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serpentinium May 2018
If I am to drown,
I hope to march headfirst
into the sea, disappearing
under the waves in a lure of
golden fish scales,
crushed to the bottom
by bullet-shaped weights.

I want a death by mystery,
to wash ashore one April morning,
bloated & violet, fingernails stained
with yellow seaweed.

I was once rainwater clutched in
the milk-white teeth of a crashing wave,
black storm clouds crackling with
lightning bolts of who I was and
who I could never be.

I wake with seawater in my mouth,
a cruel simulacrum of
living water, staining my lips & neck
in the color of overripe plums.

I am water immobile,
molecules frozen in crystalline figures,
waiting for the warmth of choice, of
knowing that my fate can be more than
dead at twenty-seven to thaw my
aching limbs.
i think about water a lot...
Eve May 2018
She doesn't loves me as much as she loves you
You can say that I'm dramatic but we both know that it's true...

sankavi Apr 2018
i wonder, did it ever cross your mind
to wonder how it felt to give my heart to you?
how it felt to break down my walls and bare my soul?

yeah, okay.
i admit that may have been a bit dramatic.
but i think that's just how it was with you.
i felt every word, every laugh, every smile
[and, truthfully, every carefully platonic touch.]
just a little too much to suit my cowardly self.

the thing is, everything you came from
[and everything you brought me, too]
was always just a little too much for me.
oh, but you know how much i like it when it hurts.

so, i let those walls fall down and i bared my soul.
i asked for nothing more than you could give,
and i gave you everything i could give in return.

but now, i suppose you never told me one thing.
you felt i wanted something more from you,
enough to take away the thing that made you smile.

but god, you know me better than the things you accused me of.
how many times and in how many words had i wished not for you,
but for the happiness i knew you deserved?

there is only so much i can say,
and even little that i can do,
to make things different.

and i have nothing left to give, anyway.
my heart is tired of beating, and my soul?
it's just tired of being pushed around.

so i'll back myself in a corner,
and watch the world pass by.
pray for you to forgive me and, maybe,
stop by and say hi.
zb Apr 2018
sometimes i'm too easily amused
by the things that should bring me down.
i laugh at the thoughts
that should make me uncomfortable.
(i'm being dramatic. really,
they're just thoughts about
humanity and reality.)

an example;
the other day, i had a thought.
a silly thought. a simple one.
i thought to myself,
"i'm running from the responsibility
of knowing
that i'm running from responsibility"
it wasn't an intelligent thought.
it wasn't even that dramatic.

i laughed anyway.
Anno Apr 2018
why won't someone tell me
what they know
or is it all a show
I can't really tell
the spasms
touches of sarcasm
the flakes of fakes
like a self conscious woman
I follow you
i follow
but now i wallow
as your actions hit me
like a heart attack
maybe I am just being dramatic
It's a panic
shaken bones
my mind has grown
It's just a panic
a panic.
Owen Carter Apr 2018
Endless storms inside my mind
Ravaging and tearing at my very soul
Wearing down my will to survive
A selfish desire developed so strong
To release this agony
And pour out my sorrows
With the edge of my knife
I take a slice and watch
As the crimson ink flows
And writes these words I speak
My whole being tortured by thoughts
And the world around me closing in
Pressuring me to submit to life
A resistance floods over me
A life I can't live
A life I can't imagine
A life too strong
A life too overwhelming
A life I can't bare to live
And it would all come down to a decision
Brianna Duffin Mar 2018
Big unwieldy reputation
Every time I take a step it’s a big conversation
But nobody ever wants to talk about the real me
And once upon a time, I had someone by my side
But I learned long ago real friends are hard to come by
Well, if good people are hard to find that must be why trust is even harder
Big unwieldy reputation
And people who want to play like adults but are scared like children
Because they’ve learned nothing in life is ever, not even close
And they know every move you make enlarges your reputation
No, no, no, it doesn’t matter if it’s true
It matters if it’s good; it matters if it’s exciting
Because we are a ruthlessly sick crowd craving a taste of excitement
Which is why we all get left with a big unwieldy reputation.
Big unwieldy reputation.
amber Mar 2018
bathing in my emotions
feeding my feelings
nurturing my neurosis

people are too far
they seem nothing like me
empty seas Mar 2018
You sl i  p  p   e    d  away
and I didn’t see it
didn’t see you fall
I was trapped by my own presumptions
that everything would be okay
that you were okay
until I heard you
crying out
I couldn’t help

I was too late
Don’t worry, this is about my friend falling down my staircase.
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