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odegua  Mar 2018
Wolf and Lamb
odegua Mar 2018
The lamb and her flock
By the call of the ****
Lived in peace, day in and day out
For the Shepard kept them safe
From the wolves and the wraiths
Danger the lamb lived without
But then one day,
While the herd searched for hay
The lamb was caught in a stream
The sheep searched and sought
But they could find her nought
As the rapids swallowed her screams.

The lamb woke, eyes wide
Loudly she cried
The sound masked as though under a hood
For there she did stand
Between tree's so grand
Underneath the Great Wolf's woods.
"Where are you going, little lamb,
These woods are no place for a ram"
Said a voice that growled and snarled.
The little sheep turned
Face gentle and firm
To see the great wolf, unstartled.
"I'm sorry your highness
Please forgive my shyness
My family, haven't seen them in miles
I beg, instead of roam,
Let me into your home,
And let me stay with you for awhile?"

The wolf was taken aback
An answer it lacked
To this creatures complete lack of fear
"I know you're naive
But with a twitch i could cleave,
So please lamb, lend me your ear.
I rule this forest
The birds join in chorus
In fear of my strength they could see
So I ask you this little beast
On you I could feast
So why are you not scared of me?"

"Well because you've done me no wrong
And I've lost my own throng
My trust, I place unto you
Oh great wolf of these woods
I beg, if you could,
Become my family, too?"
"Your family, you say?
You should be my prey
But this, I shall promise to you
For your bravery today
With me, you may stay
My home shall be yours, too"

Hours became days
And in little ways
The lamb grew to love the beast
In their little den
They soon became friends
The lamb wished these days would not cease
But along came the Shepard
His flock sickly and peppered
Calling the little lamb forth
"Oh lamb, you've been found,
But the herd's sick, chased by hounds,
The cure only found to the north".

"Wolf, I must leave
My family needs me"
The lamb exclaimed, fire in her eyes
"My sweet little waif
Your flock I'll keep safe"
The wolf replied, not intending to lie
So to the north the lamb trekked
And at the cave, the wolf wreaked
And fought and bit at the hounds
They came in the night
To feast and to fight
The sick sheep, easy prey abounds

The wolf sat in the dark
her white fur just in stark
Contrast to the black night around
Her fangs cracked and chipped,
Her claws ground and clipped,
Her blood soaked deep in the ground
Yet she would not fall
To foes great and tall
She'd fight, lips caked in foam
For she could not rest
Her strength she would test
Until her lamb would come home

The lamb shambled along the path
Fearing only the forest's wrath
On her journey back to the world she's known
The land she had seen
The knowledge she's gleaned
Would help her reap the seed she'd sown
She could not stop or seize
As she stomped through the trees
Her white wool never even touched comb
For the cure she had found
So she soon would hear the sound
Of her wolf howling back in their home

The lamb arrived at the cave
Almost unscathed
By the evil that ruled the green
But the sight before her
Made her heart stir
A sight she wished she had not seen
"My wolf, dear wolf" she cried
And beside her she lied
The beast's chest gently lowered then rised.
"Please wolf, not you,
Whatever you do,
Please, do not close your eyes"

"My dear lamb, I'm sorry,
But this cannot do
Your last favor was the last I could do for you"
For these sheep I shall give
The life I had to live
That is all I can do
Now then, my dear
Please, don't shed a tear
For dying's fine, if it's for you"

The lamb could not oblige
And weeped on the wolve's hide
Tears soaking deep in her fur
Her wounds began to mend
Thanks to her dearest friend
And inside, she felt her heart stir
"Now see here lamb, I cannot die
Not well there's tears still in your eye"
The wolf chortled and cradled the ram
"I can't leave you be
Because, don't you see
I'm your wolf, and you are my lamb"
Crick crack, monkey break he back for a piece of pomerac.

On Sunday fancy Anancy woke up and told himself,
"Well boy I need to get q belly swelling *** today",
As Anancy say ishow Anancy play.
So Anancy devise a plan,
He needed rabbit, he needed turtle and he wanted lamb.

So Anancy brought out he rabbit trap,
Brought out his turtle trap, But he had no trap to catch lamb.
Two traps, three traps he caught three rabbits,
Three traps, four traps he caught four turtles.
No trap, no traps he needs traps for lamb,
So he devised a plan and began to clap his hand.

