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Descovia Oct 2022
I'm cold and dehydrated from vomiting.
I wrap myself up like a taco with
these blankets for warmth and security.
Speaking of which, I only eaten half of one for a meal....

If you are what you eat.
Then trust me, I'm never feeling super sweet.

All the animosity of every living member
increasing weight of gravity on earth
My insides feels as if they are frying on a foremen grill
My stomach gurgling and swishing in my ears
Intensifying pain crushing me
Dragging me by my soul.

Going to spar rounds with Mike Tyson
sounds more appealing. Laying here is beyond eternal suffering.
I rather go through the process
of having all the hairs on my head and body plucked

Before I go through 48 hours of being confined to a bed.
Death **** near gave me the last run for my funds.
I hate this ******* place!

I feel like I'm going to die if remain here!

My appendix was stressed from the amount of anxiety and it decided to depart with an exciting and rather booming fashion per se.

I have went through a lot. I cried until my tears ran dry. My heart feels heavier than the thoughts that loom my mind. Questions float around, my heartbeat and ****** functions doesn't align. The nurses and doctors cannot read mine. I just want to go home. I just want to go home. It's the only place where I belong.

"I'll bring myself to stop complaining
I know for sure, what I'm doing living is enough.
Praying to the stars above
I return back home to the ones I love

Thinking, knowing and being
are three different things
The only thing between death and me is the...


I'm strong. I'll keep fighting until I cannot anymore.
Toby you are stronger than you believe.
Keep pushing yourself.
Cancer will not defeat you.
We believe in you!
If only it was easy to say how you feel
Without worrying about the consequences
For these words that I have yield
Would make or break both our bridges
I have been lying to my own dear heart
That I am not a man in love
But these lies are tearing me apart
As I know what we are now is not enough
Would you fear for what I have to say?
If I came down and ask for your hand?
That I am yours until the end of days
If you are willing to accept this man
For his heart has never shifted
The moment he laid his eyes on you
I promise this time it would not hurt
For this love I promise you is true
I still have this fear but I can't lie to my heart about what I'm feeling
Meraki Aug 2022
My heart wants to be happy,
while my soul wants to be free.
My brain knows it can't save them both
but still tries.
Simon Soane Aug 2022
People say to me

"you're always happy you, you always have a smile""

And they're right, right now in this moment I do smile,

because in this time of a little while

all is content,

and Heaven sent:

my Hazel shines wonderfully, with all the bright in her heart,
Amber never stops scampering her dreamself from the morning's start,

my Mum and Dad look healthy, going away seems far from their door,
and angry Poppet wags her tail
but then gives me that cat face i adore.

My many amazing friends are astounding, I love them as much as an eye wants to see,
and I blush with the bloom of joy when they want to hang around with me.

So when people say

"you're always happy you, you always have a smile""

I think,

well course I am,

this beautiful life is running wild.
ADS Jul 2022
light blues dancing with shades of white
sunflowers happily singing in delight
gentle rays of light dancing over you and I
please don't leave there is so much more to see
let's go see the big oak trees swinging in the breeze
or the salty seas filled with endless possibilities
life with you feels so free and puts me at ease
please don't leave

here's my garden I have tended to my whole life
composed of sweet dreams and lovely memories
please take a stroll with me
for I don't get much company

these flowers ground me when I am feeling lonely
for they don't critique me
they love me for being me
still, I continue planting seeds
hoping I bloom into someone others see

oh how silly
wanting to be perceived
maybe I am just lonely
please don't leave
Sean Achilleos Jul 2022
I see it as it is
as it is, so I see it
just as it is, so it is
because it is what it is
and what it is, is it
sean achilleos
Amanda Kay Burke Jun 2022
I can't imagine what it's like
To wake up free of fear
And to be completely certain
I have a purpose here
Life would be so much easier
If the past would disappear
But I cant let go and the memories
Only seem to get more clear
Feel so stuck
Deep May 2022
Living my fears and dreams night and day,
I sleep in one, wake in the other.
Many things I try to hold at once
After a step they slip in the way
to be never recollected.
xyvernah May 2022
I don’t live just to please you
I don’t live just to open my leg for you
I don’t live just to let you hear my moan
I don’t live just to provide your ****** lust

I live for myself

you are the owner of your body
you are not a ****** object
you are a human being with a heart and emotion that lives for your own
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