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Mimmi Dec 2022
Then out of nowhere and at once, the voice stopped.
No lingering feeling of self hate
The questions
The pondering
It all came to a halt
A thing that’s been with me all these years
Came to an abrupt end
Not bitter
Not sweet
Just end
An ending i’ve been hoping, but not waiting on
I didn’t know that there was such a thing
As an end to it

A blabbering, mumbling sorrow of self pity
Or just a mere convenience of a lexicon with words to degrade myself
A daily reminder of how worthless I was
So I would’ve never forgotten my reason
A reason never explained
Never cared for
With a reach of a sovereign hand I touch the notes
Floundering through the air
Playing a floating piano
“A river flows in you”
Caring for unprotected skin

I was waiting for a different ending
An abrupt ending, not like this one
Fingernails not bitten off bleeding
A curious feeling of relentlessness
Not used to the feeling of not being alone

It all came to a halt
A voice that’s been with me for years
A sadness of emptiness is nowhere to be found
A clue to a healthy mind
Maybe a fear of what could’ve been if not the voice left
A sort of trembling worry of who to now complain when I do wrong
An understatement of falling leaves from my tree

I know my family will be glad
Even though I haven’t ever told them bout the pain I contain
Who to be worthy shall never pass
Through my gates of hell
No one is worthy of that pain
Maybe not even me?

I think this was and end worth waiting for
Inner demons are worth fighting
They don't have the right to win over your life!
So a Good ending, Is worth fighting for.
Carlo C Gomez Nov 2022
I saw an old man crying at
the precipice of his sanity,
ten stories above the sea,
and the world at his feet, a helo-deck:
a principality that had the worn out lay of home.

So trivialized.
So fantasized.
So immobilized.
Transmitting pirate-radio-waves eternally.

Seized the tower.
Hoisted the flag.
Crowned the queen.

"I've no blood right, only a passport," he said. "But do have the right mindset: I can't leave, we're so dangerous. Don't be a stranger now, we'll never be this dangerous again..."
monique ezeh Nov 2022
Twin glasses of orange juice, froth quietly fizzling out
A plate of turkey bacon piled overzealously high

I would cook you French toast every day, if you'd let me.

Fresh croissants from a bakery down the street
Halved strawberries drizzled with honey

I'll sprinkle cinnamon in our coffee, just like my grandmother used to.

I don't know much of love, but I know this:
When the sun breaks through my kitchen window,
I hope you'll be sitting at the table.
SiouxF Nov 2022
We all long to belong,
To find our community,
Our family,
Our place of safety and refuge.
But feeling different to other people,
An outsider,
Of no fixed abode,
I’m not sure where I belong,
Or who my tribe is.
I feel confused,
Wayward feelings and erroneous thoughts
Running around inside my head,
Misleading me down the garden path,
Tripping me up,
Leading me down holes
That are too deep to climb back out of
Fudz Lana Nov 2022
at the end of the day, i stared at the teabag
that i scooped out from the ***.
wet and sloshy, its scent faded and sweetened;
it wasn't itself anymore.

without its lingering bitterness
without its verdant hues,
or its unique aromas that they fancied,
it could never be who it was.  

the used teabag, now that its purpose was served,
is no longer wanted.
was it fulfilled by the amount of tea it gives,
or was it emptied?
Lalaouna Amina Nov 2022
It is about the self
the two prayers
at 2.00am
longing for permanent maintenance of faith
and rescue
seeking a refuge
Mimmi Nov 2022
It seems like I’ve forgotten about trees and branches.

My mind is a mess like a clutter of feelings.

For I have not been taking care of them leaves.

Those who left, I’ve let them leave.

For I don’t have time for fairies in the sand.

Their wings break and want me to pick them up,

while my wings been broken since the war.

Who were there for me? Who reached their hand to me?

No one.

No one.

No one.

I may have forgotten about the trees and their branches.

But with a messy mind, you gotta sort and sort out that clutter.

I have no one to be by my side, like the tree and their branches.

Who has the time for being a hero?

Not me?

Not you?

We may feel hopeless.

We may feel lonely..

But through the night we hear the silent sound of voices.

From all the sides of the forest.

Every soul on their bare knees, they are shouting their mightiest roar.

