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Amul Garg Feb 2015
I woke up from a slumber,
on this day late in December,
to find the ceiling fan spinning,
to find the biting cold missing.

The world hates this season,
for a multitude of reasons.
But I love cold, harsh winters,
like I love the sound of burning wood splinters"

People of this world don't appreciate,
the strange charms winters create.
They don't care to notice,
the beauty of silence and peace.

Oh, how I miss the fog,
the engulfing, blinding fog!
But what I miss the most,
is my breaths turning to mist.

I miss those several layers of warm cloth,
and those moments of sloth -
when my bed held me captive
and blankets ******* all attempts to get active.

I miss the rush to the high hills,
to enjoy some snowy chills.

I miss this season of quiet and calm,
for its fog, its mists and its eerie charm.
Rachna Beegun Feb 2015
All are doomed to love.
All are doomed to die.
Tonight bring the black tomb.
For even the most high.
Even those in this room.
Cannot pretend to fly
And I know.
Even you.
Even I.
Must die.
I found myself engulfed by Pike's words--caught up in the nightmares he describes, the strange lights, the odd occurrences, the scenes pertaining to the advanced civilization that was Ancient Egypt, the wrenching fight between keeping love alive or resigning yourself to moving on. Anybody who has ever entertained the notion of bringing someone they love back from the dead should read this one first. Sometimes it is indeed better to be left dead rather than suffer the ceaseless pain that the real world offers.

Everyone in this novel is trapped in their own never-ending tragedy. No matter how much they claw, and scream, and assure themselves they are doing the right thing, they ceaselessly end back in the storm of the madness.
AlphaShadowK Feb 2015
the stains trickling down the edges of his lips
a straight face remaining
a dreaded corpse
begging to see
blood evident everywhere
hair creeping out in places
ears tucked back neatly
expressionless still
lacking movement
fear seeping into the environment
death and life remains unknown
symmetrical in every sense
cloth removing simple vision
steady and calm
quiet elegancy
graceful in thought
until death once more.
There was a photo of Markiplier with a blood-stained cloth around his eyes and an unsettling persona entirely, and I knew that I needed to describe it somehow. Searching up "Darkiplier" on google should give you the picture I was describing.
The Tinkerer Jan 2015
This low, monotonous sound.
The humming of the bus,
As it churns on, covering ground.
This low monotonous sound,
The solemn lullaby, for the people around..
Conversing with the darkness
Biding time,
Slowly, it begins to caress
Like a lullaby, or a rhyme
This low monotonous sound,
The sole companion
Of the commuters
Of **The night bound
A 3am scribble.. On a dark, lonely night of travel..
Darkness, Shadows, Fright’ning screams
Red eyes haunt you in your dreams
With serpent coils and spider crawls
Clouded skies and banshee calls

Cold chills running down your spine
Something’s counting down your time
Monsters wait to draw your blood
Don’t listen for that sick’ning thud

With every turn you hear a howl
Eerie, freaky, creepy, growl
Apparitions all around
Voices groaning underground

Death and phantoms at your neck
Pirates on a grim ship wreck
Something’s coming down the hall
With fangs and claws and dying squall

Darkness, shadows, is this real
All this fear and dread I feel
I must wake up and see the sun
Or this nightmare won’t be done
Have a Halloween poem for Christmas! I'll try to have a Christmas poem for Dec. 25 (or Valentines day)
shaffenstein Sep 2014
Come to me when the night is deep,
when the darkness surrounds you,
when the spiders creep.
Spin a web with fingers sleek
and catch your prey when the world
around sleeps.
Haunted secrets we keep
when the air is not breathable
and all around the sound seems
when love is weak,
Know I hold you,
unfold you
in a world that's predictable;
I'll lift you, unshift you
when the night feels so crippled,
uncage you, reclaim you
when your world falls unfixable.
Tonight under moonlight
when the wolves hunt alone,
we'll tune out the drone
with love's resounding home--
We'll delight in the known,
knowing we're never alone
and howl at the moonlight
too soon midnight gone.
breaking down the wall
my fears were ten feet tall
boundaries have been spoken
monsters have awoken
I see you standing there
through that misty midnight fog
my movement paces on
the days they have grown long
the ****** bitter taste
my lips have known to love
manipulates all time
and soaks the purest dove
fetch me my salvation
an apologizing thrill
I'd tell you that I miss you
and I am sorry I can ****
a morbid cloud of breath
fills the room with stares
judging by the book
I am sent to death
Boxed inside this noise
I must get my share
You deserve all joy
since I took the devil's dare
Emma Aug 2014
cabinet doors left open
cake mix on the counter
a board game half finished
family portraits hang on the wall
laundry folded in neat piles to be put away
everything is still, silent
not a breath, nor a soul
like everyone just vanished
their laughter hangs in the air
like the portraits on the walls
their shadows still strewn across the floor
but nobody's home
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