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Shayla Jade May 2013
The moon is on the rise.
All the stars have filled the skies.
But the wolf ignored your cries.
Messages get lost, sometimes.
On his evening meal he dines,
then he's gnawing on the rinds.
They say that good things come in nines
and even lows will have their highs.
For the eagle in the skies
questions not what fate decides
and though the fox wears a disguise,
you must not care to hear his lies.
Although you think, he never tries;
he's ******* eggs while he confides
and you've already heard his lines.
You know you're leaving just in time.
Deep in your eyes, my heart still lies,
forever changing with the tides.
For every story has two sides
but who is it who will decide?
Invocation Oct 2014
I thought I knew what love looked like
now every time I log on
I get lost in your eyes

I thought that I was stronger than ever
but your smile makes me feel weak
I thought I had matured and grown
you make me feel like a schoolchild crushing

Whatever it is, it won't matter
Whatever it is, it can wait
Whatever it is, I don't care.

Will I be enough?
Are you real?
Are you warm to the touch?
What does your hair smell like?

I thought I was crying
until you made me look

we have time
// gg
Demonized Angels Sep 2014
The animal small and frail
The fur fiery ******
The flames lap my skin
The burn me
The eyes bright and curious
They match the norther lights
Flash of green and blue
Rapid blinking
The tail tipped in snow
White and soft
It doesn't melt against the flame
Paws small and white
Tiptoeing across the ground
The fire sparks and blurs
I'm finally home again
Invocation Sep 2014
skirts spinning in wind
on the hill I wave goodbye to the cityscape
lines and let the rain dash around on my eyelashes,
the warm grass lush under my bare feet I chase cloudshadows
and wander (searching for foxes) and the hunt is on, sanity escaping
and tranquility abounds as I bound from tussock to tussock, hair blazing little fox tail wagging and I lash the sky with open arms
home is where the heart is
and my earth is my den
My Old Spice scent is laden with cinnamon
I am spice and will kickstart your heart
Tryst Aug 2014
Rita bustled busily,
To decorate each room
With jack-o'-lanterns, giggling ghouls,
And grinning ghosts with dribbled drools,
And moonlight glimmered spookily
On ghastly painted tombs;

She went to fetch her costume
And hoped it wouldn't itch;
She grabbed a strange and pointed hat,
An odd shaped broom, a stuffed black cat,
And in the mirror of her room
She turned into a witch!

A sudden tap-tap-tapping
Came from her green front door;
She opened it excitedly,
A-wondering who it might be
And then she started clapping
And dancing on the floor!

Her good friend Fox was outside,
He wore a long black cape;
With plastic fangs, he danced about,
But when he sang his fangs fell out!
They laughed so hard, then went inside
And had a slice of cake!
For Joe Cole's "MAGIC" challenge.

Originally inspired by Joe Cole's "Freedom" challenge, the story of Rita continues!
Invocation Aug 2014
Darling the closer I get to insanity the closer possibly I'm getting to the coastal shores of wherever chance causes us to migrate.
Dont ever weep uselessly, sunshine.
The sky is on your side.
I lick the raindrop drip
                                             dripping from the eyes of heaven
and tear my gaze down to earthy you,
all sweater-bundles of cats faces
and orange furriness
and black frames
Another chapter
Miss lady fox
Has chicken pox
Stay away, stay away!
"Help me!" She cried
"Help me hide!"
Before night turns into day
The rider is coming! The rider is coming!
Quick! Run inside!
But, my, its too late
The fox's poor fate
Was that a daughter of rider has lied
I know it is hot
To hide in a *** but
you will be safe in here
"why not in a box?"
Said the chicken pox fox
"Why all the places, in here?"
Because I am a liar
Im daughter of rider
And soon you'll be made into stew
She cried
"You silly little girl, I have the pox
Why eat a fox with chicken pox?"
Chicken and fox! It all sounds devine! Now
Be quiet! Be quite!
Its time!
He's here!
Too bad too late
we sat and we ate
And now we are the ones in tears
Dont eat fox with chicken pox, is the lesson here...i guessXD
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