Lamb was quiet but lamb was tricky, Anancy snuck up behind lamb but lamb ran quickly.
Lamb ran, lamb laughed,lamb jumped and prance,
Lamb got away from Anancy and began to dance.

Anancy got vex because his plan failed flat,
So he devised another plan with the help of cat.
Now cat was witty and knew many tricks,
But Anancy plan was not to makelamb and cal mix.
Anancy needed wolf and wolf hated cat,
So understand the plan poor cat had to be catnapped.

Anancy carried cat to wolf and bargaed his plan,
Wolf agreed to his plan and shaked Anancy's hand.
Wolf didn't dress as lamb this time nor played funny games,
All wolf did was denied he had any fame.
Lamb wasn't expecting this and was surprised, and came to wolf's aid,
And said to himself that he is proud of the new wolf, wolf had made.

Anancy saw the scene and knew his plan would work,
Wolf played along with lamb and slammed lamb into the dirt.
Wolf carried lamb for Anancy to natce his stew,
Anancy got lamb and told wolf "Good friend thank you".
Anancy made his belly swelling *** and enjoyed himself,
Three rabbits, four turtles and one lamb for Anancy to quench.

Crick crack, monkey broke his back for a piece af pomerac.
The Lamb of God
wore a crown of thorns.
Pressed down hard upon His brow.
Piercing ****** into His holy brain.
That my mind might be healed by His Word
of Truth.
That I might clearly see.

The Lamb of God
wore striped wounds upon His back.
That the heavy burden of sins I bear.
Might be unloaded at the foot of His Cross.
And left there.

The Lamb of God
was nailed to a tree.
With excruciating wounds to His
hands and feet.
That I might from sin's chains
be forever released.

The Lamb of God
faced fear for me.
Through ****** tears of agony.
The Garden of Gethsemane. (Luke 22:22-24)
That I might be a lamb in His arms.
Who need never fear what may come.

The Lamb of God
was abandoned by all.
Family, friends, and even God His Father.
Left alone to die on a cruel Cross.
With broken heart.
And pain of loss.
That I might never be alone.
That my heart might be healed
of every scar and wound.

The Lamb of God
was pierced in the side.
Laughed at.
Stripped naked.
Made Monstrous. (Isaiah 52:14)
That I might be made beautiful.
That I might be forgiven.
That I might be clothed with Him.

Oh, how deep, how great, how unfathomable
is His Love!
I weep over this...
And my own unworthiness.

The Lamb of God
breathed His last.
"Father, forgive them." (Luke 23:34)
"It is finished." (John 19:30)
He was laid in a new tomb to rest.
While those He loved mourned, and had
their faith put to the test.

The Lamb of God
Oh glory! He rose!
On the third day.
Just as He promised.
"He is not here. He has risen.
Just as He said." (Matt. 28:6)

The Lamb of God
The Risen Christ
My Lord and my God!
Raised to life.
That I might walk new and redeemed.
As forgiven.
And prized.

The Lamb of God.
The Lamb who gave up all for me.
Who gave up all for you.
The Lamb of God.
Who won the victory.
Oh, how I love my Lamb of God!
Who gave up all.
To set us free.
Happy Easter Monday everyone!  Blessings to you all!
Adam M Snow Aug 2014
This Lost Lamb
Written by Adam M. Snow

Oh by the morning strike of day
and by the calm obscure of night,
my heart is Yours O God - I pray;
grant this lost lamb Your holy sight.

Give this lost lamb the sight to see,
truth that lies in the love of Thee.
Show me the world in Your own eyes
and make O God, this dumb man wise.

Grant this lost lamb the words to speak,
the Word O God of Yours to man,
the Word of truth for which they seek
in ways a lamb once lost dare can.

Grant this lost lamb an ear to hear,
and hear Your voice so crystal clear.
Speak Ye - O God with words of love,
let this lamb hear Your voice above.

Grant this lost lamb the feet to lead,
so I may guide a crowd to Thee.
Help this lamb O God to succeed,
and help the ones encage be free.

Grant this lost lamb the hands to aid,
and help the fallen and afraid,
and help the lost ones to be found.
Help me guide them to solid ground.

