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Ceyhun Mahi Nov 2016
Brothers try to help me like a judge,
That I'm shameless they rant and curse.
But o had they known the real me:
They would find out that I'm much worse!
Francie Lynch Oct 2016
I met this girl
Who couldn't speak,
But signed
And sighed she loved me.

I met this girl
With discerning taste,
Who held the virtue
Of human grace.

I met this girl
Who couldn't hear,
But felt me beat,
And knows my tears.

I met this girl
Who had the touch,
She wasn't one
To demand so much.

I met this girl
Who couldn't see,
Perhaps that's why
She's in love with me.
Added two stanzas and reposted.
Jace Kassem Jul 2016
Out of her own womb, him she bore
Growing up, finding himself, himself he tore
He told her his secret, and she made him sore
And still she's saddened when he can take no more
Illya Oz Jul 2016
You've known me all my life
So why can't you accept me
I can feel you watching me
Judging me for being me

I'm still the same person
I haven't changed at all
But yet you treat me differently
Like someone you don't know

I no longer feel so open
Like I need to hide
To not show you the parts of me
That you know are there

I thought I could trust you
I thought that you cared
I thought you would still love me
The same way you did before

But I was wrong
And I still don't understand
Why you can't let me be me
And show you who I am
Some people just need to be more open and accepting to new things. That way everyone can express themselves to the fullest and be who they truly are.
Mark Lecuona Jun 2016
Who can say
That a white man is wrong
Without saying all white men are wrong?

Who can say
That a black man is wrong
Without saying all black men are wrong?

Who will say it?
Who will admit it?
Who can judge righteously?
Who can judge at all?

Who can say
That a religious man is wrong
Without saying all religious men are wrong?

Who can say
That an atheist is wrong
Without saying all atheists are wrong?

Who will say it?
Who will admit it?
Who can judge righteously?
Who can judge at all?

Who can say
That a gay man is wrong
Without saying all gay man are wrong?

Who can say
That a straight man is wrong
Without saying all straight men are wrong?

Who will say it?
Who will admit it?
Who can judge righteously?
Who can judge at all?

Who can say
That a rich man is wrong
Without saying all rich men are wrong?

Who can say
That a poor man is wrong
Without saying all poor men are wrong?

Who will say it?
Who will admit it?
Who can judge righteously?
Who can judge at all?
Barker May 2016
You want to know my opinion on judging?
Are you sure?
You asked
So don't stop me.
Judging is dumb.
Everyone knows it.
It tears everyone down.
What right does anyone have to judge?
No one has the right to.
We've all messed up at one point.
Said something we wish we could take back.
Admit it.
You've done it too.
What if I read you a story,
Starting: “Once Upon A Time”.
And you realized that it was your life,
Spelled out on every line,
Would you hear my voice with wonder,
As it brushed across each word,
And pray my arms had the strength to hold,
The truth about your world,
Would your view on life be different,
And would it shock you the most to find,
That the things you thought defined you,
Could be summed up in just two lines,
And all the ones you took for granted,
The ins and outs of every day,
Play a bigger part in who you are,
Than you'd ever dared to say,
Would you wonder at the pages left,
And all the pages that they'll lead,
Then vow to make each moment,
One that you'd be proud to read,
Because there is a story of your life,
But it's you that holds the pen,
And I hope you fill the pages right,
Before you reach the end.
Ma Cherie May 2016
Dishes clanking fires burning
Hurry round no time to chat
people hungry people yearning
But not enough to make them fat

Everything must be just right
Not too little not too much
Gonna be a real long night
With fires on too hot to touch

No one listens but they're talking
Guessing I don't notice this
Keep on working keep on walking
On tempting food they can't resist

So much lost here in translation
Regardless of the price it cost
Focused on just get it done
Amidst the noise all value lost
At one time this seemed for fun
Now look out for number one

Whip the cream and peel potatoes
No time to sit in idling gear
What real worth nobody knows
When losing job is what you fear

People standing at the door
Never break from start to stop
Feels like they are keeping score
Keep head down let's go -chop chop
Feels like you can't take no more

Duties call do things you must
Try real hard to not get burned
In better things we hope and trust
Know things are left that we must learn
Feeling down hearted today - sorry had to fix this a couple times hoping it's better now or right. There's a couple double entendres in there if you see them.
Ignatius Hosiana May 2016
not talented enough
to draw conclusions
such Art isn't
my prowess
Dawn of Lighten May 2016
Needing to pull some cold hard cash at the atm,  I gave a cold glare at the homeless man sitting on the floor by the gas station outside near the entry way holding a sign.

Not out of hate or anger, but curious as to what he asked for on the sign he held, because I did not want him to know I had any compassion to a fellow humam being.

After pulling some money to leave the gas station premise, I  glared at the homeless man holding up the sign once again, but this time squared on the eyes, and then asked him what was the sign for.

"I'm looking to hitch a ride from Louisville to Lexington Kentucky, and then to Pennsylvania."

Still glaring at him with judging eyes, and wanted to hear the man talk. I proceeded to ask him.

"Is that all you are asking, nothing else?"

Giving me a desperate glare.
"Well, if cash, or anything will do, and if I was going to use it on alcohol, i'll generally tell people ill use it for that.

Became more curious I asked him if he had a meal yet?

He then nodded yes and he was okay.

I then gave him a smile and handed him a Alexander Hamilton. The homeless man thank me and promised he wouldn't use it for alcohal.  

I told him "do as you like, I will not judge you!"

There is such a thing as love that require nothing, and expect nothing from a fellow human being. While I had no intention of judging the man, I had to be reserved in my curiosity, and I will not be a sucker to the people who abuse the system.

While the glare was unnecessary, I did not want to show my compassionate face that may have given the homeless man any teleprompting of my weakness to hear a sob stories, which I am a sucker to!

It was not my place to judge the man,
I been to rock hard bottom myself,
and some times give little isn't so bad!
When honesty is so hard to come by, it is refreshing to hear a man who has nothing more to lose speak his honest intent! Truly is it so wrong to give a helping hand, even if it is a moment?
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