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Daisy Arcos Nov 2015
Demure by nature
The palest garden of Eve
Ruined by a rose
J Valle Nov 2015
Eve shared it and
Condemned human kind.

Newton felt it and
Changed the world's mind.

Snow White tasted it and
Proved love at first sight.

Turing used it and
Left the world behind.

That is how
I realized
It was me, who
Gave you the power
To change
Or ruin
My life.
Taylor St Onge Nov 2015
1611: Emilia Lanier became the first Englishwoman to publish and collect patronage from her original poetry with the publication of fifteen poems, all about or dedicated to particular women, in her “booke,” titled in Latin, Hail, God, King of the Jews.  She was the fourth woman in England to publish her poetry, but the first to demand payment in return for it.  The first to see herself as equal to the paid male authors of the era.

This was the same year that the King James Bible was first printed.  This was eight years after the death of Queen Elizabeth I.  This was 180 years after nineteen-year-old Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.

                                                               ­      +

The Querelle des Femmes is “the woman question.”
Frenchmen of the early fifteenth century created a literary debate: what is the role and the nature of women?  Is it stemmed within a “classical” model of  human behavior; gnarled and rooted with misogynistic platonic tradition?  Should women actually be allowed into politics, economics, and religion?  There are scholars that say this debate radiated across several European countries for three centuries before finally fizzling out.  

                                                         ­                   But it is still there; has crossed
continents, has crossed oceans, is sizzling, sparking up fires, flaring out
into the night, leeching onto the trees, onto buildings, onto people, onto
anything flammable.  It is burning down monarchs and their thrones.  It is
raking back the blazing coals.  
                                                   Exposing the charred corpses.  
                 Proving their death.  
                                                   Burning and burning and burning them
                                              twice more to prevent the collection of relics.
                 It is chucking the ashes into the Seine River.

Lilith: who was made at the same time, at the same place, from the same earth, from the same soil as Adam, got herself written out of the Bible because she thought herself to be Man’s equal. Because she got bored of the *******.  Because she wanted to be on top during ***.  Lilith was replaced in the book of Genesis with a more-or-less subservient woman that was made from the rib of man instead of the same dirt and dust.  She was replaced with a woman that Adam named “Eve.”  She was replaced with a woman who served as nothing more than the scapegoat for Man’s downfall.
                                       The original Querelle des Femmes.


1558-1603: Queen Elizabeth I ruled England in what is considered to be a masculine position. Although a woman can take the throne, can wear the crown, can wield the scepter, can run the country, the actual divine task that goes along with being a part of the monarchy, being a god on Earth, is thought to be the duty of a man.

Nicknamed The ****** Queen, Elizabeth never married,
                                                     never found a proper suitor,
                                             never produced a direct Tudor heir,
                                   (but this is not to prove that she was a ******).  
Chastity, especially of women, is a virtue.  ((To assume that she never had ***
simply because she never married
                                                                ­ is another Querelle des Femmes.))

For nearly forty-five years, Queen Elizabeth I did not need a man by her side while she lead England to both relative stability and prosperity; did not need a man by her side while she became the greatest monarch in English history.  
                                                She held the rainbow, the bridge to God, in her
                                                                ­                     own small hands just fine.

                                                          ­           +

Saturday, February 24, 1431: Joan of Arc was interrogated for the third time in her fifteen-part trial in front of Bishop Cauchon and 62 Assessors.  During her six interrogation sessions, she was questioned over charges ranging from heresy to witchcraft to cross-dressing.

At age twelve Joan of Arc began seeing heavenly visions
                                                                ­               of angels and saints and martyrs;
age thirteen she began hearing the Voice of God—was told to
purify France of the English,                          to make Charles the rightful king—
age sixteen she took a vow of chastity as a part of her divine mission.  

When the court asked about the face and eyes
that belonged to the Voice, she responded:
                                                      ­                      There is a saying among children, that
                                                         “Sometimes one is hanged for speaking the truth.”

Joan of Arc was declared guilty and was killed by the orders of a Bishop during a time when men were beginning to question the role and nature of women in society.  They thought women to be deceitful and immoral.  Innately thought Joan of Arc to be deceitful and immoral.  (Perhaps she was one of the catalysts for the Querelle in the first place.)

((The church blamed Eve for the
fall of mankind.  Identified women as
                                                               the root of all sins.))

Twenty-five years later she was declared innocent and raised to the level of martyrdom.
The Catholic Church stood back,
saw the blood,
                          the ashes,
                                            the thick smoke and stench of burned body that
                                                                ­               covered their hands, their clothes,
                                                                ­                    their neurons, their synapses;
        a filth that couldn’t be washed off by Holy water—
can’t be washed off by Holy water.

Four hundred and seventy-eight years later Joan of Arc was blessed and gained entrance to Heaven.  Four hundred and eighty-nine years later she was canonized as a saint.

                                                         ­            +

Lines 777-780, “Eve’s Apology in Defense of Women,” Emilia Lanier, 1611:
                         But surely Adam can not be excused,
                         Her fault though great, yet he was most to blame;
                         What Weakness offered, Strength might have refused,
                         Being Lord of all, the greater was his shame…

Adam, distraught and angered that his first wife, Lilith, had flew off into the air after he had refused to lay beneath her, begged God to bring her back.  God, taking pity on his beloved, manly, creation, sent down three angels who threatened Lilith that if she did not return to Adam, one hundred of her sons would die each day.  

                              (This is where the mother of all Jewish demons
                                         merges with the first wife of Man.)  

She refused, said that this was her purpose: she was
created specifically to harm newborn children.  This legend,
dated back to 3,500 BC Babylonia, describes Lilith as a
                                                                       winged feminine demon that
                                                     kills infants and endangers women in childbirth.

