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Descovia Aug 2019
The immensity of any mountain

Holds me to no consternation.

I will continue to climb

Until I reach the pinnacle!

You make me feel invincible

Vedo la pace quando ti guardo.
( I see peace when I look at you. )

Credo nella tua pace per portare miracoli
(I believe in your peace, to bring miracles.)


Questionable paths of multidimensional natures. Brought me lucid signs from the heavens, chaos,  and deciphered codes, perplexing mysteries to human eyes! To this new ray of light contained in this "life". Known as "Isaiah".

Beyond any amount of roaming doubts, I have spiritually reclaimed these portions of myself! Learning more from the acts and encounters with these  ritualistic, rhythmic, mesmerizing, colorful...mindless illusions called "DREAMS"

For being a "father."  To very this day

I must say,  I am on a wave. Floating with just the "gist" of things!

Barely, gaining an actual understanding

From the great 13 "the ways" of what it actually means.

My son as of now. You have 7 years in this lifetime on earth until your birthday returns!  11/27/15  I remain faithful in my beliefs, you will grow stronger than me and change something about this world!  For the details are covered in mind fog of my shadows following me, but it will be revealed to the light as movement flows with everything. Time will continue to conspire against us. You will find a way. To be our salvation. I am proud to be your father. I believe in you ISAIAH.


Nobody­ can prepare enough for a versatile role such as this.

The position as a mother.
The position as a father.

In the 9 months of her pregnancy I've doubted myself. Lost myself. Broke myself. Built and redesigned my "most-needed-self"  in functions through activities while in this phase of a "verbally-projecting insecurities." There were multiple factors that drove me on edge.

Not only the hormonal twists and turns spare me no justice. The weather always affected my cravings, for outrageous foods along with my mood.

I have had my highs and lows, solo-soaring in my head. This emotionally, over charged flight, ascending all from below to go above extreme heights!
Obviously, there is more to this!  Remaining as one of the central caretakers,  emotional support guide, or an active disciplinarian.  (When it comes for it...)  

If you don't have any love for yourself on any level.
If you don't value yourself like you should.
If you FEAR sacrifice.

Then surely, this is not the sport for you!

Love! Appreciate! Honor! Value! Believe! BELIEVE!  BELIEVE in our children of the FUTURE! Fatherhood have been teaching as well as providing insightful concepts equipped with understanding the depth our child's needs, knowledge and passion. Do not turn your head away at the chance to learn, while you are given a lesson on a daily, to grow with your loved ones while they mature into a man or woman because they will not forever remain as a baby.

Shouting it to the winds. Let the skies, immortalize my voice until the clouds fade!

Climbing mountains, moving mountains and triumph over the impossible continuously! For you without any constellation. You are the exact reason of how and why I feel that NOTHING limits me!

You are my sword and my enhanced armor of confidence!
No demon or obstacle limits me with fear.
I'll stand by your side right or wrong.

YOUR love, keeps me to stand and stay strong!
What does it mean to be a father???

The root of meaning...

Goes deeper than what I can summarize
To you mindfully or consciously...

For  I am still learning....
from you all....
Martina Jun 2019
Sorriderò e sorriderai ma non capirai
promesse che non potevi mantenere,
melodie che non suonano più bene
dicevi guarderemo il tramonto su una spiaggia
così stretti in un abbraccio da non respirare
in riva al mare a ballare
non ci importerà della pioggia
perché non ti lascerò andare
acquari, dischi e libri
io e te in un castello
era solo un sogno, era solo un gioco
seppur molto bello
le mie lacrime sanno di nostalgia mista a rabbia
perché in fondo
era solo un castello di sabbia.
This one's in italian but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
Expectation, hopes and dreams for a relationship that do not come to life, has this ever happened to you?
Chase Parrish Mar 2019
Is poetry a way to cope with pain?
My chest throbs dully in low agony.
You see, heartache is a physical thing.
It hurts as if it's any wound to me.
I'm not afraid to state my malady,
Depression is what resides in my brain.

And it's the way it manifests, I hate
In doubting in myself, and what I'm worth
In old memories, losses, things of weight
Frustrations pop and boil as on a hearth
Sometimes I wish for return to the earth,
But I've been down that road, in bitter pace.

       I write, not for the pain, which wont relieve.
       However, when it's shared, it will indeed.
Ok I have something... different to share
The Unnamed Sonnet form is a form I created out of love for the rhyme-scheme of the Italian Sonnet, and for Shakespeare's use of the volta when used in the last couplet. I feel like it's a good deviation from the traditional kinds of sonnets because it fills a needed role. In the Unnamed Sonnet form you have the ability to talk about one idea, in two different ways, and then tie them together at the volta, which because of this will usually end up at the couplet. It is harder to do this in a Shakespearean Sonnet due the theme being carried by three quatrains. Similarly in the Italian Sonnet, the Octave usually controls the theme, then the sestet draws to the conclusion. I feel like two sestets followed by a couplet is a strong way to convey one point in two ways. Or to convey two points, separately, while still drawing a strong conclusion. I will eventually get around to naming it, the name is tied into the first one of it's kind, of which I had to strip it's name.
Would love this critiqued
Chase Parrish Mar 2019
Have you ever loved, just like me; and lost?
It's been a lifetime since. I shouldn't care.
And yet, bereft of life, in horror's snared,
My heart aches all the same. Could I accost
My heart I would say, "Say, what will it cost?"
"Exhaust this pain! Run out you your despair!"
"I'm tortured in this flame, and quite aware..."
"Like Hell, do you go on, and turn and toss..."

Perhaps that's morbid, terse, or just perverse,
But **** this fool heart for all of this pain.
Sometimes I think it might end with a hearse.
Instead I write poems, till morning, amain.
Lest slip my grip, and lose all that I'm worth.
I hope my dreams bring me no coup de main.
Honestly... I've tried many times to quantify this into a poem, and I still don't think I've done it here. My earlier poem "******* a Poet" was a decent start. This feels kind of forced, but It's 6 am, and I've been up all night... and I wanted to try. Have a nice day to anyone reading this.
natanaele Mar 2019
perchè sei così perfetta
perché, tra tutte le persone, dovevi essere tu?
ero ferito e vulnerabile
e tu eri bello
e ** pensato che ti importasse
lo so meglio ora
probabilmente lo sapevo anche io.
ma è troppo lontano adesso
mi sento pazzo
prince Nov 2018
Some women love roses, some love money
Some roses are red, some are yellow
Some roses smell like rot, some smell so mellow
Some women may be thorny, some are sweet like honey
All roses are perfect, even though some look funny
They may fool you and ***** you, just to let go
Some roses may leave thorns that you don't even know
Some have thorns may be sharp, some have petals that are pretty

Regardless, all roses are beautiful and elegant
Whether they were watered with ***** or fresh water
Whether they were raised with tender care or greed
And whether they feel the sun or whether they are relevant
Determines the type of rose he has brought her
Maybe she'll embrace the sweet scent or maybe it'll make her bleed.
hmm idk if this is good
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