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archwolf-angel May 2016
In your eyes...
I see the stars
A sapphire sky with twinkling wishes
Always mesmerising

In your eyes...
I see the moon
A beauty of the dark
Always bright and filled with light

In your eyes...
I see gems
A bounty full of treasures
Waiting to be discovered

In your eyes...
I see my dreams
The ones that floods my mind
Every time the clock ticks by

In your eyes...**
I will never stop seeing
That star that I will always wish on
That moon that shines through
That gem that I have found
That dream that I will always want to dive into
Nik May 2016
You may not know this
but sometimes when the silence seems to cut through the night
when the dark seems to swallow everything but my thoughts
I can't help but look for you
and once the sun begins to rise
once the light begins to beam
I still find myself looking for you
And as I sit here with my head buried in this poem
you walk by and caress my cheek
I shiver
I see you
but I haven't found you
and that scares me
cause what if while I’m looking for you
you're off in the darkness looking for me too
Lost May 2016
because the touch of your skin is forever my favorite sensation,
your eyes are my favorite shade of lonely,
the beat of your heart is my favorite base line,
my favorite melody is the one your vocal cords carry.
I miss you,
because your warmth is my favorite temperature,
your face is my favorite sculpture,
the way you walk is my favorite dance,
my favorite flavor is the taste of your kiss.
I miss you,
because your smile is my favorite drug,
your laughter is my favorite song,
the color of you hair is my favorite shade of mysterious,
my favorite scent is yours.
I miss you,
because your love is the only one that was true,
your intentions were the only one's that were pure,
the way you looked at me could not be faked,
my heart was yours,
and yours was mine.

Until next time,
*the one who love you more than anything
fatin May 2016
Soon it's past midnight
You put your arm around my waist
And i put mine on your chest

We talk about alot of things that night
You tell me about how did you get all the bruises on your knees and all
And i'll then fall asleep in your arm
as i found joy listening to your sleepy voice

Your place your warm hand on my cheek
And I heard you said
"Im the luckiest ever"

I caught myself smiling too.
Vinny Chav May 2016
I pretend as if im okay, as if my life was full of daisies and butterflies, as if it was clear blue sunny skies with birds chirping and peaceful sounds of water falls. As i pretend to be okay or content - it still runs in my mind - you; the girl who changed my life for the better, the girl who i wouldnt change a **** thing about. Its been about a month now since we broke up but still seeing you and doing all the things we still do is killing me - i met someone new who made me forget about you for a moment - but she said "it was more guilt than lust" That was fun and happy but then it ended & i ended up coming back to - you. As if youre happy with your boyfriend i still continue to wait on my chance again - i get my hopes so high. The chance of meeting someone new sickens me. What if they left me for someone else again? What if they arent really about it? As i pretend not wanting anyone else for the better sickens me too. Im stuck between lust and in love all over again - someone can catch my attention quick & id give them my mind - my feelings - my kiss *** kisses and hugs and etc. but i still pretend to be okay. I wanted to continue this fantasy i had with you - a life i wanted to build with you but youre happy with him.. As im utterly confused about another girl. I couldnt drop you for nothing, if i cant be apart of your life as friends while being or having a benefit with someone else - i couldn't do it. As i pretend to be okay - to see you so happy with him.. I still question why i held you back for so long .. I wish i was okay .. I wish i couldve taken a step further to make you happy.. I pretend so much..
Emma May 2016
The worst thing about the kiss,
is that I'll never be able to fell it again.
For you it was just a fun night,
but for me it was a perfect night.
Your lips on my lips...
I've been craving for this for so long,
but now I regret it - so much.
It broke me...
Lost May 2016
Hey, cutie, it's been a while.
I listened, again, to those old voicemails you left.
I guess I'm still kinda in denial.
I just wish our secrets were better kept.
It's been six months since my tears flowed like the Nile.
Six months without you due to theft.
Of the secrets best held inside my heart,
this is by far the most important one:
I love you, Mark Schmidt. Even through this part.
This game being played can never be won,
for they think you didn't love me from the start.
But the truth is you always did through our the run
and the leap
and the fall
in too deep
to hear the call
of prayers before sleep
and I know through it all
I'll love you still.
I love you, Mark Schmidt.
I always will.
I knew since the day and still do, that piece you gave was the only one that could fit.
Lost May 2016
Do you think Mark is okay? I'm scared. He's all alone and he has no one there for him and to hold and tell him that he's going to be okay. I'm so scared, Sean. People who've gotten the chance to see him out say that he looks terrible and like a zombie. He has literally no one. I hate not being able to do anything...

