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Rahama Aug 2020
It's been a while
I know
I remember
It's just that time flies so fast
And somehow I lost myself
And my bearings
And my visions
These days I wake up and I forget to pray
My thoughts immediately flying to all the things that need to be done
Problems that need to be solved
But in the midst of it
It became too much
So I ran
And now I'm back

I missed you
You were my source of release
The lifter of these burdens
Did you miss me?
Did you miss hearing me whine?
About every little thing?
Did you miss the way I would twist my words until they sang a deliberate melody?
I hope you did
Cause I missed you
And hopefully I'm back for good.
Hello my HePo Fam. I have missed you❤️
chang Aug 2020
you just started fading away
like colors left under the sun
for too long.
I didnt mean to.
Aleksey Aug 2020
One by one
From all to one
From one to none
They're all gone.
Michael A Duff Jul 2020
All the best words have been written

Loved lived lost and forgotten in time

Only to be found by broken hearts
We are recycled of heart broken by time forgotten and replayed searching for happiness
That Girl Jul 2020
Ever since the 5th grade I was “that girl.”
“That girl” that was always picked last for the team.
“That girl” who eats lunch alone in the hallway.
“That girl” who listens to her music on full blast.
Block out the thoughts that remind me of who I am.
“That girl.”
Easily forgotten.
What’s “that girl’s” name again?
Cropped out of photos.
Cut out of memories.
It won’t be long until I’m no longer “that girl.”
I’ll just be “that girl” everyone has forgotten about.
I’ll be nothing.
Austin Morrison Jul 2020
I drive down an empty road.

 The only company I have is my music and the voices in my head.

My vision gets blurry, blending in with the darkness that consumes me.

I take every turn to sharp, I press harder on the gas.

My thoughts tell me to slow down, speed up, slow down, speed up.

Turn here.

I grasp the steering wheel, turning towards a dense collection of trees.

I see the light of another car and freeze.

I think back to everyone I care for.

Everyone I have tried to reach out to but was ignored by.

Am I afraid that dying will hurt those I care for or am I scared of dying with no one that cares for me?
audreyboren Jul 2020
it hurts to see you forget me
no actually im happy that you forget me
cause im the one who cause you pain
when you knew that you can't hold on to me
a n y m o r e
D Jul 2020
flawed, like a broken vase
beautiful, like the golden cracks on her face
spoiled, like her flowers left to die
forgotten, like just another moment lost in time
feeling all sorts of ways tonight
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