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Louis Segoe Nov 2021
How long woman is wild when she is alone?
How far woman can reach without her soulmate?

How quick woman can fall in her endless waiting!
How fun woman can die if she is alone in big house!

How strong woman can fight looking her husband die?
How big woman can dream if her husband is not rich?

Which wills woman can have if her husband is poor?
Which knot can win woman to unknot if her husband is bleeding?

Which well can be nearly for widowed **** woman?
Which well can be so far for kind widowed woman?

Which heart woman can have if her children are prisoned?
Which decision woman can take if prison guard needs her to ler her kids get out of steels?

How fun is man thinking he owns her wife's heart!
What happens when he is died so?

After understanding all that I asked my mind grandpa, how dare she talks women in that way he told me "all women not like that" and again " non kind hearted woman Are married with Sky"
Women's mind and power depends on  time.
Keep watching!!!!
Lance Nov 2021
When the day draws to a closure.
I am reminded of the loneliness
the despair
and my self-destruction that is beyond repair

Despite the unwillingness to keep going
I am reminded of the friends
That is now family

Wrapped around it
Is hope
Of a bright new day
And a grip on a future

A future where I keep going
And from there lying it its wake
Is strength
To keep going
This pandemic brought so much loneliness to many people. It brought despair in its wake. But despite such unwarranted feelings, We are reminded of friends turned family to keep pushing, keep striving, and have us grounded. Because to have them in our lives is to have a grip on our own to keep going.
Steve Page Oct 2021
brother elder
brother younger
brother blood
brother arms
brother guards
brotherly love
Written while watching The Sparks Brothers.  I haven't got a blood brother, but I have plenty more.
GaryFairy Oct 2021
in the eyes of a reflection
shattered by things that are unseen
eyes aren't polarized to see beyond other eyes

shining water looks up at me
I see myself and beyond the surface
aquatic life isn't hiding behind other guise?

in the glass of the shattering
I see myself as that broken image
a war was fought. but no war was won

shining sky looks down on me
you handed me a broken mirror
then you said "look what he has done"
Based on new biology, and the fact that environment causes sickness. The things we say and do were downloaded by us from our environment and what we saw and heard in the first 7 years or so...some good proof is language...a child can learn three languages at once, at the age of three, and an adult has trouble learning one new language...meditation can escape the bad stuff by bringing true consciousness...10,000 signals a second, the brain can send, but some of us have some bad ideas(signals) interfering...i am willing to help anyone i can, but you must be willing to admit that you know nothing, as i did...once you realize that you know nothing, it opens up a beautiful world, as seen through a child's eyes, and makes learning easy again
GaryFairy Oct 2021
(acts like some kind of gangster if you ask me)


what is your ****** problem?
you been going around saying I ****?
and telling people to get me?
what you think? I'm a walk in the park?
I am hard!

what you want? you want the "easy life"?
get the hell out of here
easy life moved to florida

they aren't in the family
they go against the family

never go against the family

you ******' hear me?

easy life ain't even around anymore
history... you hear me? HISTORY
That's why it has no capitol letter at the beginning
I'm important...I'm Life®

I have a lot of boys. you want them boys to come see you?

just like that stupid game is soon to be done too
registering a trademark with my name?
making a killing off of selling that ****?

I got my lawyers tangled up with the courts over trademark and copywrite
bunch of wise guys watching me...what can I do?
they got a lot of power backing them, and their GAME
like I said, I ain't no walk in the park

I will always win, either way
my family goes on and on
all those lives

I knew your daddy, he was a good fella
you're a good kid, I don't know if you talked **** about me or not
I don't really care about that **** anyhow
you hear me?

I'm Life®, you got me? you're just a made man
practically in the family

don't go against the family
farthest star Oct 2021
At night, I'm afraid to dream
of warmth and nostalgia and light;
fleeting moments of joy you brought into my life. Only to wake up knowing it was a memory; that my walls are no longer kissed with golden sunshine, that my days no longer consist of your sweet messages of love and empathy and hope.

At day, I am numb and fixated on your death. I bargain reality; dozing off, speculating scenarios of what could've been. My despair like a whirlpool of devastation; of loving thoughts and regret that I'm clawing to get out of only to sink deeper and deeper. I am trapped in a constant cycle of overwhelming sadness and feeling nothing at all.

At all times, I miss you, loved one.
I miss you as the sun misses blue skies at night and the moon misses stars at day. My soul searches for yours through my memories and passing thoughts. But your presence has left me in this lonely world, and I ache for the time we are finally united again.

I mourn you, I pray for you.
I promise you
With all that I am, I love you.
I love you, Auntie. I'm sorry. There are so many things I regret not saying to you before you left us. May you rest in paradise.
farthest star Oct 2021
still regret how I treated you
all those years ago
the love you've shown me
throughout the many years
through our ups and downs
laughs and cries
I can't help but miss you
I don't want to say goodbye
I'm sorry, Auntie. I miss you so much.
Justin Lai Oct 2021
The nights are long but the days are longer
Only in her sleep does she exhale
The rest of the world loosening its grip

She thinks of false promises and shallow hopes
Things all too familiar by now
And swears to do better for her child

The baby on her back now a young woman too
Still her precious light and hope
"My only sunshine" in the dark

She feels her bones and flesh aching from the race
Her heart beats stronger than rising tides
An indomitable force pushing at an irrational object

And so she wakes, smiles at the sky
Fixing sunny side ups for her kin
To get by in spite of everything

is sometimes the bravest act of all
inspired by Brandi Carlile's "The Joke"
You do not deserve.

You do not deserve, not even the chance to beg for my forgiveness

You will never get that.

And I hope that you lay there, pale as all hell.

Only being able to catch your breath via oxygen tank.

I hope that I am the last thing you think of.

I hope that you close your eyes and drift away only to remember.

That I do not forgive you and I never will.

That what's done is done.

As long as I and my memory exists you will never know that peace.

You're Catholic right?

I hope you wander the barren lands of purgatory unable to be saved because of me.

I do not forgive you.

Not even in death.

Not even in my last breath.

Not even in the perfectly scribbled insanity that is my drunken stupor.

I hope you know how to read between the ******* lines.

I do not forgive you.

Taylor St Onge Oct 2021
I remember so much that I wish I could forget.  

This is a poem about Psalm 23 choked out through tears.  
This is a poem about astro vans and
                                      tractor lawn mowers and
                                      driveway car washes and
                                      small garden spaces and
                                      digger wasps and
                                      three wolves and a moon.  

This is about the Backstreet Boys and
                              Def Leppard and
                              Kenny Chesney.  
“Dreams” by The Cranberries.

About waterparks and
            swim lessons and
            the smell of chlorine.  
Fresh cut grass.  Bonfire smoke permeating through the house.  

Grey diamond tiles on white linoleum.  
                                                                Hands clenched down on washcloths.

Muddled.  It’s all so muddled.  Stuck beneath
                                                           brain­ matter and cerebrospinal fluid and
                                                              down, down, down beneath the lake.  
How can I dig it out while also digging it down deeper?  
I want to forget it all.  No memory, no pain, no ******* problem.  

Goldfish life: a pipedream.
write your grief prompt #19: "begin your writing with 'I remember.'"
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