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kel Oct 2024
eyes as dark as midnight;
staring ahead, soulless.
unravelling a puzzling sight,

but those eyes
were the pair that made me vulnerable
as the walls around me say their byes;
emotions crashing down on me, unbearable.

salty water making my eyes moist
as I peered at those eyes;
clearing out the foggy mist,
diminishing the lies.

my heart cracking,
my sadness spiking.
and i thought to myself,
such mesmerizing eyes.
kel Aug 2024
it's been two years
since I've set my eyes on you
but I'm still shedding tears
and still feelin' blue
because i know
deep down
I'm a bit slow
and you got your crown
from your queen
a long time ago
having a teen
crush is never easy
Bea Rae Feb 2024
My words weren't abusive

When I said them in that tone

He stated to me
starry night Dec 2022
I'm going crazy because of you
I want you so bad that it hurts
I want all of you for my self only
You makes every love song i heard is about you
and so are the heartbreak ones
The fact that we live different kind of life Slowly crushing my heart into pieces
Can it just be you? Can it just be me?
Can it just be Us?
GRAVE27 Oct 2020
One by one
The leaves fall
People die
Nice and slow

Picture perfect
Friends of mine
Down by the lake
Next to the shrine

Hands are tied
Can't do nothing
We'll all die
Scary things

She's perfect
Why don't I?
Take it back
I'm not lying

Dying mind
Loving soul
Dream of mine
I was more

I don't mean to say that
I like you
To see and hear only perfection in them.
To lose all sense of time.
You see them and instantly are happy.
When you talk to them it makes you never want it to end.
And to look at them and think, "I love him or her so much, id do anything for them."
My friends... This is what it's like to fall in love.
Von Sep 2020
I don't know why I'm so afraid to fall
When he is down there
Ready to catch me with open arms
KHUSHI Jun 2020
She was sitting in Front
of a table  Filled with ,
crumbled papers….
There was a paper
with the heading ,
“in heaven” written
on top of it….
She was thinking what
It feels like to be in heaven,
How will it fell? ..
Her mind was filled in these
Kind of questions ,
She had heard people
Saying heaven was bright ,
Wonderful , full of light …
But she wants to know
How will it feel when
She Is in heaven,,,
She was thinking deeply
With her eyes closed..
She didn’t realize a pair
Of arms wrapped around
Her from behind she was
Feeling safe , secure ,
Full of life , in his ,
embrace in his arms ...
She was feeling like
She was in heaven…
Suddenly she open her
Eyes and now she knows …
how heavens feel like
She cut the heading
“in heaven” and write
“heaven in your arms”…
eli Mar 2020
it takes numerous efforts
to fall in love

but it takes one dreadful lie
to mess the whole thing up
you won't dreadfully lie to someone you truly love.
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