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Andje Apr 2015
Nothing will save me and nothing will **** me
He never came and I feel just like he's gone
And I wish to be as abstract as my dreams
Duke Thompson Mar 2015
I can feel the sickness welling up inside me
Is it too late to put this behind me
Sighing late and tossing
'When I turn the whole universe turns with me'
It's too late start giving things away
Get ready for the last trip
With hollowed eyes pinned
And dry cracked thirsty lips
Each word seeming strange to me
Tuesday Pixie Mar 2015
The fog is thick tonight
The fog is thick tonight
The fog is thick tonight

I'm on a different plane
Over a crystal blue sea
- yours is murky green
Yet I know you see diamonds

I died. Back then.
Amidst the chaos.
But I was reborn.

A true self?
Is this what was beneath the rubble?
And now am I a husk?
Or is it that I've been irreparably altered?

There's no knowing - but the fog is thick tonight
And there's some dust in your eye
Concern? Discomfort? Lack of recognition?

I won't burden you much longer
This tiny window you have glimpsed-
You will never revisit.
Oh if only your mind had of melted
Flowed forth and brought me that speck:
Just for the knowing of it.

Perhaps I'm too sincere.
Does it bore you?

God. I need to sleep.
aubrey sochacki Jan 2015
whisper sweet nothings
in the crook of my neck
as I slowly fall asleep

trace the skin
on my dry, unshaven legs
as I loudly snore

stay wide awake
and listen to me speak
as I am deep into a dream

wrap me up
in your husky arms
as morning approaches
we are one
genia Mar 2015
It's that heart-clenching feeling when you want something so badly.
It's the ache you feel right down to your bones when you feel a part of you is missing.
(how could you miss arms you've never felt?)
The pain, the longing just has a way of eating you from the inside out, until all that's left is a hollow body.
Just a living being wanting, wanting to feel that semblance of warmth, of love.
i saw a picture today which made me feel just like that. i miss her. i wish we could grow closer. i can't wait to find love.
MereCat Mar 2015
I'm liable to forget
That we all have phantoms
Hollow spaces
Dug and never refilled
And it was only last October
That I began wondering
Whether you miss your baby brother
Who never breathed
Your parents named him John
And I began wondering
Like me
You sometimes fell
Into the caverns and abysses that gaped
From the expectant space
In every family portrait
And whether you occasionally lost yourself
In the pregnant air inside your house
That anticipated an un-breathed child
An unused bedroom
And grew thick and stale
In it's emptiness.
I'm liable to forget
That we all have dropped stitches
And voids
And holes in our favourites scarves
Our brothers slipped down the plughole
But I mostly forgot about yours
Because mine was blood
And yours was always
As fickle as water.
I'm a selfish person. I think I am the only unravelling cloth. Realistically we've all been tattooed.
I did not even consider this until October
Abbigail Mar 2015
You're too pretty to look so sad.

You're too young to feel so empty.

You laugh too heartily to be so numb.

I've loved you too much for your chest to hollow.

You'd loved me too much to to ever want to leave.

You'd disguised yourself too well for me to know better.

I wish I'd known.
I wish I'd known.
to josalyn.
Gul e Dawoodi Feb 2015
so*  colorful  and  bright  like  a  flowe­r
so  lively  and  cheerful  like  a  *­
once were they all,
but the winds of hardship turned them into
burning*  paper   and   *hole
**** me,
just do it now.
I'm done with this life,
with all its stress and anxiety.
My parents say
that I'm a demon hotel.
I say
that I'm just living how I want.

**** me,
just throw my life away for me.
I'm done with all the tests.
I'm done with all the misfortune.
There's no one
that will ever love me.
At least,
it feels that way.

I'm so confused.
Some people aren't ignoring me,
but yet they are.
I feel so lonely...

These hollow hands,
this hollow body...
It needs something,
someone to fill it back up.
Yet no one seems to hear the echo
from inside.
aubrey sochacki Feb 2015
i found a home
in his hollow heart
the walls creaked
while i slept

i found a home
in his narrow neck
the air ducts gurgled
while i slept

the air whirled
and the noises got louder
while i slept in
my hollow home
written feb. 2, 2015
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