Lead this lost lamb - O God, to Thee;
save this lamb from the sunless deep.
Open my eyes so I could see,
all of You and Your loving heap.

Let this lost lamb be born again,
to live for You - O God, Amen
Sleepless Aug 2015
A lone wolf walked in the dead of night
In search for a meal to fill his appetite
A lamb he did find, but it was a peculiar sight
For she did not run, and she did not fight

"I, a lamb, am part of your meal,
But I hope to you I may appeal
Wolf, won't you smile for me tonight?"
And so the wolf did, but he did not bite

"Oh my, what big teeth!" Said the lamb to the beast
"Why lamb, they are meant to tear into meat"
To which the lamb replied "How sharp they are too!"
And the wolf said with a nod "And soon they will sink into you"

"Why, look at your hands!" Said the lamb in awe
"Yes little lamb, there are claws on each paw"
"Do you use them to dig, to bury, to climb?"
"They are only to **** without reason or rhyme"

"But look at your fur!" The lamb said without fright
"Yes, you see it's as black as the night"
"How pretty, how handsome!" She said with a grin
"It lies to my prey the situation they're in"

"Oh wolf, there's more to life than killing you know,
Won't you spare me so that I may show you so?"
"Oh little lamb, you're young and innocent still,
One day you will see I am bred to ****"

"I see no killer," said the lamb without fear,
"Even as we speak, I feel safe when you're near"
"Its not your looks that tell me who you are,
"But the little pup that still plays in your heart"

"I thank you Lamb, your words did appeal,
So I will cherish you Lamb, as a friend and a meal"
And on that night, the lone wolf did feast
But for once, he did not feel like a beast
Sometimes, we can't help who we are
preservationman Dec 2015
Whispering blinding desert winds
A blanketing over the eyes
In between being a lonely lamb
Loss and not having any direction in where to go
It was a slow and uneven flow
Yet the lonely lamb pushed on
It was a matter of moving along
Suddenly it was night and a full moon was shining
But there was a bright light far away
However, there was a star that led the little lamb astray
But for some strange reason, the lamb felt encouraged in moving towards being ok
That same star was leading the little lamb directly to those bright lights
The little lamb came up with a multitude traveling towards the bright lights as well
Apparently the message got out as a messenger tell
When the little lamb arrived, he saw a little babe in a manger, but had no idea of who the babe was
The little lamb knew that it had to be someone of importance and royalty
Later the lamb observed it was the baby Jesus
The littler lamb’s face became a smile of hope
A message being instilled with encouragement to cope
Later the little lamb was able to find it’s way back home
Having direction and no need to roam
A little lamb that was homeward bound, and arrived safely, and can now sleep calmly with no distracting sounds.
Marina Gomez Jun 2011
And so the lion fell in love with the lamb
She thought she had the upper hand
But fate got in the way
And the lion had nothing to say
So they began a lfie together
Determined to last forever
For their love was stronger than you would believe
So intense it almost decieves
But the lion couldn't overcome
All the obstacles to be with the one
He left the lamb with tears in her eyes
And wouldn't return despite her tries
Now the lamb couldn't comprehend
Why the lion wouldn't spend
A life time with her by his side
**** the lion and his stupid pride
But the lion soon came to regret
The fact that he could ever let
His precious lamb get away
And now the lion knew what to say
He needed his lamb and needed her bad
See he missed the love that they had
But the lamb did not forgive
All that the lion did
But she loved her lion, she couldn't deny
Even if she couldn't explain why
And so the lion fell in love with the lamb
Stupid lion, stupid lamb
samantha Dec 2013
And so the lion fell in love with the lamb
She thought she had the upper hand
But fate got in the way
And the lion had nothing to say
So they began a life together
Determined to last forever
For their love was stronger than you would believe
So intense it almost decieves
But the lion couldn't overcome
All the obstacles to be with the one
He left the lamb with tears in her eyes
And wouldn't return despite her tries
Now the lamb couldn't comprehend
Why the lion wouldn't spend
A life time with her by his side
**** the lion and his stupid pride
But the lion soon came to regret
The fact that he could ever let
His precious lamb get away
And now the lion knew what to say
He needed his lamb and needed her bad
See he missed the love that they had
But the lamb did not forgive
All that the lion did
But she loved her lion, she couldn't deny
Even if she couldn't explain why
And so the lion fell in love with the lamb
Stupid lion, stupid lamb
Arcassin B  Jun 2017
The Coast
Arcassin B Jun 2017
By Arcassin Burnham

Purple lamb , purple lamb,
In the eyes of the most high, there is peace in the air,
Purple lamb , purple lamb,
there are things we could not explain , do to love and despair,
Hide your heart and your eyes and your brain on this day..
Hide your heart and your eyes and your brain on this day..

