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Morgan Mercury Oct 2018
Where is the inspiration that I once possessed?
Where is the love that once sprouted from my fingertips?
Where are all the flowers that once grew around my feet,
with each step I took?

It seems as though
lately I've abandoned my gardens,
and left all the flowers to wilt and turn to dust.
The lives that I once cared for,
are now all scattered around the ground.

My spring light is somewhere lost in this winter cold,
and this winter has been going on for too long.
My body is numb from the breeze the December nights send me.
I once rose with the early sun in the morning,
but now I find my self serenading the moon each night.
Hoping maybe she will understand all my pain and issues.

These nights are graceless.
These nights are long.
These nights have me lost,
walking and searching for the sun.
Always ending up in places
that are just too dark.

Where is the sun that once loved me like a child?
Will I ever end up in a perfect place?
Am I just crying them to the moon?
Will this all be over soon?
my 2017 summer mood
Deep Oct 2018
O traveler, why lookest thou straight
on the road
grave and speculative,
Depriving your eyes such a beatific sight,
See the angelic form standeth behind
the window curtain,
Come, wait, sit beside me, it’s worth waiting,
We both will sing in praise of her
And linger until she uncurtains the curtain.
You say it’s purposeless
Why argue?
Isn’t it the reason our maker gives us eyes?
Isn’t it the purpose of our mind’s evolution
to sing and hail the beauty; at least of her.

You won’t believe my word? Impertinence!
You will be blinded by her shadow
spare her presence; “stare not for long”,
What? You say it exaggeration…
Bon Dieu!
If beauty is not exaggerated
where lies its charm.

Look! her shadow moving, she is
growing impatient as if  getting
late to meet her lover.
Yes, she wins heart in a look
and crushes it in a blink and wins again
by smile.
Monarch sleeps in her bed
Life in right, Death in left hand; she possesses,
Judiciary in closet
And warriors in purse.
Countries bow, world kneel, universe supplicate
before her.
Stop! Where thou going?
Pardon these adynatons,
I’m drunk in her beauty.

Let us sing then, I’ll lead, you follow

Flowers wilting in chilled air,
Waiting clouds to part
To have a look fair,
Of moon…

Do see the restlessness in that room?
I can sense her ***** heaving, repressed
sighs and her fingers twisting, twirling
in exasperation,
It must be a lover
who invented the song, isn’t it?

A gloomy firefly in this starless sky
Searching his lover
Who has lost the light,
Wait not moon, rise, help him
In his plight…

Look! look! The curtain is drawn
There she, my sovereign,
don’t mistake her eyes for stars.
Have a profound look, but not too long;
this witnesses only fortunate.
What? you lost your vision-
But I warned you earlier.
Now, who’ll testify I saw her?
Brandon Conway Sep 2018
"I am dying."

"Its hardly a cold."

"Will you fetch me a thermometer?"

"I will send for one, you Shakespearean."

"I am glad you can make jokes to a dying friend."

"Learn to hold your wine."

"You mean drink? Or what I am doing now?"


"Will you still be my friend in the morning?"

"If you are alive."

"Good. I am dying you know?"

"You died a week ago and the week before that."

"It's real this time. You will not be happy in the morning."

"Why is that?"

"You will wake to a foul smell and realize that your mourning will be spent digging a hole."

"Oh, so like most mornings with you."

