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StakesV Jun 2020
i hold you in my arms
and it hurts because
you are the sun

and you hold my heart in yours
and it hurts me because
you squeeze it so tight

my lover, my dear,
my loveliest song,
you are the lullaby i long for
when i can't sleep at night

but you hold me
unlike i hold you
and you hold me
too harshly

you are my lullaby
and i am a strum
of an electric guitar
evoking a singular emotion

that you can't somehow keep
Aly Jun 2020
think about how you changed the world
when you start strumming your guitar
or when you open your mouth to a melody
or when your fingers dance to black and white tiles
at least— my world
nishta Jun 2020
the guitar riff
strums my heartstrings ,
plucking and letting go
with the soft unmarred hands of a child.
time turns one last time
before this memory too,
as half of my essence had before.
leaving my marred hand
with no story.
the child is a past self.
I am so scared of growing up and forgetting all these tiny miniscule details of the whole picture which is my life. I seem to be forgettinng everything, every story and i don't want to grow old with a hazy memory of what i  used to be before.
You can call it love
That I know for sure
But, I think it is something else
Something so much more

It's a feeling like no other
You know it when it hits
It's when two things go together
When it's perfect, when it fits

You know the special feeling
It makes you feel quite whole
It's like you've been down to the crossroads
You made a deal and sold your soul

It may just come by once in life
I got lucky, it came twice
The first time, on a frozen pond
When my blades cut up the ice

It was peaceful, perfect, flowing
The ice and I were one
I'd be out there from sun up
Until the day was done

I remember people cheering
Those cheers forever will I hold
This was what I wanted
The feeling was pure gold

Time went by like normal
I had the feeling, but not quite
I found love, but, it was different
Even though it felt so right

Like I said, it's different
Because it doesn't love you too
It's not like loving someone
I can't explain it quite, can you?

Like I said, for some folks
It may come by them twice
I'm am blessed it happened
This time off the ice

You know when in a movie
The sunbeam comes down from the sky
And lights up something special
You know the scene, don't lie

The hockey was my vision
But there was something missing still
I loved the feel of freedom
But, there was something missing still

It Michigan it hit me
It caught me by surprise
I was looking at guitars one day
It hit me hard between the eyes

Worse than any check I'd felt
Worse than popping out a knee
An old Washburn guitar
Was hanging, taunting me

Of all the things upon the wall
All the guitars holding court
This Washburn said you want me
More than playing at your sport

I took it down and held it
Like the first woman that I'd had
It's curves gave me that feeling
It made me feel quite glad

This guitar's full of music
Full of songs to still be sung
Stories of others and my lifetime
Maybe this poem will be one

Most people get the feeling
In their lifetime once or twice
I got mine later with the Washburn
I still get it on the ice.
I wrote this for a friend who tried to describe to me about playing pro hockey, and how his love of playing guitar has been reignited.
RVani Kalyani May 2020
You've listened to the song I never sung,
You've heard the thoughts I never let out.
You've been the only audience of my all experiments,
You've been the only one when everyone left.
You made me hold you when things were tough,
You made me less lonely having you by my side.
They say a red string connects people,
But what connects us are your 6 steel strings!
Your sound gives me the words to speak,
Your music gives me the worth to breathe!
Let me look at the horizon
At the time sun has its farewell
& she plays guitar
I just hear her colourful voice
which paints the world of all girls & Boys!
Bob Apr 2020
It was like cigars on the air vents
Of a toddler's room
The coiling smoke of regrets
And the crooked sounds and numbing
Songs of an old guitar
Barfing tunes that nobody's ever heard before
Only a time where everyone had ears to listen
He sat upright in his white chair
Taunting the clouds with his raunchy
Etudes of longing frustration
It was an appointment.
He tried to look presentable but
Failed miserably.

And now the stars pity him.
U be the judge what it means.
Andrew Watson Apr 2020
pixel woman
draped in scarlet
strum for the heavens
hang my troubles
from every silver note

my sins lay bare
each stroke
painted fingers
through peroxide hair

false alarms
ring rusted red
she sings my skin

when doubts conceal
the chosen path
her sapphire
ripples settle

melt my adolescence
I am new-born
in bitter
sweet ballad

her song,
my future
peeled and played
by warm-chord haze
of long-gone days
a discussion of my love for watching Joni Mitchell's live performances, particularly her 1983 rendition of 'Amelia', which allowed me to come to terms with a monumental life decision.
Penny Laine Apr 2020
I listen for the guitar player by my window
Throwing rocks for him to toss back,
I wait to feel the vibrations from the chords
That is meant to stitch the pieces of my broken heart.
And when he finally comes
My eyes become blind from beauty
And my spirit falls for the energy
Coursing through the guitar player's soul.
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