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Luke Nov 2020
Among the forest lived a Butterfly of pretty colours,
Her stunning charm and kindness separated her from others,
But though the Butterfly was deeply loved by everyone,
Her soul was not at peace, sometimes she could not see the sun.
For all the other creatures thought that she did hurl the moon,
But when the Butterfly looked down she saw her old cocoon.
“Please don’t hold me higher than the others, for I’ve checked,
And knowing myself I understand I’m nowhere near perfect.
I’ve secrets that I’ve carried since I was a caterpillar,
None of you have witnessed them, for all you know I’m a killer!?
Don’t just look at me for there are others!” and she pointed,
“If I show you all my colours you will all be disappointed.”
     But smart a creature as this Butterfly could surely be,
She could not see the whole forest, every plant, each life, each tree.
If all the creatures of the wood could see inside her brain,
They all would have come forward, and all would have said the same:
“We know you are not perfect and we can’t see under your wings,
But even if hide you a dozen false colours, bad past, lies and tings,
It wouldn’t make a difference cos the colours that you show,
Are enough to make a full eclipse do nothing else but glow.
The time and smiles you make such efforts to gift to everyone,
Make certain that any negative traits would matter to no-one.
So please don’t lie awake at night and worry what’s under your wings,
Every part of you As A Whole,
Ensures the forest sings.”
For Jasmine, my Rainbow.
noor Nov 2020
perfect lips
perfect hips
perfect eyes
perfect skies
but i will still
never be enough
for any of those guys
even when the sky is blue and i look my best ill still never be enough
Nicolette Nov 2020
but a string

the strand drawn from the
depths of our souls,
composed of insecurity,

it was the string from which I hung
Lo Oct 2020
You can
Open your arms
to the winds of the night
Drown yourself
In the depths of the past
Wave your hands
On the side of the curb

But it will never
bring you stillness
bring you love
bring you home

Stop dreaming of first loves
Your honeymoon was
Never going to happen

That first kiss was day one
Out of one thousand
In a countdown to heartbreak

Don’t you dare tattoo his name
On your untouched skin
He’s going to leave

Get ahold of your vertigo
Find yourself a compass
And drive far away

The fall IS bad
And down IS down

He was never going to stay
A broken battery doesn’t do much good
To someone who runs fine on their own

Pick up the clothes you left on the floor
And forget

Let it hit you
That he’s lying so beautifully
Next to me
Beaux Oct 2020
I can’t do anything right
I can’t do anything outside
I can’t leave
The voices in my head are screaming
Cover your face, don’t let them see
Cover your face, hide what you are
Mask up, keep it on
Paranoid about my privacy

Days on weeks
On months
On years
Hiding away from the world
They’re always asking
They’re always wondering
They want to know
They speculate

Anxiety attacks
Hands shake
Breath halters
Heart thumps

Don’t let them see
Don’t let them know

Hide away hide away hide away

Don’t show them what you really are
I ******* hate myself
Beaux Oct 2020
Self hatred
Fueled by staying inside
By never seeing people
By wearing a mask

Full face
Half face
No face
Hide behind the cloth
The screen
The walls

Leave me anonymous
I've developed extreme anxiety around publicly showing my face. It's gotten to the point I can't drive without a mask or go get my mail. All the mirrors in my house are covered. Seeing myself ruins my day.
Van Xuan Oct 2020
What if

What is she won't talk to me anymore
What if I'm just her past time
What if she will leave me

What if I just played her feelings
What if I'll left her behind
What if I'm tired of her

What if
What if

***** what ifs
I'm **** afraid
But I must face it IF it will happen
Sundas Oct 2020
To me,
My words,
Are my thoughts.
Milk in a pan drifting,
Lazily in mexican waves,
On tiptoes with fingertips,
Stroking the three litre line.

to you
my words are
the time you blinked
and clots of milk swelled into pregnant pufferfishes
and a siren hissed incessant incantions you swore fate birthed to hex your mind
and a trident foamed at the mouth relishing the theft of nature's permission to shapeshift  into a lightening bolt and to zap your stove a blistering white in three times ten to the eight metres per second
I logged into Hello Poetry today after 5 years. Found a whole heap of very bad teenage poetry (too embaressed to keep public). Maybe my poetry is still bad but I'm almost not a teenager anymore.
-elixir- Sep 2020
Stop holding me back for once,
see the fire burning in every ounce
of scribbles and words of mine.
Stop making me guilty for my flight,
and look into the horizon so bright.
Stop making me resent your roof,
while all this time you stay aloof.
Stop shaming me for someone's fault,
and let them go into the devil's vault
of sins, see the virtues in me that I lock
from the fear that you might tear and block.
Stop thinking my life for your honour,
and save this human in me from this horror.
Stop it, with your words that shatter my esteem
and do make me drift away from your team.
Stop the assumptions from the lores of the devil,
and look into my dreams arranged in levels.
Stop it , Stop it, Stop it,
When will you feel words I write
and stop linking insanity with my fight.  
Stop it
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