promise i will stop writing about you. not until i'm over you.
Christine Apr 2016
You are dangerous
But something about you intrigues me
Enlightens me

You are addicting
The thought of you and your body drives me crazy
The thought of me and you pressing our lips together
The death of me

You are toxic
And maybe that's why you're named after a cigarette
There was no way in hell I could tell you how I feel.
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
One word
Two meanings
Or psychological
Or action
Not a thing
You can grab
Or pain
Or together
That is
What it's all about...
English translation of the poem "Elske"
PaperclipPoems Jan 2016
Astrology claims it has seen us before
Maybe back when the greek gods were in power and they fell in love like liars.
Always dreaming of each other and forming plans for humanity
while tangled up in each other's bed sheets.
Are they the reason why we are not compatible?
Because they have determined that  I only seem to catch things on fire and you calmly throw your waters upon my destruction..
Because I hunt among a pack and you swim with currents of the sea..
We are but slaves to the stars.

But I do know that astrology has never seen us
Call me a hopeless romantic for believing that we are different
So be it.
Miskin Jan 2016
pregnant to birth meanings
Ricky Parker Dec 2015
Some write few lines,
Which relate to an incident they had in this life.
Some write to express what they feel within,
I write to let the fear within me be seen by millions.
Words form from just 24 alphabets,
Each word has its own meaning,
Yet why do i arrange these words in a unique way?
That they let out the deepest feelings in me.
Sometimes i cry out in pain,
Sometimes whatever i do is in vain.
But how can these mere words,
Project what my inner self is going through?
The words in which i express myself.
When i show it to someone else?
Do they feel the same way too?
No two persons can be same,
No two feelings can be same.
When a fruit falls from the tree, the little child is dancing with joy while the Gardner cries in anger.
The words have their own magic,
It all seems like a game of hide and seek..
Do i hide behind these words which i write?
Does my deep inner self, which shouts all the time, make me write the words flowing in my mind into a meaningful verse ?
So, someone reads these hidden words and seek what i truly am.
Maybe i write to hide, and you read to seek.
But we both really look for the same things, our true deep feelings.
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