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Amanda Kay Burke May 2019
I am afraid to go all in
Although I love you so much
Proud I have resisted succumbing
Hide my heart away from your touch

Locked inside a dark cool place
I will be kind but cautious too
Special for a little bit but not for long
Warm and soft glow soon will fall through

You make a perfect Prince Charming
Afraid it's all a game
A chance is the gift I'm giving you
Waiting for proof you're no longer the same

Sincerely I pledge my love to you
We are fated to break somewhere
Wanting to show you the depth of these feelings
With more than words sculpted from air

Fear forms a fence between us
Distance a familiar friend
Passion puts me in a prison cell
Losing power to pain and the impending end

Let me walk apart from love
Fantasies weaken away by the hour
Lets part ways while our love is still sweet
Rather than watch it slowly sour

Bitter tasting cynicism lingers from the past
Allow me to surrender to fear
Escape the possibility of getting bit or burned
Before goodbye has a chance to get near
We are afraid to care too much in fear that the other person does not care at all
Raven May 2019
I need touch
but not of any kind.
I need the gentle one
filled with tenderness and love.
It is so hard to tell
for it means admitting
the ache in my chest
clenching tight.
I need to let myself feel it.
I don't want to get numb,
not again.

I feel so vulnerable.
Like porcellain.
Lying still in silence,
calmly crying tears.
They carry my hurt,
my loneliness.
At the same time
they carry the knowledge
that I am indeed

I am scared,
scared that by telling this
you are going to let me
A fragile child
shattering on the ground.
Rejected once again,
old scars reopening.
It's too much to bear.
It just hurts so much.
lonely once more.

So if i reach out for you
please don't freak out,
I'm not in love
nor am I a stalker
but a part of me is hurting
and i want it to heal.

I need touch,
a tender caress,
the warmth of skin
so comforting.
Please hold me close,
don't let go.
I feel so exposed,
nothing left to hide behind.

Please don't turn away,
I'm standing here,
so insecure,
soul stripped of all armor.

And I'm scared.
It's been a long time since i've written this, but it still feels so real.
Sarah Michelle Apr 2019
Do I know myself?
This girl with her doe eyes
And blonde hair;
She might have a lot going on.
Otherwise, she might be a liar--
After all this time,
Still convinced she’s never committed
A crime against another person’s heart.
Who really knows
What damage a girl has done?
She doesn’t even remember.
She takes everyone’s word for it,
And the whole world says
There’s nothing wrong.

Those eyes,
They are baby blues
That sing the blues.
Boy, does she look sad.
Not a week goes by
That she doesn’t waste by counting
The number of eyelashes
That fall out of her little head--
Two at a time
Yet as gradually as running out of time.
At night she pleads for excitement
That doesn’t entail
That deer-in-the-headlights feeling.

Has a funny way of creeping up.
It’s like there are two magnets,
And she is both.
The “wrong” side of one magnet
Yearns for the “wrong” side
Of the other magnet,
Yet they push each other away.
Likewise, she pushes herself apart.

She’s also learned that
Stuff you’re afraid to do
Happens anyway,
Like the “right” side of the magnet
Sticking to the aforementioned “wrong” side
Of the other magnet.
Things come together
When you do as you please--
It feels so wrong to let opposites attract,
But it is oh-so-right.
She needs to realize
she is not Jekyll and Hyde.

Wrongness is relative anyway--
Those eyes may seem too dark
Or too green
Or too gray
To a different person--
As for me, how I love them so.

When she bats her lashes
I can only imagine
They sound like a bat’s wings;
A rush of air beneath
Every rise and fall,
Heard only by the keenest ears.
But this memory doesn’t have
the same power as an act of self-loathing
Nor that deer-in-the-headlights feeling.
In my reflection,
She bats her lashes
but I still drown in hatred
For those stupid, doe eyes.

My heart has built a factory
Whose main exports are
Fallacies that have a dreadful way
Of creeping up
Behind my every thought and word,
Their paws locked in the snow,
Poised for a one-on-one battle
With Sanity.

I look in the mirror and think,
Boy, does she look angry.
Not a year goes by
Without some sort of inner vandalism.
She joins a stampede,
Runs without stopping
By the river to drink.
It tramples every blade of love left in her.
It crashes every flower she grows
So that she will never see
The beauty she bestows upon the world.
When she finally does stop by the river to drink,
And the bucks continue to run through it,
Her reflection is distorted.
The doe doesn’t wait for the water to
Become still again.

I call her Jane Doe
Because she doesn’t remember who she is,
And because her doe eyes
Are the only thing about her
That isn’t like a blank canvas.
Sometimes when she looks at me
I can only see my reflection;
We become one as we are meant to be.
I paint my body with compliments.
I can see myself
Draw lines across my skin.
There was a time when I pressed too hard
And the lines scabbed over.

