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Makenzie Marie Mar 2019
You use that tone with me
Or do these things to me
Because you’re hurting
Over something
That isn’t me.
You’re “just saying”
But as a result I’m paying
For your insecurities
That you’re passing on to me.
KCatharsis Mar 2019
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry that my hands tremble when I’m about to talk to someone you just introduced me to.
I’m sorry that I’m not able to give my best impression and stand up to my full potential when I become all warm and red.
I’m sorry for stammering and not being able to form coherent sentences.
I’m sorry that my eyes glisten when I don’t feel comfortable in a new place, even when I’m right next to you.
It’s not you, babe.
It’s me.
I’m sorry that I’m not able to place an order in a restaurant,
or when I’m not able to pick up unknown calls because my voice cracks while talking to somebody I’m not familiar with.
I know it must feel like I’m pretending, because I act like I’m bold.
But I’m not.
I try to act tough so that I am not approached by strangers that I’m afraid of.

I didn’t think it through.
I think only about the worst case scenario of every situation that I’m put into.
I didn’t ask for this anxiousness.
I didn’t ask to feel scared and lonely when I’m with a group of people.
I didn’t ask to be able to overthink every thing you say.
And I know,
you holding my shaking hands is to make me feel better and calm,
to stop my fingers from quivering violently.
I know,
your arms around my shoulders are there to make me feel like I know my surroundings,
like I’m at home.
I know that your peck on my forehead is placed to make me feel better,
but I’m sorry.
I don’t know how it stops.
I didn’t ask for this.

2:01 PM
I have no control over it, but I'm trying.
claire Mar 2019
my soul is like a basement
you don't see the rats
until they're scared out hiding
but they've been there all along
Ithaca Mar 2019
I was so busy living another man’s life
To realize my own was falling apart
So I handed my independence the knife
And purged the insecurity from my heart
About an old friend that I’m uber jealous of. Please leave feedback! :)
Tyler Mar 2019

All fit for security

To our own frailties
We all have em and everyone has the right to keep them to themselves my friend
Raven Mar 2019
"You're kind of boring,
You never go out,
You stay in you're room all day.
You should be more outgoing..."

Maybe I am boring...
I don't socialize very often after all.
I listen to music all day,
Not the most interesting thing to do,
And I don't have many friends.

I'm such a bore.
People don't like to spend time with me,
They will just forget about me!
I guess I have to live with it...

"I like you we have much in common.
You like art and music,
And you're thoughtful.
But you can be really funny at times.
I think you're an interesting person."

But they said I was boring.
I thought noone liked me,
I thought no one cared,
But you apparently do.

So am I boring?
Ash Mar 2019
I search for myself within you
Offering fear founded issues
Love must be embraced before shared
Through self-hatred I’ve evinced
Selfish care
Keiya Tasire Mar 2019
Never cage The Eagle
If you want it to soar!
With a heart filled with sorrow
No amount of love
Can cure a passion lost, caged heart.

No amount of pleading
Will make room in The Eagle's cage
For it to fly and soar.
No matter how much you beg
On bended knee
It will never fly again.

It's qi will leak, from its very core.
It's will to live, will vanquish.
As It gives up It's Life Dream
Slipping silently into
A quiet numbness.
All desire to live passionately, gone.

The Eagle you love
Will turn into a hollow body
That still breathes
With a  resignation to a hopeless
passionless, dreamless caged life.
Growing beyond feeling, beyond caring.

Yet, one day when you die
Or your Eagle passes first
The Eagle will open to find what was lost.
Whether in this life or the next
It does not matter.
The Eagle will rejoice and fly again.

From the look on your face
I don't think  you liked what I just said.
You do have a choice.
You can choose to set The Eagle free.
In freedom, feed your Eagle with respect
Love, acceptance and care.

Be in awe as you watch
Your Eagle fly toward the heavens
Reflections within the gleaming sun.
Casting It's soaring shadow
Over  rivers, canyons and high mountain peaks.  

With gratitude your Eagle will return
Again to your loving arms.
Because you love your Eagle enough
To set It free.
I have seen this so much over the years, where a husband or wife put the other in a cage, restricting their thoughts, beliefs, mobility, and/or actions because they feel insecure in the relationship. The person caging the other person becomes afraid of losing their love. They try to do everything they can to keep their love there just for their-self. Eventually the other spouse does get out of the cage by death of the relationship, finding an addiction, and/or their own personal death. It is much easier to love in the emotional climate of freedom.
Thomas King Mar 2019
As I looked in your eyes
I saw a tiny flicker
As if a small piece of your love for me
Died deep within you

A flicker so small
You barely gave it notice
But it blazed like the sun
As it seared my heart

I felt my soul shiver
As if your precious gift
Was pulled from body

A sickening wave of despair
Passes through me
As I realize your love for me
Will no longer be whole

My heart is left broken
And bleeding with regret
Unable to mend the wound
That has been inflicted.

Will time heal the damage?
Or will I have to suffer
A slow painful death
As the fire within you
Slowly dies out

Shall I continue to fan the flames
That I see still burning inside you?
Or does the fuel for my love
No longer have the capacity to sustain it?
I think I shall just close my eyes
And let fate run its course
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