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X May 2020
If my words are remembered
That’s all I need
Fame and money are ideals created by the insecure
So away the malice, envy and greed
Cause on this side the sun shines even when the trees hide your beauty
Soothing breeze leaves one to wonder if in fact life is meant to be an ongoing trend of aloofness
But aloof I’ll be
And when the breeze blows me away I hope my words are all you need
Or maybe fame and money aren’t too bad after all
Maybe that way my words will be the roots to your happiness
I guess you can say I’m insecure
Malikah Awan May 2020
If only he'd notice me.
If only he'd look my way.
If only he'd look past my insecurities,
And be mine one day.
His beauty astounds me,
makes me think twice.
And when those gorgeous eyes meet mine,
It only makes me think thrice.
About why I bother,
When he's clearly hotter.
And worth more than the love of a dreaming girl.
tryhard May 2020
i will need to learn
how to stop hurting
over the things
that i will never be

it is hard sometimes
for wounds to heal
when you keep
picking at them

and i am all wounds
and no scars
open and burning
festering with decay

i have tried so hard
to be the type
that is bright
and radiant with light

i never realized
how much i have ached
for something
that cannot be

a life that is spent
wasted on inadequacy
i will never learn
how to be worthy
feeling very inadequate so here's an inadequate poem to express how inadequate i feel
LightToBurn Apr 2020
Lurking "smile-for-me" bullies
Mudslinging repose
a senryu
(similar to haiku)
Hello Daisies Apr 2020
I used to cry alone
I used to beg on the floor
Desperately trying
Desperately seeking
For love
For comfort
Everyone walked away

But for Christmas
You gave me a shirt
But for new years
You gave me a kiss
On Valentine's day
You gave me a gift

You said it's nothing
You said I deserve more

You don't understand
How much it means to me
When you show me you care

When I cried on your couch
When I needed help
When I felt so alone

You gave me a hug
You gave me a kiss
You told me you cared
You stayed right there

I never had to beg
I never had to plead
I never had to sink so low
Or fall on my knees

Maybe you think you're not enough
But to me every little kiss
Every little hug
Means the entire world
And I never want to give you  up
Jason Adriel Apr 2020
you've been hollow
sending me on the verge of sorrow
anticipating a better tomorrow

i write, and write, and write
and yet my feelings just fight
all the way through the night

they bicker
they thrash

they fall apart
soon to follow my heart.
vonny Apr 2020
she is wonderful and has the voice of a queen

they are amazing and can speak with power

singing and talent and drawing and talent and acting and talent and writing and talent

talent talent talent

i have none of that special word

but she does

and they do

and that is enough

because she will protect me

and they will comfort me

and i am enough
tmw you have talented friends
vonny Apr 2020
he is the autumn leaves and blueberry cake and sunshine

he is the gentle rain and purple night

he smells like grass and warmth

he tastes like coffee bean but 

i taste of nothing 

i smell like nothing

i am nothing
insecurities on my side in my relationship
vonny Apr 2020
the Terror was tall, the opposite of me

she growled out harsh, menacing truths

and spit at me with contempt

"nobody cares or gives any concern

towards your golden sadness trailing down your cheek

towards the frill and layers of emotion pouring from your pen

stop crying

stop writing."

she left me gritting my teeth and clenching my palms

but no tears would come

no words would come

the Terror had taken my weapon of sanity and destroyed it

which shattered me into ****** pieces on the ground
this was about fear that was instilled in me by one of my friends at the time, who was a narcissist.
vonny Apr 2020
who was the girl with the short and dyed hair?

that was all everyone seemed to ever ask me

she had glory and glow that nothing could ever compare

one would have to blind to not see

she was the falling sunset that opened its heart

to the lovely couples on the hill 

due to her intense show she was always falling apart

but nothing could ever destroy her will

however she was bright and hard to look at

her struggles were awful hardships and full of pain

her glasses held her tears as she sat

and she filled her heart with a greed to gain

she wanted more and more and more

i wanted to be free

she always would ignore

the pitiful child that was me
i wrote this about this girl i was friends with who wasn't a good friend. she wasn't a bad person, in fact she was great, but she didn't care nearly enough about her current friends. she held onto the past a lot, and i overlooked these qualities because of her past experiences. i hope she's truly happy now, back in the past.
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