In the Christian Middle Ages, Lilith changed form once more:
she became the personification of licentiousness and lust,
she became more than a demon, she became a sin in herself.  Lilith
and her offspring were seen as succubae, were to blame for the
wet dreams of men.  Taking it a step further, Christian leaders then
                                                                ­                           wed Lilith to Satan;
                                                                ­                              charged her with
                                                                ­               populating the world with evil,
                                                   claimed she gave birth to
one hundred demonic children per day.

Lilith is considered evil in the eyes of the church because she was insubordinate to Adam.  Both she and Eve are considered disobedient; are too willful, too independent in the way that Lilith wanted to be on top and Eve wanted to share a knowledge that Adam could have refused.  They are perceived as a threat to the divinely ordered happenings that men see to be true.

Men wrote the history books because only their interpretation was right.  
Emilia Lanier writes:
                                       Yet Men will boast of Knowledge, which he took
                                           From Eve's fair hand, as from a learned Book

The Querelle des Femmes is not just a literary debate in the fifteenth century.  It is a way of life.  It is the divine portion of Queen Elizabeth I’s job being fit for men, and men alone.  It is Joan of Arc being a woman and hearing the Voice of God; it is Joan of Arc being burned three times by the same Catholics that revered in Jesus, a man who, too, heard the Voice of God.  It is Lilith being deemed a demon for not wanting to have *** in the *******.  It is Eve having to apologize in the first place for sharing the apple, for sharing knowledge with her partner.  It is women holding positions of power and yet still feeling powerless to men.  

The Querelle des Femmes is wanting to use gender
to keep one group of people above another.  The Querelle des Femmes
is continually thinking that the ***** is greater than, but
never equal to, the ******. The Querelle des Femmes is
                                                       not understanding the difference between
                                                                ­       ***          and          gender
                                                                ­              in the first place.  
The Querelle des Femmes is me,
burning your dinner and telling you to eat it anyway.
This is part of a larger project that I am working on pertaining to the Querelle des Femmes.
Sam Hain Oct 2015
Ignore the slither and hiss:
The asp desires a kiss
      With tongue.

what a waste Oct 2015
Punching mirrors
to breach the barrier
between you and me

Show me that
black hole heart, friend
let it consume us

Chew through
the lines you've drawn
with my hand

This predates catastrophe
our faceless meditation
taste like apple seeds

I'm losing touch,
but I like the rush
we should ****
Adereti Daniel Sep 2015
Slowly learning to pace myself.
In the event, I might manage to know myself.
Hidden from you, from me too...
Not like I decided to.
Most things with me
are unplanned.

It's just an ease on my cold heart.
You are such fire.
Pardon my cold.
If it's distance, then I'd rather fall away.
I don't maintain pace as long i should, yet you do deserve me
(i do too)... pause

Is this an aim to be better or am I lying to myself?
Sanjukta Nag Sep 2015
A man and a woman in an exotic garden
Plucking mellow fruits and musky flowers,
In the crystal clear waterfall of infinity
Hand in hand they are taking shower.

At night he weaves blue dreams in his eyes
She wears crimson shyness on her cheeks,
While innocence and experience starts to play
The most secretive game of hide and seek.

They don't know how to ignite fire of desire
Though firewood of passion is surely ready,
He has the magnetism of a majestic lion
Her voice is sweet like nightingale's melody.

Their togetherness is unaware of any science
Only throbbing heart is filled with chemistry,
Both of them always feel curious to discover
The tree of knowledge's hidden mystery.

Soon Satan with the forbidden fruit appears
With joy she makes a glass of delicious juice,
They drink and desire burns to let us know
That the apple is merely just a silly excuse.
Was Satan fully responsible for what happened in Eden? Or there were already some seeds of desire in Adam and Eve's mind which was just watered by Satan!!  ;-) :-D
Sanjukta Nag Sep 2015
Million particles of tangible emotions
Whirling in the ever thirstful atmosphere
Of intoxicated Edenic earth.

A little drizzle of Eve’s moist fondness
Will start combustion on the compassion
Of Adam’s languishing heart.
Sir Douz Dante Sep 2015
Enchanting is her smile,
Flawless are her teeth,
Perfect are her lips,
Shining stars are her eyes,
Soft flowing silk her hair is,
A whisper of the wind, her voice is,,
True perfection my eyes behold,

But, it all seems to good to be true,
Dark is her heart,
Evil is  her soul,
Malice is her intent,
Murderous is her glare,
Torture she dreams of,
Her victims, countless,
None can stop her,,
This daughter of eve.
Solaces Aug 2015
This was a failed experiment on a grand scale indeed.  I was the creator of a new machine that could repair itself and live forever.  But something went wrong.  Something I did not foresee.   I made two versions of such a machine, version x and version y.  They were everything I had hoped for!  Strong and intelligent.  They could adapt to any circumstance.  But the machines I had built seem to not want to work for us anymore.  In a very cleaver way they managed to build a vessel in secret and leave the planet.   It was then one million years later we found where they had went.  A small little planet in the milky way system called Earth.  They went there to die but yet live forever.  The oxygen on this planet is poisonous which their bodies could only sustain for 75 to 110 years.  They had gathered lore on a place known as heaven.   A place beyond our universe.  The only way through is to expire or die. This is what they wanted us to think.   They had managed to replicate themselves into 6 billion different versions.  Their true intent was more sinister than expected.   They were planning on returning with their grand army of themselves and destroying us all.   Their vessel is deep in an ocean known as the Atlantic.  They are still there.  Molding their replications and prepping them for an invasion that would have happened in the next 3000 years.  CODE ADAM AND EVE aka (Version x and Version y )must be stopped.
I had this crazy dream last night about this lol!!  So I wrote what I could remember.
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