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Jon Sawyer Dec 2017
a heartbeat of
the infinite universe!
28 Dec 2017 - Inspired by Juan Ramón Jiménez's poem titled "Music". "Music-- a naked woman running mad through the pure night!"
mel Dec 2017
within every breath and act of mine
i shine with a divine movement
of the eternal infinite
for i am the infinite
just like you

we are such sacred beings

do not forget
why, to earth you came
or the countless reasons
you do still remain
yes, there is pain at times
but through darkness
our light truly shines
with this growth
we blossom
more toward our divine
always learning to find
the happy thoughts
that roam our mind

this life is beautiful
and so are you
this dream is a blessing
not all get to hold on to

cherish it

you are the blanket
of Love and warmth
for every cold night
you are the lost answer
i have been trying to find
you are the Sun to my shine
you are the reason i rhyme

remember to remind yourself
from time-to-time:
you are worthy of all you seek
emotions do not make you weak
feel everything you possibly can
while you’re still here
do not be afraid to express it
to those that turn a hopeful ear
there is truly no need for you to fear
the light in you is always near

do not quiet down
your heart’s rumble
you do not have to
stay so humble

be explosive
shout your shine

for this is how the world aligns
Lily Nov 2017
walking on the infinite plane
there's no carbon footprint
I can romp and play

you cant trace me when i
wept the days are long
vivid and strong

small feet pitter patter land
tasting the wheat
and the barley

but they will never understand
how it feels
once we began
MikeTheVike Nov 2017
I  look  into
Y o u r  e y e s
I  see  two  mirrors.
T h e y      s h o w     m e
Younger   versions   of   myself
We  are  all  just  unorganized  matter
Reflected back through endless generations
And when you look into the night you are amazed
A t      t h e      i n f i n i t e     l i n e a g e      y o u     s e e
Those    freckles   in   your    eyes   are   glowing    speckles
O f          y e a r s          a n d          y e a r s          o f          l i g h t  
But I don’t have the heart to tell you. The lights you see have died
You raise your finger and trace the constellations as if trying to
Remind    yourself    of    somebody    you    once    knew
An­d  for  you  in  this  moment  nothing  else  exists
I    look   ­ at    you,    in    all    your    innocence
And   p r a y   that   I   may   live  my  l i f e
In  a  way  that  will  forge  my  love
In   the   fires   of   a   star;   to  
b      e      c      o      m      e
A  light  in  your  eye­
L o n g   a f t e r
I    a m
To my beautiful daughter.

© Mike Mortensen
KDM Nov 2017
It's a whisper in the winds, rioting to be heard with the simplicity of barely spoken words.
It's the way the sun lingers just a smidge longer in your presence, capturing your essense within the colors scattered before the moon.
It's the blinding glory of a 100 billion stars, twinkling a melody caught only by your ears & mind.
It's how even the most treacherous animals bow before you as you glide through the untraceable places on Earth.
It's the universes unspeakable secrets capturing your thoughts, night after night.
As difficult as it is to say, I can never love you the way that creation's love, loves you.
Irina BBota Nov 2017
I was going on the edge of life with the nicked soul
the disappointment in me was announcing the storm,
but the eyes, pointing to the infinite horizon's goal,
like two blue pearls, vibrated restlessly and warm.

I admit, without any disagreement or resistence
that my world that was lost beyond any sight,
which at some point evoked a certain distance,
did not want to be just a poor mortal in the night.

I hope I'll have the soul infused with care and love
to believe in the harmony of the unblemished bells,
to pass all on the universe of the divine realm, above...
and me... to be born again with crystalline shells.
Tiago Mariano Oct 2017
Blue, the color of the skies,
Blue, the color of the ocean,
Blue, the color of tranquility,
Blue, the color of creativity,
Oh, infinite Blue, I was looking for you
Oh, infinite Blue, where are you when i need you
Oh, infinite Blue, color my white canvas
Oh, infinite Blue, to keep away my black heart
That's why I love you, my colored pen Blue
I always loved a bit of blue in my life, whenever a little green, I pick up my pen and start moving it
Randall Walker Sep 2017
A leaf is a leaf,
A door is a door,
I know I make no sense,
But you know what I mean.

These paradoxes blossom,
Bringing Infinite trim,
I'm 'yielding', I'm 'healing',
But the light only dims.
The darkness now light,
For each pore I fight,
My sight's insight in sight.

I see
No heights
To which I can land.

Our reality (as we know it)
Is just for show,
Perhaps this reality, just my reality,

That's all we know.

If more is found,
We're found not to be,
Nulled replicants of nothing,
Destined to the void, to be.
The place where God lies dead,
And His expired creations go,
Stowed at His hands and feet.

Dinosaurs, Dragons, and hulk there included,
The illusion I alluded to is food for the fallen.
But hey,
These lines above have no meaning, am I right?
No bearing on life,
The same way my head has no hair.
'Hush,' I say to the breeze blowing through it,
I swear
I feel
a tickle there.
hiba sajid Aug 2017
As I look out through my window seat,
I can see vast tiny blocks and green
Bushes through the white cotton candies,
As I’m rising higher…I can see them faintly.
They are slowly fading away.
Now all I can see is a huge land of
White cotton candies amongst the vast blue kingdom
I can see them move past me,
It’s purely pleasant and picturesque.
I can see them move past me,
calm and peacefully.
I can see them below me ,
I can see them above me,
I can see them from miles apart too.

Each one has got a unique form,
Some are quite..,
Some are rushing along it’s infinite boundary.
Even though it’s beside me ,
I cannot sense it with my bare hands.
I wish I could feel them  with my fingers,
I wish I could jump into one of them,
And travel across it’s ocean of serene beauty.
Could it be icy like snow ?
Or steamy like gases ?
Will it lead me to a castle undiscovered?
Or maybe heavens above?
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