But I am forgiven,
Because wrongness is relative
And when I envision myself,
This is what I wish I could see:
A mix of positive and negative,
Both sides of the magnet--
Never repelling each other,
Attracting one another--
A field of anger, of blues
Of lashes and bats’ wings
Of one-on-one battles
Of scabs, of humor,
Of crime against the heart,
Of no more time left to restart
Of irregular rhyme-schemes
And unfamiliarity

I don’t know myself,
This girl with her doe eyes--
This girl with her green eyes--
Or are they blue?
Or gray?
Or black?
Or brown?
I bat my lashes and I drown.
CommonStory Apr 2019
We aren't friends
We're just cool

Theres no reason i can't give kindness
And dismiss you like I'm mindless

I don't mind it's
Just something

I do to make me feel a little better about living
Through my anxiety and pain

Anxieties and pains
Crush girlfriend wife migraines

Eating disorders
So now i eat junk because it rots my brain

Maybe it's insane
Maybe i don't feel like myself when i express these thangs

These rack my brain while i rack these weights

**** now im going to be late
That's another 15 that i wont be paid

Now i have to look at my supervisor say
This is why you won't get a raise
At same time another mans chick is on my brain
I just want to see her taint
No not that one
That **** stank

In the meantime im ******* with a chick that's twice my age

And another with 6 kids to date
**** I'm in a pickle
Few can relate

This is the **** that I hate

With my third eye strife
This is my life
And when i dig my grave its gonna to be very nice

With my cake
And my bed
Made it
Laid it
And ate every slice

If i do right
Can i just say that I'm kind
My egos bind
Why am i lyin

This is why i Write
Its not for you this time
Copyright Matthew Marquis Xavier Donald
idunnome Apr 2019
yes, i want to be with You
Angelic Beauty, You're all i see
You know i'd stay loyal and true
i'll be Yours, have all of me
Your soul, so pure and new
i can't amount, unfortunately
The face of
many may
for the
in their hearts
continues to


fear tearing them
to all those who can see and
whilst dwelling in the enclosure of their
the catalyst to the ****** of


the poison of their melancholy
setting a necroses to all
there is worth
Taylor Jennica Apr 2019
My name is Taylor and I have a tooth that tucks behind one of my front teeth.

I say this as my first sentence because when I look at myself in the mirror and smile, that is the first thing I notice.

But a compliment I've heard more times than once, "You have a beautiful smile."

I  wonder how many things in life are like that...

Qualities or characteristics that people agonize over are the very things that others appreciate and admire.
Moumen ali Mar 2019
Insecurity; is a feeling of uncertainty, a lack of confidence or anxiety about yourself & your abilities...

Insecurities are nothing but impurities to the temple you call your mind..
Cloud your judgement of yourself and sometimes others..
can leave you trapped under the covers..
And not wanting to leave the room.
Cuz you don’t want to see you, you don’t others or even the world to see you, because people have left you to believe that you’re too ugly to be loved..
To weird to be accepted, to crazy to be seen as normal no matter how many people you talk to or how many people tried to tell you different, It won’t change.

These thoughts have glued them selves to your brain,
They’re stuck there, watching them rip away your self-esteem..
Hoping it’s just a dream..
But It’s a curse.

And it’s not like Cinderella or sleeping beauty because you can’t reverse this.
And we all know that you want to...
But these words they haunt you..
Wear you like a coat and flaunt you..
As each and everyday they taunt you..

Insecurities leave you with the lack of trust,, even for yourself..
Screaming for help..
But these insecurities block any sound..
So no inner beauty can be found..
Sniff around for it like a bloodhound..
But under these insecurities the true beauty is bound.

Insecurities leave you not wanting friends because you think they’ll stab you in the back like previous have.
They will leave you constantly worrying about if your (better half) will eventually pack up and leave you for someone else with little to no explanation.

That’s why to all the women out there,, tear these insecurities down..
Tear them down because they got the best of you..
Told yourself, “Without a guy, I’m just so empty inside..”
Dying to hear “I love you”, and eventually you did..
But you became nothing to be his all.

You see.
Some women get pretty and accessorize..
Tryna’ access our hearts, but they access our eyes..
Value beauty over brains, then have the nerve to be surprised..
When men disregard their thoughts just to analyze their thighs.

Men are arroused by their senses, but women do not sense it...
Spending cents to buy scents to find love,
it’s so senseless.

So please . set your standards.
NO ifs, ands or buts.
If you keep falling for buttholes, then stop showing off your ****..
Do you keep falling for losers? Then start being a winner..
Tired of being used for your body? Stop falling for sinners..
Seek godly men, Yes they got swag too.
BETTER YET, be a women.. let godly men seek you.
Makenzie Marie Mar 2019
You treat me better
Than I’ve ever known
But just yesterday
A new seed was sewn
Your personal fears,
They became my own.
Makenzie Marie Mar 2019
I love you
To Hell and back
But when you do this to me
You strike a personal attack
Caused by a simple lack
Of communicating feeling.
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