Left from home, in sour moods,
Trees they grow , in windy swoons,
Time has past, we're on the move,
Theres really nothing to do,
On the coast , see more roadkill,
Than anyone can make a deal,
Running home , father's day,
Have no dad , so what's the deal?
I've had so many issues in my life,
Without you I'll never know how I grew,

Purple lamb , purple lamb,
In the eyes of the most high, there is peace in the air,
Purple lamb , purple lamb,
there are things we could not explain , do to love and despair,
Hide your heart and your eyes and your brain on this day..
Hide your heart and your eyes and your brain on this day..

Love was lost , the planet moves,
Carry on with jobs and shoes,
Walking into death itself,
Starry eyes , cockatoos,
Pretty girls , beautiful dresses,
Talking funny , nervous session,
Conversations about the world,
Learn a story , a life lesson,
I've had so many issues in my life,
Without you I'll never know how I grew,

Purple lamb , purple lamb,
In the eyes of the most high, there is peace in the air,
Purple lamb , purple lamb,
there are things we could not explain , do to love and despair,
Hide your heart and your eyes and your brain on this day..
Hide your heart and your eyes and your brain on this day.
Sarah LeClair Oct 2014
The king and queen cried
“Bless us! We cannot conceive!”
And “blessed” they were.
Their heir, a miracle, a vision of royalties.

And so a celebration was in order
(as is most pertinent in events such as princess births)
to adorn the little lamb with gifts.


Whether the blame lies here or there
our princess lamb heir stands the most to suffer
in cases such as forgotten friends.

Or unforgetful vengeance--

So spite screeched an everlasting “CURSE THEE TO DEATH ON THE ***** OF A SPINDLE!”
And with a turn of its heels shock
set       in.
The well-intentioned sprite attempts to soften the wolf’s blow on our little lamb heir--

Only a nap--
only it would seem such in the conjecture of events.

Now no longer is she princess baby heir then does a spindle come alive
X winters later!
(convenient, one might say--in all the land one’s but burned, temptingly locked away in the curious tower)
Insert fainting sounds.
Insert crowded gasps.
Insert “told you so!”
And the sheep follow our little lamb’s sleep.
One hundred year sleep.

Hair follicles sprout a slimy green, and not-so-royal fungi flourishes--
brash brambles tuck in the herd as if to say
“Sleep tight!
Don’t let the mites bite!”
But not our little lamb.
Reassuringly beautiful princess lamb heir keeps
like red wine.
She is only to be drank up from the
right cup--
a proper lamb.
Prince Lamb.
Whose worries consist of much different things than our lamb heir--
but for another ‘lore.

Our Prince Lamb dips, sips,
lips on lips
and she is awake!
Beautiful princess lamb knows exactly what to make
of all this?

The sheep herd rises,
and their “joyous” bleating reverberate
and penetrate
cold castle walls and break down the thorny cover.

And they lived happily
(and most originally)
ever after--
as sheep tend to do.
Just as I am, without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To Thee Whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, though tossed about
With many a conflict, many a doubt,
Fightings and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind;
Sight, riches, healing of the mind,
Yea, all I need in Thee to find,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am Thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Because Thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
William Blake  Jul 2009
The Lamb
Little Lamb, who made thee
   Does thou know who made thee
Gave thee life & bid thee feed.
By the stream & o’er the mead;
Gave thee clothing of delight,
Softest clothing woolly bright;
Gave thee such a tender voice.
Making all the vales rejoice:
   Little Lamb who made thee
   Does thou know who made thee

   Little Lamb I’ll tell thee,
   Little Lamb I’ll tell thee;
He is called by thy name,
For he calls himself a Lamb:
He is meek & he is mild,
He became a little childh
I a child & thou a lamb,
We are called by His name,
   Little Lamb God bless thee,
   Little Lamb God bless thee.

— The End —