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ICN Aug 2015
broken hearts and broken mirrors
hanging on the wall
falling stars and rising angels
coming to demolish them all
all the dreams and promises
made to us
by all those loved
every time i see you
i can’t bear the weight
your eyes were my fatal medicine
they cured all the pain

now it’s all gone
now it’s all torn apart in pieces
now i stand alone
alone i am strong
alone i forget all the wrongs

acid to keep me company
hallucinations distract me from the pain

fatal medicine on the counter
my days are numbered
i can’t wake, not from this slumber
the walls cave in
and I can’t find myself
there’s no one to blame, i did this to myself
blood on the walls
windows stained with horror

my mistakes weigh me down
the price i have to pay is high
but i have nothing
so i’m gonna have to say
i never loved you
alannis Jul 2015
Because all along it was fatal,
not fate.
Sudden realizations.
A few bad sectors failed to boot
the operating system smoothly
when doctoring the optimizing process on the disk,
sector by sector
cluster by cluster

it's running but not too well as before
several files could not run properly,
might be corrupt
or missing a few chains,
garbage data have shown

yet could not backed up the entire files successfully
even the several programs also
when running the machine abnormally
the old hard drive is sounding a little,
seeming to crush the physical memory anytime

There is only an operational way
to rescue the hard drive by the low level format
which 'll erase all the random memories
those bad clusters will be fixed permanently,
though yet a chance of fatal error  
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
I am most frightened of those
who do not wear
their flaws on their sleeves
around their necks.
They remind me too much
of myself.
Mosaic Mar 2015
Then there were parks
Now there's just picnic benches.
Unknown Sailor Mar 2015
Yearning for your touch, hoping that you approach me,
Praying for the second you look at me.
Call me crazy but if I was even an inch close to you,
I would show you how much I love you .
Love, lust, infatuation,
Call it what you want but I prefer the term “Deadly Attraction”,
My love for you will be the death of me,
I love you too much to have you away from me,
I want to hold you tight enough-
to feel your very last breath escape your lips.
I love you to the point where
I could **** you.
I want to wrap my hands around your neck,
and tighten my grip as I remind you of what you mean to me.
I would tie you up and stare at your flawless features,
I would lock you away from all humanity,
Drive you to insanity until you feel the same.
You will get used to my face and only my face.
I would slit the throat of anyone,
Who dares to set there eyes on you,
I would run a knife through their heart,
Just a warning to anyone,
If they think of stealing you away from me.
Don’t you see how much trouble I endure,
Just to keep you safe from those who intend to steal you?
Your love is my will-power,
Believe me when I say that,” Honey I will Love you Till Death Do Us Part”.
xx Mar 2015
My all's beneath all
I have seen of this collision
In the wind I lay
With the air sinking in
Freezes me to my core
I have thought of thee
You're the one I owe of these
The one I always wanted to be
But I'll go first
To the sky but fall
Teardrops kept flying
Leaving my weary eyes
And all of those
Keep on flashing at once
Until I meet the melting sand
Burrowing me with my blood,
My thoughts, and my hands
Isabelle Perla Mar 2015
It starts with the shock.
The disbelief, the sudden pain of what you've lost.
Lives, like matches, will burn out.
But the time and place that may occur, that's what worries me most.

Every word, every action could be the last. Nothing lasts.
Some things, the things that make you choke and cry and wish them false, are too hard to ask.

Each dew on the grass is a fatal item, every bird that sings
and every human on the earth.
No one deserves to go.
No one deserves to go.

It started with shock,
And it ended with a truth.
I, along with everyone else, am vital.
I am true.
And though his matchstick has now burnt out,
He was too.
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