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Eleanor Rigby Nov 2016
Big loud words,
Never heard.

Dita H Oct 2016
I never said I loved you, John.
But I did.
I never said I saw you, John
but I did.
I never said I heard you, John.
but I listened.
For all the good it did to me.
Cynthia Jean Sep 2016
I turned
a corner

the  understanding
heard me.

Cj  2016
I attend is a place where friends and family of addicts go to find serenity and to heal and learn to take care of themselves  and hopefully. encourage others as well.  It has been a God send to me, and I  have met many wonderful people as well.
Yusof Asnan Sep 2016
All she ever wanted was to be heard,
Not through her voice or speech,
But actually listen,
Of what she didn't say.

She's tired of people saying that its not real,
That its just her voices in her head,
She knows that in the back of her mind,
Those things are real,
And its been taking a toll on herself.

They're telling her that's not how she actually feel,
But they have never been hungry like her,
Starving for a peace of mind,
How her worries are actually hurting her.

Someone who has never seen her book;
Read her written pages,
Could not begin to imagine the horrors,
Where nightmare and realities are alike.

Max C Styles May 2016
Set forth
and use that weapon
so meticulously handcrafted
with care and attention
throughout your life.

That weapon you've always known
but couldn't quite bring to use
on the tip of your tongue
and always on your mind.

That weapon set aside
by belief the sword is mightier,
I pray thee:
raise it high
so all may see
in the sky.
Javier A Solá Jan 2016
Wen all is lost pain is there
Al hopes crashes down,
And all your dreams die.

Pain you fell wen she broke your heart,
Not knowing what you felt
She is  a killer
With 4 words she destroys you
I,don't,love, you, she whisper

She seed suddenly, and all clouds fall in line starting to cry and thunder, bark and misty,
Left nothing but a broken men with a hole on he's chest,
Pleas tell me if you líke it
Nathan Horkstrom Jan 2016
Forever feeling her life is dying
But the doctors keep on lying.
"Your daughter will be fine,
Just give her some time."

But she wasn't okay
Because your baby girl took her life today.
She couldn't keep running
And she wouldn't stand living.

Her silent plea's for love
Left her heart on black doves.
"I'm in pain"
Her innocence cut, her pride slain.

Her cries fell on deaf ears
So no one realized her fears.
No one saw her fatal change
Until her heart was out of range.

She wrote out letters
Saying her life would be better.
She laid the pistol on her heart
And blew her body apart.

Her parents cry themselves to sleep
And all her friends weep.
They loved that girl well
And left her alone in Hell.

Maybe her soul can be free
And everyone will see
The lost life of one teen
And the love there could have been.
very deep work
m i a Dec 2015
mia shut up, you barely speak and everyone thinks you're mute so let's keep it that way.

and that was the day she roared.

she understood that she was quiet and didn't like to start a ri-ot

but that did not mean she didn't have a voice, so she made a choice

to surprise everyone and show them how *loud
she could be

and oh how she roared and soared

her friends looked at her in disbelief

she smirked to herself, and felt as bold as a chief

she finally took a stand, and decided to not be so bland

and that was the day she finally **roared.
"she may seem quiet, but her voice is loud." it's eleven and im already tired. Obviously
Michael Ryan Nov 2015
If I never wrote
people would never know that I live--
does that matter--
it sure does to me.

That when my thoughts
and words
all my experiences
never hinted to involve another person.

How can anyone ever know:
that I think
I ponder
and I thrive
that amongst all my knowledge,
desperately I pander
for the eyes atop hills
and inside the trees around me

to speculate about my life,
when the wind brushes
through my hair
and sweeps across plains
knocking into trees
and leaking into your homes.

There are hints of my brevity
lingering within the air
and next time you speak
you'll realize that these words,
are not yours alone
but the words I've snuck
into your mind
with the wind.
I don't really have that much interaction with people even though I am good with people due to circumstances. Some people want contact and desire/need to see the impact they have on their world.  To the people that are trapped.  You are impactful!
Zead Oct 2015
One thousand large books
a painting never finished
a song never heard
... your heart, lad, your heart
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