But all we can hear is a silent whisper.

But her brothers and sisters are also on their knees, and shouts with her.

Together they form a flowing wave of sound to the sky.

Together we can be heroes.

Let's save each other from this darkness that takes us from within.

Let's save our brother, sisters and friends.

When it feels like
all you can do is fall on your knees,

Try to remember the trees and their branches.

For without either they are not whole.

For together they stay mighty against the wind

Together we can.

For together we can be strong.

Let’s,  be a tree or a branch for each other.
Important and life saving to remember, its okay to be strong together, so not do everything by yourself
for all I know, she is a woman.
her beauty might leave you speechless
she is special, not the only one of her species,
and yet, she is uniqueness.

the wind whistles through her hair,
as she walks in elegance,
but it’s nothing like arrogance.

she embodies love and protection,
her heart is strong and golden.
and she is a lover of perfection.

she still remembers
the chances she didn’t take.
the wounds, the heart aches
and the days without breaks.

she has fallen many times,
but sure knows how to arise.
her strength has never let her down
and she still carries her crown.

for all I know,
she is a queen without king.
she always knew how to fight
and how to spread out her wings.

she protects her infants
even from a distance.
her love is persistent,
she is brave and resistent.

for all I know,
her heart is in the right place,
it carries compassion and grace.
and she will always make sure,
that I am safe.

for all I know, she must be a mother.
and gracefully I smiled,
when I realised,
that I am her child.

- gio
B Oct 2022
The house was filled with flames
For over 20 years it was a blaze
It stood on broken pillars and burnt floorboards
Slowly different parts started charring.

It started in the basement
With cigarettes and lost hopes
A child’s potential misplaced
A parent drowning in smoke of his own creation
And the house lost a child because he escaped
We don’t know how bad his burns are
Because he doesn’t come around to tell us.

Then it jumped to the second story
The flames only lit up one of the rooms
Where 2 children lived
One who started fighting
And one who never stood a chance
The first child who stayed close to the ground to avoid the smoke
She took quick breaths to keep her lungs clean
Who followed every rule about fire
And fought the fire silently
And the second
Who tried to follow the rules
But the house deemed it was never enough
She choked but didn’t die
And the two escaped
With the first child carrying the second out
Their burns are the deepest.

And the fourth child
The youngest child
Who never stayed long
And escaped at the youngest age
And was always escaping when the smoke got to thick
When her lungs hurt from yelling and breathing in the smoke
But would come back for the 2 children
Because she left them
She left all of them
She left the house
But when she left, her burns were tended
She stayed away from the flames because she was safe
And her burns healed, but scarred
Her scars are the lightest
And she didn’t come back until it was almost burnt down
And the flames couldn't get to her anymore
And not a single burn remained in the house
Because it was torn down.

And a different family built it with better materials
And a better foundation
And the house of ash was gone

But burns will always remain
Because the adults who left pass them down
And try to light fires in new houses
But the children who left
Will never pass down burns
And eventually the flames will stop
Guess which kid I am
Eve K Oct 2022
The burn I feel in my chest when the thoughts of leaving you, is like no other.
You're great, sisters, father, nephew and mother
I cry tears, tears of joy, tears of sorrow but it still hurts. One more moment I wish for more.

But I must keep growing, and my future is away.
I'm scared, I'm fearful but I cannot stay.
I must go onto new things.
My heart for a different country it sings.
I wish I could pack you all up and take you with me.
But your lives are here, I know, I can see.

The memories I carry, I'll carry overseas
The excitement that awaits buzzing in my brain like a swarm of bees
I'm hopeful for once, Thanks to all of you
My heart is no longer heavy, I can see more than blue.

We aren't gone, just a call away
I wish I could take you all with me, but my destiny's not to stay.
With my heart wide open, I love you all
******* my sunshine, next time I see you, you'll be so tall

To the moon and back around.
When I message you'll be sleep a sound.
But you'll wake up the morning after next
To an excited, happy, single text.
I love you my family, I love you a lot
I'll be laughing, I'll be crying, Because you, my family is what I've got
Moving overseas soon. At least it feels very real. To start a life elsewhere. <3 <3 My family have supported me over the past few years and we have grown closer that I ever thought. I love them all so dearly, my quirky little family.
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