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Crandall Branch Dec 2017
My smooth vermin, you inspire me to write.
How I hate the way you infest,
Invading my mind day and through the night,
Always dreaming about the wicked rest.

Let me compare you to a contender?
You are more ugly and more disgusting.
Hot frost nips the robins of December,
And wintertime has the shocking busting.

How do I hate you? Let me count the ways.
I hate your intriguing infestations.
Thinking of your many legs fills my days.
My hate for you is the implications.

Now I must away with a loathsome heart,
Remember my fast words whilst we're apart.
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Scarlet M Dec 2017
He chased her like drifting clouds,
a beauty beheld, he longed for her,
adorned her with jewels, sparkling, brilliant,
like her eyes, reflected in the stars.

He filled her milieu with flowers,
and all fine things she could ever imagine
he was entirely captivated, primed to run away,
to abandon his world of riches,
for her sake and for his.

Blinded by a charm that is visible only in the eye;
forgetting the heart in which fate truly lies
he loved her genuinely,
truly, she was his paragon of happiness;
his one and only goal.

And yet he got nothing in return
not love, not her heart, nor her soul
abandoned, despised, and forgotten,
not a single stem was offered.

Now he wonders in his deep slumber,
forever mourning, and reaching,
for that green light,
a love he knew that was never meant to be his.
I'm so sorry, I just had to write this. The Great Gatsby broke me.
Brendan Roher Nov 2017
Oh wondrous life,
Oh merciless sin,
I have had to look past you and similar kin,
For a deeper meaning:
An understanding within.
A way to walk about the earth
With a heartfelt grin:

On a surface of solid,
I had sunken deep below.
That mud I once stood on, unsure
I soon found myself on a stone, white and pure.
Believing I might just get by
With a glory, sly yet shy,
But to the naked eye
you wouldn’t see much:
A bunch of hair and a soft touch
Rough patches and scars, few and much
An item, a glare, my delicate stare:
Unfortunate, my fortune had once been so unfortunate,
To look at the ground I stood on
The mud I grew upon,
And become sunken in,
When all along I could have been
On that stone, white and thin
If only my imagination,
If my thoughts had let it in,
That sly, shy grin:
If only joy had claimed my skin,
With its biggest win.
Kaitlyn Nov 2017
who knew it was going to be this way?
for you to believe that your life is amazing and nothing can break this stream of happiness you are drunk on.
for you to only then realise that this is a world you have created as an illusion for this dystopian world that surrounds you.

no one can hurt you.
or so you thought...

you've only ever been open to everyone around you.
this is the source to your ultimate weakness.
and you're the only one to blame.

you're vulnerable and have no opportunity to fix this.
maybe this fact isn't a bad thing; we're just viewing through a negative perspective.

on the road to self-destruction...
and i didn't even notice since i've been blinded.
- i want to scream in your face all the things you've done to hurt me... but i've been told that if i don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
so i'll bite my tongue.
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
"that'll be thirty dollars" says the cashier
and I willingly hand him the money
knowing I could take my groceries and run

society has problems
but why is nobody willing to step up and fix them?
myself included

we all know we are bad people,
and we all know we are not willing to change.
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
My worst nightmare is going to Heaven (am I already there?)
Reflections of my warped mind stare back at me
When I was frustrated I told you to slam the door behind you
I'm killing you and you're slowly killing me

Society shuts down my true feelings and turns me into a clone
We all know we're all alone but no one takes action
Hell will be a place without hope. Hell is this life
Got nothing better to do anyways

Sometimes they just end it all but nothing ever happens
Good friendly violent fun in store for all
My ears close, leaving me with the ring of nothingness
As the steel machine keeps turning
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Crandall Branch Nov 2017
we are connected, like two gummy candies fused
or like a warm tongue stuck to a cold piece of ice

i feel like i'm stuck to you
like when a magician traps you inside your own mind
or when you're handcuffed to yourself

but instead of you being me
you're you
glorious you

   o     o
/ \  / \
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
Larry Dixon Nov 2017
If I ever seen your sad eyes I’d give my happiness to you.
If you ever cried I’d wipe away the tears from your eyes.
But that doesn’t work because I want to be happy too, so I’d have to make enough happiness for two.
I want to be the support you need to make you fly.

If I ever seen you angry I’d help you let off some rage.
If I ever seen you laugh I’d smile and laugh too
Because with you I feel like I’ve started a new page.
I feel like everything’s better when I’m with you.

If I see you smile my heart will melt inside.
If I see you happy I’ll feel complete.
When you look over I’ll be standing beside.
Seeing you happy would be my treat.

And no matter what happens.
Ill be here for you through every challenge.
girl Nov 2017
i forgot how to breath
when you came into my life
feel like 10 feet high
how could this be
i didnt need anyone
and then you came
and then you said hello
who would ever thought that you change me forever
i dont need anyone
but only you
how did this happen
when you said those words
that made me feel like im enough

let this end be with you
let this feel like we're here forever
let us feel each other, in a world of no one ever
Crandall Branch Nov 2017
poetry is an art
            where saying less
                        only means more
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