I've been American dreaming...a slumber of days untold.
American dreaming...a longing for the days of old.
Because old dogs can't seem to stop turning tricks and the lotto's been called again but I still haven't won my picks.
American dreaming of days of the past where bad things were common and women wore masks.
Of smiles and deceit to hide their fate from the men with knives who swore they'd made the pain fade.
Away to the future where "******" run amok, and the ones elected to "save" us couldn't give a f---.
Yes, I'm American dreaming, of a place welled up with pride, I'm American dreaming as we **** ourselves from the inside.
In a place screaming "Freedom" as we duck and run to hide.
The abyss pulls us closer as we put our trust into those who've lied,
to save their skin, because we only back the best...
I'm American dreaming...but I can't seem to get no rest.
An ode to the outcomes of ole '24