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scooby Nov 2017
I've seen to it to be left about,
a coursing, hushing let down.
To prove to you I leave rot out,
I see what's best about my withering brown.

A coursing, hushing let down-
take this as seriously as I say I do.
I see what's best about my withering brown.
My equinox benefits only you.

Take this as seriously as I say I do.
I'll come back and fall to fruit,
(my equinox only benefits you)
when warm tides cause seeds to root.

I'll come back and fall to fruit,
so see it to be left about.
A warm tide caused seeds to root,
I prove it and leave the rot out.
I am submitting this poem again, after a year it holds up, I still find the format quite beautiful.
Laurel Leaves Sep 2017
I crept through
The way summer
Lapsed like a
Quick reaction
My sinuses rejecting
Foreign objects

You stayed planted
In the pacing emptiness of
Our home
I could have
Come back to the same scene
At anytime

While I slowly walked through
The way that the hills
Sloped through
Curving around
Cascade fault lines

I forgot how to
Find the simple ideology
Of breathing
When living in fear
Of existing on the same
Latitude as we used to

I am no longer home
I am capsized
Cannot grasp
The same

I just let the dark
Winding roads
Where our song plays
Droning out the white noise
Over and over again
Until my nerves stabilize

Who said loving me
Wasn't going to become a balancing act
When you met me
I couldn't even sit down
I couldn't think of anything
“Today, try not to drown”
I'm not feeling myself and this weather is making my knees crawl.
Robin Goodfellow Jun 2017
Sleeping flowers fall
past soft leaves, the morning light
greeting velvet dew.
JT Sep 2016
I don't know what he was to others—
   fireworks, lemonade, ants crawling on a picnic blanket—
   but I always knew him at his worst.
He was sleep cycles shaped like carnival pretzels,
   days that bled together,
weeks that clumped like a rat king
   under floorboards in the beach house.
He spoke in clouds
   swollen with diluvian rain,
daggers of lightning
   cracking the river in half,
the language of a muggy body in sticky room
   staring out a window
at absolutely nothing.
   The sort of stuff that makes me think
he didn't know his own strength,
   most of the time.

As always, when he died this year
   he died by degrees,
bedridden in the hospice of September.
   I listened to his death rattle
 of rustling yellow leaves
   and watched the last of the fireflies
crawl from between his parted lips.
   When he went cold for good
I built a pyre out of his firewood bones.
   The ashes fell into the soil
like seeds in waiting, and I watched
   the moon grow so large that it stretched
the nighttime like candy licorice
   and made it longer than before.
My duty done, I turned to go.
   The smoke rose up to embrace the sky,
and at the time, I could have sworn
  that from the corner of my eye
I saw it curl around
   and wave at me.
version four point something.
A barrage of laughter together
could make the entire world forgive,
a plethora replete with enology, alas

Her last call of opus, starlike
where kingdom was golden, though
she waxed true, when her heart was thunder,
and said her message would only engender
seldom seen or heard rites now expedience that her wealth justly encountered autumnal equinox render such brilliance
huddled only in range and moon here tonight.
A vow to remember generation pass to world in peace today
Wait, if Jesus died for our sins,
wouldn't his sacrifice be in vein
if we don't sin?

Or, is it that
he was killed
because of our sinful nature?

Further, would his selfless redemption have been possible without the ever-so-hated Judas?
Isn't he just as necessary as Jesus to this tale?
Just as the Devil is with God?

I guess I'm overthinking this.
Thinking begets trouble.
I hope the humour is seen..

Celebrate the return of the Light, the Path, the Way, the Anointed One(s): Horus, Sol, Apollo, Jesus, Eostre, etc. etc. Whatever language/culture you prefer/were taught to be biased towards.

The important thing is to celebrate the beginning of a new redemption; a transcendence of the frigid agricultural death known as Winter.

Symbolism rocks!

moon worship is evil,
but unceasing war
over translations of parables
is a sacred duty.
Sam Hawkins Mar 2016
considering the lilies of the field
palms laid down

blue white arizona desert flower
sweet blooming oh

considering sunlight

mourning dove

i ride into my jerusalem

beautiful moment
full everywhere
Farah Hizoune Dec 2015
I'd rather be the moon
For she can be gazed upon
without the blinding pain of the suns' corona
She is noxious in the darkness
cold and grievous
Hanging there heavily,
lush and languorous
Like the womb of the world,
she guides the ebb and flow of life
Selenic and motherly,
She is fertile and ever changing
Her surface is cratered with millennia of wear,
but she still glows beautifully, unaffected,
like a goddess of the night
I'd rather be the moon
Robert C Howard Oct 2015
Night equals day equals night;
The march of hours pauses,
poised in tranquility
as the waning season cedes
to its successor -
with each passing day spinning
like a cosmic pirhouette
whirling about the solar axis.

The oracle of autumn
prophecies the coming snow and ice.
So we gather in our grain
and fire up a *** of tea
to share before the hearth.

The solstice descends upon us
as we burrow in with friends and kin.
But even as the frozen ground
crackles beneath our boots,
we trust the ever-whirling earth
to stretch the days once more
and raise spring flowers from their sleep.

*October 14, 2015
Please consider checking out my book,  Unity Tree - available from in both book and Kindle formats.
the gentle Equinox was ours
though our time together was not always so
you tasted like magic to me
and we came together with all the fiery sweetness I imagined love to be

two halves of the same coin
it was I who dried your tears
and you who held me close
and yet I am unacknowledged

my mate-no-longer,
who walks the long road with another
you have already begun to forget the heart laid at your feet

when I gathered the blossoms
when I consigned my heart’s desire to the flames,
when I laid the Solstice wreath beneath my pillow

It was you I dreamt of.
finished July 15, 2015
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