"You are a real pal. Pass the wine?"
Zersrol Sep 2018
Fear is not put aside
No matter what
It's there to stay
You could channel it
But you could never
Get rid of it
When you think
You have
Is the day you are DEAD
When looking down
For the first time ever
You would be in
And even feel the SWEAT
Going down your back
When seeing a speeding car
Moving fast and crazy
On the street you are
Causally walking through
With no time to blink or move
You are in Shock
You are feeling THE FEAR
Soon enough it takes you over
Soon enough the fear of life's troubles
Consumes you
But these events is what makes us
In a world such as ours
You can't get rid of fear
But you can mold it
To make you STRONG
I made this to pass time in class when I was in 7th grade. I was honestly letting my brain go plays again and this poem just happened
Morgan Mercury Aug 2018
I don't want to apologize,
but I am sorry.
I understand I can be a bit dramatic sometimes,
and over think every situation.
However, I just wish I could understand how you feel about me.
Maybe I wouldn't hold on to every little thing
if you just gave me a sign that is clear for me to read.
I've never been able to enjoy the company of another,
so I'm not sure how this is suppose to play out.
Don't leave me in the morning
feeling used and forgotten.
However, I find myself waiting by the phone as the evening passes
wondering if I should keep trying.
I'm holding on but I know I deserve something more.
It's been 9 months and it's been hundreds of miles.
Sorry if this sounds selfish,
but I can't wait forever and hold onto nothing
when I know I deserve something more.
I love your company
and in my head, we are happy
because I know you feel the same.
I don't want to sound dramatic,
but just please don't leave me in this haze.
Morgan Mercury Aug 2018
I wish I could describe the feeling
of being high and happy one day,
and then lonely and unmotivated the next.
The truth is I'm just confused with my life right now.
It seems these days my feelings change like the seasons.
How many more sunsets do I have to watch
before I finally pull back and feel whole?
I used to wish for the days of living in my own apartment.
Never did I think I would get this lonely.
I used to wish for the days of moving to a different city with my friends.
Never did I think they would leave and it would just be me.
There are days where I am inspired,
and you can see me dancing in the sunlight.
Riding this high as far as I can.
It took me a while to realize that my life is no sitcom.
My years as a young adult
aren't playing out how I thought they would be.  
No, they are not like the ones you see on TV.
Forgive me if I sound dramatic,
but this is not the state I thought I would be in
when I was 16 and full of hope.
writerReader Jan 2015
i hear her
crackle and her
cackle and her
clomping and
her stomping and
i feel her
silver hair and
LylexRose Jul 2018
These long nights...
Our grey skies...
The fire in our lies...
I can't back down,
March on to the fight...
Grey skies on long nights, I know the past is the past, on these long nights I'm just wondering if it lasts, used to lead myself in the fast...lane but now just feels overcast, seeing people you used to see, and they ask, "what you doing with your life?", you wouldn't get it, but you really wanna know right, hoping to change things, long flights on these long nights, feeling feelings you know are right, days gone by, never see the light, only feel the heat when to me you lie, take what i can get, work by day and work by night, grinding out my life, I see you look in from the outside, live my life by the wayside, chase my dreams but don't chase lines...

These long nights...
Our grey skies...
The fire in our lies...
I can't back down,
March on to the fight...

 Gimme my shovel it's about to get scarier, tearing out your tears, tear down my boundaries, digging myself a grave, but end up burying her, is that how I feel, maybe I should bury my anger, now I'm scarying her, I know I'm not alone out here, traveling my on own, not a soul to endear, is that ya'll see it, question me and I feel it, shoulders dripping from your tears, I'm the bird of night, break up, we fight, we lose, I choose, chose this path, how many outcomes can you see, do the math, music as passion, music as a life, chasing my dreams despite it, taking longer without a guide, my future is in the hands of my applied crimes, though this I decline, with a home I can't find, under these grey skies, on these long nights...

These long nights...
Our grey skies...
The fire in our lies...
I can't back down,
March on to the fight...
Elizabeth Zenk May 2018
i am truly sorry
i’m sorry I changed
i’m sorry i didn’t
i’m sorry i don’T always think
i’m sorry i’m dramatic
i’m sorry we never talk
i’m sorry foR complaining
i’m sorry for the time i wasted
i’m sorry I’m fake
i’m sorry i can’t shut up
i’m sorry i nevEr want to hang out
i’m sorry i scared away your friends
i’m sorry i try too hard
i’m sorry i Don’t try at all
i’m sorry
can't you sEe
i hate myseLf too
i'd say Probably more
Danielle Jun 2018
The night is dramatic
Awash in silver and black.
Without the stars
The full moon glows,
Singing to you, lullabies
To ease those skulking dreams.
A poem written as a kind of response to Quiet Girl by Langston Hughes

I would liken you
To a night without Stars
Were it not for your eyes.
I would liken you
To a sleep without dreams
Were it not for your songs.

-Langston Hughes
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