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one llucy Jan 2015
This is only our second encounter
but all hesitation is gone from your actions
I walked into the lair of a merciless monster
igniting a domino of reactions
my cheeks flushed as I'm held by this beast
that I find myself pinned underneath
hot breath pours out on my neck
as my ears are grazed by your teeth
my heart pounds against your chest
your hands roughly comb through my hair
I squirm, submerged in your arms
continually gasping for air
your mouth desperately searching for mine
I finally succumb to your kiss
the problem with a fatal attractions,
is deciphering what's hell and what's bliss
Calvin Watson Jan 2015
A bird this morning sang upon my window sill
And from this I was made to realize
All that was and was not real
The intensity of your stare
The way it made me feel
Until I finally saw
My fatal flaw
Your heart I was unable to steal
Kitty Oost Oct 2014
Crumbling cities.
Beauty in decay has always reminded me
of you.
When we were little and climbing trees
you told me of ow you would be great
one day,
like Athens and Rome.
I had laughed and called you silly.
Those were places and not people, I had said.
You shoved your tongue out and clamored:
"Watch me do it!"
I think I finally understand what you meant.
Singing songs to me in my backyard you
were amazing, thriving like you had sworn
to me
those many years before.
We danced and screamed from hilltops
with cities unfolding beneath
our mere human feet.
You weren't kind of the world, but you were
king of mine.
Later that night you dropped me off
at my front door.
Kissed my forehead and murmured
"Goodbye, I love you"
instead of wishing me goodnight.
You fell in the time between night and dawn
and when I woke up the next morning
our empire was gone.
K Balachandran Sep 2014
On the top of the white marble steps,  her pedestal
 she stands tall, head held high up in the clouds
that one moment I forgive all her sins
 for the self abandonment that deceives all of us.
It makes her an original,
though feeble minded, vainglorious, unabashed
self-deceptive about her past,
distorting light within to create darkness
each and every fact twisted
the way she wants others to believe,
see her gait, all are compelled
to view her grandeur as one of a kind.
She sings and her emotions flow like a river,
one can hardly find any flaw in her technique.
Eclipsed by her penumbra,I have no escape,
love her the way one loves a burned out life.
The Black Raven Aug 2014
Tightening, breathing
my heart still healing
shaking and hurting
subconscious flirting
lips crushing
violent blushing
knees weak
tears leak
roller coaster ride
emotional suicide
i want you more
my fatal flaw
Johnny Hearts Aug 2014
I gave you my heart, took it and tore it to shreds
Rejected my courtship, left me lying instead
Our language of love different from each other
Passion I shall give to you, yours was another

I shall not annoy you of my proposal
This shall be my final, Rejection so fatal
This shall serve as a learning experience
Make a better version of me with great essence

To love someone else who sings the same song as I
True loves in which we shall give our all till we die
Thank you for your gift of unforgettable pain
Shall do my best, not to be rejected again
Diana Mendoza Jul 2014
I am not so different
From a knife--
No use without a wielder,
Yet used so often.

Look at me
And I'll show you what to carve.
Oh don't try to hide it,
It's clear as glass.

2. Eyelash curler
Do not worry,
I will help you.
Do not worry,
I am only bending you.

3. Closet
I am an asylum.
I hold straightjackets.

Choose your own shackles,
I will give you the chains.
Go on,
Wear your insanity today.
drownitout Jun 2014
In the morning and in the evening,
Drive-time bulletins oceans away.
Between the mourning and seeking,
Gridlock still lives in yesterday.
It's all around me.
It's all around.
It's all around me.
And It surrounds.

I'm conscious of the difference in continental content,
But I'm so sensitive to casualties that will always be.
Everywhere where necropolis' thrive and crushed steel and plastic are taking lives.
Always so far away from me.
Always so far away from me.

Where we find fatal jackknives and pileups on express ways making mechanisms of bone marrow.
This is where,
The public expresses sorrow for the victims who died tomorrow.
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