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Bea Rae Jun 25
While on borrowed time,
We wasted our minutes 
For the things that did not matter.
Bea Rae Jun 23
He stated to me

I want to do better but

You will not let me
Bea Rae Jun 20
I miss the man I met on happenstance.
Not the unmasked version of you.
Bea Rae Jun 15
You taught me that loving someone with your whole heart is not worth the pain.
Bea Rae Jun 14
I envy the people

That get to spend their life with the

Other half of their soul
Bea Rae Jun 11
Fate has decided

To make us nothing more than

A distant memory
Bea Rae Jun 10
Loving you broken me
Yet I still find myself
Missing you
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