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YoussefM Nov 2017
I just want to be a ghost from the eyes who judge .

My skin my roots my beliefs .

I just want to fly over to the sky
Riding the wind to the stars
Breaking down the border lines
Dropping  some lightning to the nation flags
Holding hands of broken hearts .

Hopefully one day
DeathDrayanD Oct 2017
Go back to the laughter
Back to the jokes
You were meant to be like that

What's with that frown of yours
You're not supposed to do that
Only we have the exclusive right to be sad when you aren't comedic enough

Look at this person
All ranting and raving
Whining about the little things in life
You are supposed to entertain us
Not cry and ask for your audience for help

Instead, let us take photos and videos
Let us share and laugh at your efforts
That's fine, isn't it?
It's your job to make jokes, and we're having fun because of it

Media, news, speeches everywhere
Popular in every way imaginable
Isn't this the fame you wanted?
Isn't this the attention you craved?

But look at you now
All balled up with no emotions
How are you going to make us laugh like this?
This isn't right
You're not right
We are

You bore us
You have no value now
You have failed us
You have failed you

The current you is worse
The past you was better
We don't like you now, you're a bore

Now move along
Pack your bags as we move on
Maybe stepping and kicking you as you walk
As we begin our search for a better person that can properly do their job
For the entertainers
Lizzy Sharples Sep 2017
My oh my
How I wonder why
No two can see the same
All things are framed
In ones own perspective
Single minded incentives
Create a landscape
That warped vision shapes
My mere words won't find
What your world hides
And won't allow you to see
What's inside of me
Reality rarely finds home
In the worlds we hone
And our angle hides from view
All that we can't admit to
All guilty of this game
All self detained
By what we have perceived
To be either impossible or achieved!
What if neither were true
What if in another's shoe
You could see the same picture
Without all the fiction
All certainty contorted
What was solid is distorted
Would I even recognise
My world as seen through your eyes?!
anon Sep 2017
we live in the salem of judgment
acting as though
these are the societal judgment trials
acting as though
we are perfect
and everyone else
is either subpar
or evil
by comparison

we look at people we don't like
or don't know
and act as though being propelled by
a mob

throw our judgment
like rocks

douse it in oil
and light it up
to surround those
we deem
inherently suspect

string it
at first as innocently
as christmas popcorn strings
growing into a licorice rope
and soon
it is a rope we unconsciously
throw around necks
at people
with lives
and loves
and families
we always forget they might have

because we're so
obsessed with ourselves
it's like
no one else
or even

only us
and our lives
and loves
and families

i'm not blameless
but whoever says they are
is not

just like the witch trials
our salem
tries to end
once it gets personal

it never seems to matter
who we hurt and judge
it's us

because that's all we care about
isn't it?


Gabriel burnS Aug 2017
and with their hands of words
they reach towards
my thoughts to slice them
to widen the cut
and tear open
my intricacies
digging for spice and mud

as you unsheathe analysis
I devour all the violence
of voyeuristic
searing intentions

I will not allow
this foul transparency
to be my autopsy

The ghost of spread lips
will haunt the house
inside your skull
there's nothing wrong
with being who I was
Janae Jul 2017
Blank page
Staring back at me
Even with no gaze
It’s judging me
Pushing my bike up the hill as others ride up it.
Their eyes both laugh at me and judge me.
Stephanie Frank Apr 2017
Don't judge a book by it's cover
The saying is true
Don't judge me till you know me
Or know what I've been through

This book you judge
Holds more than you see
Don't just react
Based on what you feel

I've experienced a lot of things
Both good and bad
Some made me happy :)
Most made me sad :(

I've let people get to me
People that don't really matter
But I believe
It will all turn out for the better

They say people's experiences make up their characters
Some can be changed, others cannot
It all depends
On how deep you've gotten

I've gone really deep
And don't know how to get out
So if you want to help me
Pray for me, love me
But don't judge me
So, I wrote this when I was still exploring my poetry so please forgive any mistakes or amateurism. My poetic juices haven't exactly been flowing much lately so enjoy this throwback. New stuff coming soon. And yes, Chris Brown's 'don't judge me' was an inspiration
Shawn Feb 2017
I shall not call myself
a poet
to thee
I shall allow you
to walk by
and judge me
like the bottle of wine
you did not buy
because my label
appears plain.

on the outside
I may be
but within
I'm bursting
with flavors
you can't even begin
to see.

And I won't whisper
your misgivings

I'm sure
is sweet
I know
and perhaps

You won't know all
by looking at me
even once you're in
tasting to try
the lingering spice
leaves you
drinking me dry.

and even then..
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