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irinia Mar 2023
so long  so painful this journey
to surrender myself anew like a bud full of tension
recognize you, reinvent the rituals of sensing
I weep in front of the threshold of spring  
between eros and thanatos an excessive tenderness
I am well prepaired for the erosion of time in my hair
poetry and reality facing each other in my hands
I do not hope do not despair do not wait for grapes to wonder
it's just the taste of it,  the feel of it, this quality of the infinite
that makes me look at you with androgynous complicity
anita Feb 2023
sometimes my hardest nights are my best ones.
the nights where i am lonely, but not alone
the nights where i stare up at the sky
and see all those stars
and i realize that the world is so infinite
the nights that remind me that we are all just trying our best
and we all feel like strangers in our own bodies sometimes
and that despite how much we try to convince ourselves otherwise,
i can't get out of my head
Jarret M Spiler Mar 2018
If you ever find yourself laying in bed,
With the lights down,
Unable to fall asleep,
Close your eyes...

Follow the abstract nature of the world you seek,
When you walk through the hallways of your eyes,
Infinity seems like a good possibility.
Work in progress; this peom is about Infinity and its possibility.
calypso May 2022
a husband and wife
maybe with 3 kids,
in a cottage house
or a cabin in the woods,
like the one we made up
like the one we say we'll run away to
when we were tired of existing

it has ivy leaves grown on its walls
it would tell its history - everyone who lived there
they were helplessly in love
just like we were
just like everyone told us
when we're oblivious
when our time was infinite
we had nothing to lose
we wore our hearts on our sleeves
our love was made for books
and people were romanticizing us
but this was the past,
a long long time ago.

time flies, my mother said,
old habits die hard luv
when are you going to learn
to control your heart?
to control your words?
because there will be a day
where all you'll think about is what you've done
from what you've promised him,
it will be your inevitable doom
so choose your words wisely
choose the ones you tell
you love them, the ones who stay.
i love love lalallalalalallalalalaallallaa
make up for my time out!!!  
these are not real they are fictional hahha yea def
Nik Apr 2022
my love feels infinite.
my love extends beyond the barriers of sound,
moves faster than the speed of light—
my love is strong.
my love is often a burden, a weight on my shoulders dragging me to the crevices of this earth.
flesh burning, oxygen depriving love.
my love is infinite.
often feeling like glass penetrating my skin—
air losing its way from my lungs.
flesh burning, oxygen depriving love.
my love is often limitless, weightless to those i love. my love is abused.
When you see
something truly
beautiful, time
one infinite
Is a million
of light
In the
of silence,
you feel and
hear everything
come alive, when
you see the smallest
details come alive as
delicate, blooming
flowers opening for
the awakened
heart opening
itself for the once
unseen, tonight, a
little miracle happened,
I looked up and i asked
within my mind, "oh night,
why is it i cannot see a light
in your dark sea?" then,
suddenly a star appeared
before my eyes, the
the soul within
the windows open, so the
light could shine through.
Tony Tweedy Nov 2021
Two hundred billion galaxies, trillions upon trillions of stars,
And to reinforce our insignificance we search still for life on Mars.

We look upon a heaven so vast there is no rocket we could send,
that in a hundred thousand lifetimes could it ever near its end.

Twenty billion Earths scattered across all of time and space,
stupid to think we could be alone and its all about this place?

For over nine billion years the universe survived without our sun,
is it real to think when we arrived universal purpose had just begun?

The universe did not wait for us its evolution just carries on,
and so it will be in future times when all memory of us is gone.
explains itself
Mystic Ink Plus Aug 2021
Find me
In your breath
I'm infinite
Search me as absolute
Genre: Love
Ken Pepiton May 2021
Living, and being in a state, as yet
unestablished as to meaning, states
the obvious. What is a state, undefined?

I care less, and wonder if you ever wondered
how I came to feel inside you?

and in due time, you may know how
very strange the experience
mentioned, ends, in ever.

Dirac did not like that answer.
Do the math/ or believe the poet, life wins
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