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PM Oct 2020
I know I have been distant for some time.
Not aware or presents in our lives,
but to be forgotten was unexpected.
I want to go back and change the past.
To be present at the time I needed to be,
to be part of my family once more.
But is it too late now to go back?
Since I have I been gone for so long
I can't seem to find my way back.
Niki David Oct 2020
If I sit to still I become numb
but if I move, I fall

Im stuck in a liminal space
an eternal liminal space

I dont know what comes next
Or if even there is a next

Its as though I'm in a waiting room doctor
A waiting room where the doctor will never shop up
CupcakesArePink Oct 2020
and i know one day you'll forget about me
i bet you're all already doing it

i'll be a distant memory
a nostalgic song

you'll remember my rights
and whatever went wrong

but be wary o, you familiar stangers
be wary of my ghost

because i may be gone
but i'll haunt you til the day you cease breathing
glowingwaffles Oct 2020
Stop telling me i’m pretty
i’m broken and destroyed, but You can’t know
i’d let You in my world, but You would rather leave. Probably.
Like everyone before You
i’m complicated and confused
Sad and numb
So stop telling me i’m pretty
i’ll fall in love with You

i’ll fall in love with You and regret
You’ll regret
That You talked to me in the first place
Flirted with me
Made me laugh
Got me to open up and share my darkest secrets
You’ll regret missing me
Thinking of me
Fantasizing of me
Because You see
i’m a toy
A broken toy
Once loved, always forgotten

But if You show love to this toy
Instead of just playing and throwing
If You show care to this toy
Without dropping and breaking
Then do call me pretty
But don’t make me regret
Or Yourself regret
That i may fall in love with You
𝐣𝐢𝐚 Sep 2020
if suddenly
you forget me,
do not look for me,
for i shall already have forgotten you.
eve Sep 2020
music plays in my ears
my thoughts are laced with the rhythm
and lyrics
while my physical body is at a standstill
with my mind
and my heart
i cannot render anything
nothing makes sense anymore
without this particular person
even though i’ve lost this person long ago
i foster the craving of their presence
lost i am
Call it Quicksilver-
something I hold to,
leave and return to,
lose in dark leaves;
never quite keeping,
thoughts flit, and are fleeting,
covered with sheaves.
Sleep, and its missing,
ne'er to return;
Hold! Feel its kissing,
overtake with its burn-
late to my tongue,
but one part of the sum,
sifted like rays in the afternoon sun.
Call it Quicksilver-
that thing dreamt at mid-day;
call for it, longing-
but its gone;
slipped away.
thispanman Sep 2020
Sooner rather than later
Ordinary things seem
Really lost in time,
Rationality forgotten like
Yesterday's dinner
When people say "sorry doesn't help it" when you feel really sorry, than they are forgetting that sometimes people make mistakes and they can't get over themselves.
Kole J McNeil Sep 2020
When I'm gone.

Will the grave you bury me in be deeper that wounds I gave myself?

Will the light I once loved warm the ground where I lay?

Will the sunlight reach my cold body, laying rotten and forgotten in the ground?

Will You visit me?

Will you leave flowers at my grave?

Will you pretend to love me now I'm gone?

Will you say nice things about me?

Will the hole I now reside in be deeper than the hole in my heart that was left by those who claimed to love me?

Will the rivers run red of the blood I bled?

Will my body stay in the coffin or will it burn in hell with my soul?

Will I be forgotten like all the letters I sent you?

Will i be forgotten like blade that ran across my skin?

Will you bury me with the thing that gave me a reminder I was alive but also took that life in a second?

When I'm gone I will sew a blanket with the lies you have told me.

When I'm gone I will reap the soil with the blood of those who wronged me.

I will be justice.

I will be death
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