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Emily L Jun 2015
I am a rib
pulled out from your cage.
I am the apple
pressed against your lips.
I am the warmth
within your breath.
The sweet nectar
on your fingertips.
Your heart was made
but your soul was mystic.
The otherworldly flow
of spirit
within boundless space.
A warrior of flesh and blood
inside a
of my face.
"bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;"
What is this you have done?
my demise but still
I become the mother
of all the living.
For the dust I am,
I will return.
Adam, your eyes are darker today
sky before thunder
your smile hidden in clouds of thought
is it my lips? /or perhaps my thighs?/ or my *******
is it the way I play with the other animals
when you lie on the blades
of grass suffering
between a rock and my curious nature

[blink, blink]

Adam, dreams and dreamers
can only meet under the same tree
every day, this is the only thing we own
the only thing we know.



...oldest story in the book. Dedicated to my Adam.
You get off work on a Friday eve
The backed up traffic is your pet peeve
You stop off at the local bar
Run into friends as you park your car
You drink import on American dream
Hey there's Mary , ain't she a scream
Someone slips you some super daze
Your out of it for a month of days
You dance now with every smile
Got you running fifteen miles
Long ago you heard last call
On the way out you stumble and fall
Passed out inside your car
Wake up behind the bars
Gee you think it was so much fun
Cain't wait till the next week's done
Drugs , ***** , and . . and . . and that other thing .
Candy Noire May 2015
I encompassed myself in a cocoon
To envision a transformation
I embodied myself like you
To become something worth gratification
I tasted the wine and I ate the fruit
But it all was a trick
Now they're coming for you
The serpent sleeps well knowing
I fell for the view
Got kicked out the garden
I'm destined for doom
Adam was sitting on a rock outside the Garden of Eden , rubbing his sore rib cage .

"What the Hell just happened ?"

Eve came over and sat down beside him
putting an arm around his shoulder and laying her head on him said ,

"Peanut butter and jelly or takeout ."
River Scott Jan 2015
New Year's Eve
2 minutes to midnight
1 minute
30 seconds
20 seconds
10 seconds

It's a new year
But it's a scary year
Every year
It's just been back to the same thing
Back to school
Back to friends
Back to boring

This year,
everything is changing
Back to school
till May
April showers
Bring high school graduations

4th of July fireworks
Fade into freshman year
of college.
I've always dreamed of this
But it's so close
And I want a redo

Because it's been
almost a whole year
since you left
and I sit
and think of you

We were supposed to do this
But you left.

And yet I still love you.
Another dusty dead year curdles, cracks and falls away
Its leavings relegated to the wrinkles in your brain
Your browser history; bookmarks, highlights, favorite places.

Some grime settles in the corners that won't get scrubbed away by Auld Lang Syne.
Flecks of history get stuck and cake the alleys and furrows, allowing us less room to think, and then what we keep is what ruins us.
new years
M Dec 2014
Getting drunk at the bar
Knowing I won't be going far
Getting high off a line
Hoping for some godly sign

On this city Christmas Eve
I want to leave
But I can't move my feet
Can't face the street

Missing my man
Cursing him - ****
For being two years gone
In his life I was just a pawn

I would let anyone lie next to me
In the darkness I cannot see
I crave human touch
I don't ask for much...
And so I'm crying alone in my bed and staring at the lights
H W Erellson Dec 2014
the tree rises in the dark
fine needles, like fingers
forming in the love of the womb
like hay hooved back into the stable in the spring
spring. summer. No one can imagine the warmth;
a different warmth. sun warmth. animal warmth.

Curled up in winter, we nestle into a different warmth.
we huddle together like a litter of mammals for heat
in the nights of the storm
we feel Gods watching us
with fiery anger
and flowing loves
we see the streetlights like pathetic fires
sprawled out across the valleys
where the mist sets in the day and the sky consumes at dusk

the house is haunted
but we shake the old bones' hands,
we sing and dance and shout,
red in the face,
red in the blood, the heart,
we give the ghosts flesh so they may sit with us,
so we may love and cherish and laugh

so we may sleep safely wrapped around one anothers limbs
the great sprawl of humanity
awake again for the touch
of winter warmth.
Merry Christmas 2014 everybody.
Elijah Nicholas Nov 2014
Do you think God wanted to hold Eve's hand,
Whisper into her ear and tell her,
"I know what you did, and I know Adam doesn't know how to,
But I still love you and that's all that matters."
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