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Miss Cornelia Sep 2014
You can make me laugh,
But so does my closest friend

I realized that I love you is not when you made me laugh,
but when I cried
Adel Jun 2014
your eyes are the shimmers of green woods
the lights of sunrays beneath the turquoise trees
I could stare into the deep green ocean of your eyes forever
and you would catch me in your locked gaze
lost in the train of thoughts to anywhere
but your eyes

your lips are the color of pastel sky
when the sun sleeps slowly behind the gold horizon
and it shifts into the pink and magenta
like the cotton candy, so mild, tender and sugary
that's what your lips are

your hair is the smell of coffee shops in the cold street
so sweet-scented and the touch of paradise
mixes along with the color of dark brown ground
arises when the rainfall wipes out the land
it's how your hair looks to me

your smile is the one from fallen angel's
gives me such a present of tranquility
like how the ocean moves in the summer breeze
makes butterflies and dragonflies dance around
in the deep of my tummy
makes the flower bloom in the saddest part of me
makes my blood running around with a such spirit
and makes my heart beating so fast
even I could guarantee
that my heart is beating louder
than the sound of the storm in my darkest mind
Laureeann May 2014
Falling in love is weird
Because at first you don't expect
Anything except for passion
And romance
And story book perfection
But when you fall head over heels for someone
Someday things are going to move
Beyond kissing, and hot touches
Sometime things are going to move
To laughing openly
And fighting
Using hard words you never thought you would
Farting during the most
Intimate moments
Falling in love is weird
Because when I was younger
I pictured
White weddings, and chapels
I pictured hand holding, and snuggling in bed
I pictured kissing, and romantic candle lit dinners
But when I fell in love
I didn't think of
***** laundry, or morning breath
I never pictured the messy wax residue left from candles
Or the dishes
But I guess there are things
You don't expect
When you fall in love
But when you find them
It's a little bit better
Because I'd rather wash your ***** underwear
Than anyone else's
And that's love
Sophie Foster Apr 2014
Are you my springtime,
Here to drive away the cold hands
That envelop my heart?
Warm the earth
So I can blossom.
I promise this time
I will grow towards the sun.
Love is awful
Love is the worst
it will consume your heart
and then make it burst
it will control your thoughts, you speech and your actions
if your not careful, it could become a fatal attraction
the worst part of love is that when it is gone
your left with this feeling, and you don't know whats wrong
you stuck inside your head, and you think your life is ending
but little do you know, its only just beginning
Soon enough, the black curtain will rise
the darkness will fade, and you'll open your eyes
you realize that your okay, that you didnt die
Some tears were shed, and some hearts were shattered
but your okay, and thats all that really matters

— The End —