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It's Been Years Jun 2014
we live in cities,

memories of us collide

and we never  have to hide

what we left behind

and we never really need to tide

cause our tears dried

and for our love we both plied

It's Been Years Jun 2014
you're my oxygen
I can't breathe without you

you're my brain
I won't function without you

you're my blood
my body can't circulate without you

together we form a team:

so memorable
so inseparable
so impeccable

never degradable
never unacceptable

always unforgettable
always immeasurable

no one can ever calculate us

even though some might crave us

It's Been Years Jun 2014
I know our team has struggles
                                  but I'm okay with that

our love is spread
                never dead
                         never dread

even though
some tears may be shed

even though
some fights might be held

so go ahead

ride your horse

wear your mask

set your tasks

hold you shield

cause we're both soldiers

fighters in this battlefield

It's Been Years Jun 2014
people like us are never not broken,

we just learn
how to live with the pain
as it lodges in our souls

and stays there forever

Michael Blace May 2014
the yellow sun
was shining down
on grass and sand and waves
it was a place
where children went
to laugh
and dance

as molly ran
and wandered off
she found a magic thing
a deep blue house
carved out of stone
in which the wind
would sing.

the other children
climbed about
and gazed into
the cave
and johnny said
“i’ll lead the way”
(because he was most brave)
and tad and tommy
followed him,
for they were big
and strong
while alice chose
to stay outside
but molly tagged along.

the dark was very chilly
and the silence, very wet
johnny shivered and looked back
but couldn’t leave
just yet.
now molly didn’t notice:
and wonder
filled her eyes;
she found a solace
in the stillness,
in the pitch black sky.

when suddenly, there came a rustle
from a hundred winged things
as dark as sin
with deep red eyes
just like rusted swings.

tommy was the first one out
(his long legs made him fast)
then john and tad
ran into alice
and tumbled on the grass.
and when the world
had settled down,
the quiet had returned
they saw that one
was not around
and they became concerned.

but don’t you worry,
little molly
was fine as fine can be
as she uttered boldly to the dark:
“you never frightened me"
K Balachandran May 2014
Their astral bodies entwine
beyond the imaginary limits
man, woman, matter, energy,
in an urge to know, fuse as one
converge, sizzle in the heat of  surge,
carnal lust evaporates
like summer mist
at the purple dawn
creation of  lucent zen,
wanderings end
at the "BINDU" esoteric point
in the center of being
where the truth ultimate
is celebrated in the chants
of primordial boom, Om
which resonates thus:
"Om tat sat"
Bindu---Literally a point or dot(represented by that symbol)sometimes likened to a pearl,the convergence point of Meditation, Contemplation, Mantra and prayers
Mystical, esoteric part of many; highest convergent point of Yoga,Tantra and Vedantha, near the limit of time, space and causation
Bindu is the doorway to the absolute.
*Om-the primordial sound/infinite sprit in the form of sound(sabda brahman)
Tat--the sound esoteric indicator of absolute("all that is")
Sat---the esoteric third indicator of the absolute(essence)
"Om Tat Sat"  has no physical component
Jessy Ivan Diaz Apr 2014
I shouldn’t write about you, but tonight I went star gazing and I thought about everyone I’ve ever made love with.
Your name crossed my mind and it drowned me in a flood of memories.
The first time you came over, you took my shirt off like rapid fire. Your breath smelt of ****** cigarettes and Redbull.
You’ve been drinking.
Your hair was all over the place hitting me here and there. I tried to place my fingers in-between your locks. But eventually I took your shirt off.
Ten minutes passed by and we were naked. Your body below me and I was crouching lower and getting closer to your ******. I kissed your thighs, licked them gently like a lollipop, savoring the the taste of your skin.
No one would ever taste like you do against my teeth. My tongue. My mouth.
You were so wet. I was so *****.
We switched sides, you’re on top now. Your mouth against my neck, your teeth making way into my skin like a thirsty vampire you bit me.
Your hands slowly skimming my chest and tracing my tattoos.
Everything was so perfect wasn’t it?
The way the moonlight hit your body, the temperature of the room wasn’t freezing but when our bodies were close we could feel them melting.
Funny thing, we didn’t have ***, it took us three years for that to happen. I’m not sure if I wasn’t ready too or if I was afraid too.
But when we did, your body felt like an ocean, and I was drowning out at sea.
I had trouble breathing but you were like oxygen to my lungs and I was alive. More alive than I’ve ever been. Thinking I never loved you would be a lie, and I’ve been constantly telling myself I didn’t.
But ******* I did. I loved you so much, but you were the girl with crystal blue eyes that broke my heart. The girl that got away. The one who swam in the night sky and sunbathed perched on the crescent moon.
You often cross my mind and I won’t lie I miss you, our ****** friendship we had.
The reason being because you showed me how to love myself. I respect you for that, I respect you for the human you are. Even if your feet were cold with me, I learned and I lived, I was the hero in my own story.
You will always be an important piece of my life. Even if you’ve disappeared from
It, we were fire and gasoline.
We could’ve been beautiful.
We will never know now, and I’m okay with that.
You are greatly missed.
K Balachandran Apr 2014
A ray of dark light,
from a distant invisible star
spotted him sitting
in the circle of
soft, silver light,
"May I too sit with you
so soothing seems
your presence
its gravitational pull
will **** me,
if i am not allowed
to be in that delight
of light"
All he did was just smile
being equanimous,
"The choice is yours
the karmic design
prompts everything
and the consequences
of your action would
come back to you
like your pet canine"
without a word he
told this to starlight,
went back to his reverie
on being and nothingness
"What's the nature of light
in the heart of darkness?"
was his present "koan"

and then,
a disembodied voice,
called out to him
like from a well of panic,
"Effulgent being"
it lamented, "I lost myself,
seeing your kind aura
I forgot my real self
I am  a light, but, dark
now I am lost without a trace,
I don't find myself, help"

"Enlightened being"
said the one with focused mind,
I am not a messiah, just a
seeker like yourself
You had a quest,
that transformed you
made sublime,
you are there by rights,
have become one
with the silver light eternal,
even at the heart of darkness
you cherished a drop of light
love it was distilled from pain.
Look inside and see,
you are that, not darkness,
I am still on my way
be tranquil, I am blessed
touched by your heart."
Koan--(Japanese Zen Buddhist tradition) A succinct paradoxical statement or question, as a meditation discipline for novices.The effort to solve Koan is
intended to exhaust the analytic intellect and egoistic will, readying the mind to an appropriate response on the intuitive level.

— The End —