I'm so sorry, Button. I know you're hurting but...I don't know how to help you. The situation is beyond both of your controls at this point. Just stay strong. If not for yourself, for him. What was the last thing he said to you?


Okay....what was the last thing he SAID to you?

"I love you, Victoria."

Then have faith in that. Believe that he loves you.

But he doesn't.

He does.

You don't know that.

But I do. He loved you then and he loves you now. Don't give up on him. There's still a chance.


So what else happened today?
"I love you too, Mark."
Do you remember
when we first met,  when we first shared a look?
But not just any look..
the look where you glance at some one for the first time
and realize there's something more there.

The way you can't look away,
like there is a connection there...
that you didn't know could exist
But it does


Now every time,
we share our presence ..
I can't help but look at you when you're not looking.
There is something deeper there
something you're not telling us,
something you're not telling me..

You try to hide it behind a mask of funny and sarcastic comments,
which I can see right through.

And then when you catch me looking at you..
I don't look away.
Simply because I want you to know I'm here
I'm present.
Share your darkest and deepest thoughts with me.

I want it
- I want it all -

Infatuation is a funny thing,
its short lived, so they say
but weather it's for
10 minutes
10 years
I want to share this moment with you.
With just you..

Because little time spent opening up with you
is better than

no time at all
Martyna Maselsky, MM
Lost May 2016
Carrie Lee could care less about coffee.
Her arms lay crossed as she gazed out the window at the busy street.
Carrie gave a sigh, '"So why did you choose to see me?"
Jeremy cleared his throat and fiddled his fingers in discomfort.
"I missed you, Carrie. You were too busy to chat when I was in Germany."
She glanced his way and blinked a few times.
"Did you also miss Tracy, Lisa, Katie...?"
He quickly grasped the tone of her voice and squirmed in his seat.
Carrie's throat clenched once the words left her mouth, she predicted he'd get up and leave.
"I told you, Louie set me up to run into them like that. You know I would never hurt you."
"One fish, two fish,red fish, blue fish one deceive, two deceive."
He was puzzled , gasping for air over his failed attempt to convince her of his intentions.
"Tracy barely spoke to me at school, Lisa made fun of me daily, and Katie-"
Carrie's voice was stern and sharp and she gracefully stood from her seat and cut him off.
"Can you say you only care about me, honestly?"
Jeremy stood up and held Carrie's arms to reassure that she wouldn't leave.
"Carrie, please: listen to me."
She whipped her body away from his grasp. Eyes stinging from the memories she tried to forget for all those months.
He chased after her, wiping away her tears that flow free.
In disappointment she mumbles, "I'm sorry Jeremy, I guess your son just has to grow up not knowing his father."
People were staring as she gracefully stormed her way out of the cafe. It was just like their breakup in high school all over again.
"It's Carrie now. Katie tomorrow. Stay strong girl, leave him be."
His hand clenched the space in his chest he could feel expanding as his eyes started to hail.
Despite the tears blinding his vision, he followed her once again. "Of all the people in the world my heart had to choose, it choose you, Carrie."
His persistence made her feet stop, heart clench and mind reel.
Tears streaming down his face to his neck and his rosary.
She spoke "If I had a choice, it would choose you too. Maybe another life."
And at that moment, amidst the busy streets of Canterbury
was the soft whisper of two lonely hearts,
pledging to one another in loyalty,
"I love you".
Another collab with Star Gazer. More of a different approach to poetry but if you think about it, anything can be poetry.
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