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Emery Feine Mar 2
Is a sheep no longer innocent
When it has grown up with wolves
When its fleece is no longer white
When it is stained with blood?

Is it justifiable when it kills
If it weeps afterwards
If it kills to eat
If it kills to live

Is the sheep no longer pure
When it is in a wolf’s fur
When blood drips down its teeth
The same blood in its heart

And when that “sheep” is torn apart
And left to die in the wood
Will its pack remember it as one of them
Will it be remembered as a wolf?
“In all our lives, there is a fall from innocence. A time after which, we are never the same.” -Patrick Rothfuss
Ellery Jan 20
The sky is bone-white
and guilty-faced,
and some horrible cry is preparing itself
between my two lips–
I have become lamb from sheep,
   regressed again;
I cannot stop screaming,
I cannot graze the land
without knowing that I am becoming
someone I have already been.

The things that make me happy,
that used to,
all exist in some other place:
   where I came from,
where I’ll never be again,
where the creek water is always warm
and the lamb-scream
is so deep inside of me
I cannot reach it with my fist.

- Ellery Rose
K J Samuel Nov 2024
My soul is slowly dying,
Flesh is wriggling and writhing, 
Teeth chattering and gnashing,
My spirit will be no more,

Who do you think can forgive you?

When my form is silence,
Inanimate and pale,
Stone cold and  dry walls,
When life is no more,

Who do you think can forgive you?

And see my spirit is starving,
Destitute and poor,
Longing for evermore,
When the Earth will be no more,

Who do you think will raise you?

When we're laid to rest,
Alone & cold, shattered bones,
Present in the wind & stillness,
Longing for the Lamb to witness,

Who do you think will raise you?

And when the Earth is renewed,
Our souls & spirits rent,
Long arrears now due,

Will the Lamb witness you? 
Who do you think will forgive you?

When the world is laid to rest, 
And the new Earth is brought, 
As you were bought and sold, 
To the Lamb,
Who now owns you,
Who do you think will forgive you?

And your words were written,
Now your words are written,
And your word was flesh,
Our crimes rend by your grace,
I trust my life in your hands,
For you purchased it,
After the passion,
The slaughter at Calvary,
How could you forgive me? 

How could an ode be written to you, 
Am I just lukewarm water to you?
Please, I beg of you.
Hosanna in the highest.
Pagan Paul Sep 2024
Turn around slowly
and admire the life that you had,
regard it with the highest honour.

Turn around slowly
and admire the life that you had,
now that you are a skewered donner.

Just a little silliness!
Beans Sep 2024
I laugh all the time
Because if I stop laughing
I’ll cry
it's not very long. but neither is laughter.
Gh0ski3 Aug 2024
I saw the devil today
With horns that curved away from his head
I saw him on that hill, gnashing his teeth against the earth to pull mother nature's children from her grasp
He attacked his brother! Using his own crown to charge against the innocent
I saw the devil today, his irises slanted in the wrong direction,
His beard knotted in lies,
Had hooves that trampled and left unwanted marks,
And how he stares at the lamb with malice in those putrid eyes!
A creature of hell doesn't belong here!
Oh God! Save the poor lamb from his mischief
He'll be sure to rope her towards the wolves
And leak her red-hot death over the chips of dirt, infecting her skin with unholiness
But she remains pure, with pure white fleece that can never be dirtied
The lamb! Who cries for her mother
The lamb! Who remains helpless in all her strength
The devil. Who with his darkened fingers I refuse to allow into my sanctuary
You cannot heed the lamb to sin, sly creature!
My woolen eve must be sheltered from the song of the snake
O God!
Today, I'll rid this land of evil
And soon, the devil is to be dead
This one was written pretty quickly, but I'm still proud of how it turned out!
Jeremy Betts Jun 2024
Sometimes I think it would be easier
To just give in and be the monster
The one they claim I already am
Just go ahead and put wolves clothing on a lamb
Then that way they can say "I told you so"
And I will play it off like, "I know, I know"

B Nov 2023
Something unforgivable
blood in the wool of a lamb
you said I'd be this way forever
I am. I am. I am.

You're quiet as a child sings a hymn
someone so soft and angelic
shouldn't witness such a sin.
Where is your shepherd,
where is your father?
Can all really be healed
with just holy water?
Knock, and it shall be opened unto you,
    If you, indeed, are true.
If so, the Bridegroom's door will open wide
    To let His guest inside.

Knock, but beware if true, indeed, you're not;
    For not one tittle or jot
Shall pass the Lion guarding, at attention,
    The door to God's dimension.  
He'll bounce you off the doorstep with a roar
    Like none you've heard before.
topacio Aug 2021
the straightest path
to understanding if
its real love is to
offer up power

and while you
sit there
tiger in lambs clothing,

watch, watch, watch

for although you
can weather all storms
and battles, hunters
and terrain on your solo

your choice of comrade
is that of wisdom
not love, for quickly
can a beast change
its tune when
offered freedom with
your heart.
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