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Clandestine Mar 2015
You sit on the edge of my sanity
Blocking my way
"Please don't jump
You promised you'd stay"
So what's left of me
I give to you
I hope that you love it
More than I do
Anna Richards Mar 2015
she changed my life from the second I saw her
Tiny little hand, grasped my finger
so tight
A love and a passion surged through me
Like nothing I had ever felt before
I stared at her all night

her eyes were the color of a dream
she smelled so incredibly beautiful to me
With each breath she stole my heart more and more
How could this miracle be?


She has my cheeks, my smile, my nose
she's a part of me I never knew was missing
She gave me life, seh gave me hope
She gave my life a whole new begining

All mine...

I took her home that october day, I was scared
I cried alot those next few moments and days
I was lost, happy, tired, a mess... all on the inside
But as time past I figured her out, even when it seemed impossible
there was a way

and we grew together..

As I watch her grow my happiness grows with her
I can't imagine what i did to deserve this baby girl
Every laugh, every smile, every milestone, makes my heart sing
Its amazing how in such a short time she has become
my world..


We face a uncertain future, her and I
But as I look back on how fare we have come and all the time
Together she and i can make it through anything
When I look in her eyes, i know we'll be fine

Her & I forever

My daughter

I Love you
ㅡjatm Mar 2015
you give me
that kind of feeling
i want to repay,
by doing
a poem for you
every single day,
i want to
especially write it
along the sea bay,
because you haunt me
in a very good way,
and i will let you fall
with empty words
that i say.
El Mar 2015
It hurts to know
I love you
It hurts to say
you care
It hurts to smile
claim my platonic love
for you
when I know that all of my heart
is really there
Mykarocknrollin Mar 2015
the more words
the more it hurts
the more it may be real
the more it might be true
cause baby before you do it
you had sealed my lips already
to talk
to kiss
to say
that we are meant to be
hope this last until it can
cause rules are destined to be broken
but not those who are really forgotten
Acidic Moon Mar 2015
I love the feeling of the wind,
Right before a thunderstorm.
I love the smell of cinnamon,
On a cold winter day.
I love the sound of the trees,
The way the leaves tussle in the breeze.
I love the sight of the clouds,
Turning from white to grey.
But I could never love these things,
As much as I love you.
I lone to feel your skin against mine.
The touch of your lips against mine,
Your hand intertwined in my hand,
The sound of your heart beating,
At the same pace as mine.
Someday, I will be by your side.
And I'll never leave, we'll never be apart again.
God, I love you so much..
Chrissaves Mar 2015
know that feeling that everything just seems so right & perfect like there's nothing in the world that could go wrong because you've got that person your person right by your side
throughout anything and for once you aren't afraid of getting your heart broken cause that's something they would never do to you and that feeling is just so great because you get to     share every laugh, tears, dreams, & goals with them and this time, this time
You know they're not leaving anywhere
so you don't have to worry about not being able to tell them a story because you know you'll have any time of the day to say what you want to say and they don't mind the quiet silence, they're actually very comfortable with it because the quietest conversations are the best thing shared between you two
every morning you've got that smile on your face because a new day filled with adventure is awaiting for you this feeling you can't seem to describe it's like seeing a shooting star for the first time & wishing for that ultimate wish
it's like watching the sunset & getting mesmerized by the beauty of it it's like hearing the calming sound that the ocean makes & everything is peaceful
It's like seeing a full moon & everything just seem to bright & full  and for the first time in a long time you feel full, you're complete and this feeling is happiness you weren't quite familiar with it smiles & constant happiness
being with you is like having the world within the back of my hand
being with you is having a garden filled with sunflowers growing inside of me
And with you there are no rainy days, only bright & shiny ones and I remember someone asking me "what is the most beautiful piece of art that you have ever seen?" "Her," I replied. but then I took it back because
lX0st Feb 2015
Deemed clumsy my entire life
I would have never guessed
That I should stumble upon
Something so worth the fall
That I would eagerly dive
Heart first into the ground
If I was certain that
It would be your arms
Enveloping me into you
Once I came to.
Sammy Pikulinski Feb 2015
I want to thank you for
never, never giving up on me since
we first met some three years ago.

Your love is as strong as the winds
beating against the coastal homes and
my love for you is never-ending, just
as the waves continue to crash.

The support beams of our home are
nourished with love and able to bend with
the storms that arise because we have
accepted and enlightened the flaws of
our lives; of each other.

For as long as there will be stars to gaze upon
each night, my love and soul are attached to you.
Where the blank spaces are in my life -
you have brightened them with the most
otherworldly light and I see no other way.

I will always come back to you,
my heart will always call you home.

Ciske Feb 2015
and then i remembered
why i fell in love with him.

his deep voice,
his dark eyes,
and wild smile.

that's why i loved him,

because of
all the little things
that makes him,
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