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Feliz dia dos namorados, amigos
É dia de cuidar uns dos outros
E dar as mãos
A amizade importa, o amor importa
As flores também são importantes, irmãos e irmãs
Por favor, não fique muito zangado
Porque o céu não é azul nem branco
Vamos aproveitar o orvalho da manhã
Por favor, não fique tão triste
Vamos aproveitar o tempo frio e soalheiro
Há neve aqui e ali, mas no canto
É primavera com ar fresco e um ramo de flores
A amizade importa, o amor importa
Há lampejos de fogo de amor no ar
Vamos aproveitar a época de amor, paz e cuidado
É tempo de caminhar felizes de mãos dadas
Juntos caminharemos, juntos permaneceremos de pé.

P.S. Este poema é dedicado a todos os amantes do mundo.
Copyright © Janeiro 2025, Hébert Logerie, Todos os direitos reservados.
Hébert Logerie é autor de várias coletâneas de poemas.
Buon San Valentino, amici
È il giorno per prendersi cura l'uno dell'altro
E unire le mani
L'amicizia è importante, l'amore è importante
Anche i fiori sono importanti, fratelli e sorelle
Per favore non arrabbiarti troppo
Perché il cielo non è né blu né bianco
Godiamoci la rugiada del mattino
Per favore non essere troppo triste
Godiamoci il clima freddo e soleggiato
C'è neve qua e là, ma nell'angolo
È primavera con aria fresca e un mazzo di fiori
L'amicizia è importante, l'amore è importante
Ci sono lampi di fuoco d'amore nell'aria
Godiamoci la stagione dell'amore, della pace e della cura
È tempo di camminare felicemente mano nella mano
Insieme cammineremo, insieme staremo in piedi.

P.S. Questa poesia è dedicata a tutti gli innamorati del mondo.
Copyright © gennaio 2025, Hébert Logerie, Tutti i diritti riservati.
Hébert Logerie è autore di diverse raccolte di poesie.
Happy Valentine’s Day, my friends
‘Tis the day to care for each other and to join hands
Friendship matters, love matters
Flowers matter too, brothers and sisters
Please do not be too mad
Because the sky is not blue
Let’s enjoy the morning dew
Please do not be too sad
Let’s enjoy the cold sunny weather
There’s snow here and there, but at the corner
Is spring with fresh air and a bundle of flowers
Friendship matters, love matters
There are sparkles of fire of love in the air
Let’s enjoy the season of love, peace and care
‘Tis the moment to walk happily hand in hand
Together we shall stroll, together we shall stand.

P.S. This poem is dedicated to the lovers of the world.
Copyright © January 2025, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.
on a stage, guitars strumming a tune that
can only be hummed, for it has no verses
the songwriters, their tongues entwined,
joined as one, they can speak no words

but the crowd roars its favor,, sheds its de light, stomping and whooping it up, making
all the necessary noises, of two tongues, yes’m, entwining

kinda like a kissing, a little of hissing too,,
got its own rhythm, even the noises rhyming,
a rock n roll ballad with country western
mixed in, some say it sounds like Joan Baez
singing **** Jagger, or an Avett Brothers

words need tongues for formaytion,
tongues needed to speak, but absent
a common language,tongues do what
tongues do best,
intertwining, combining, licking,
making love noises that requires
two to be
taste of two
and we
as one,
the loveliest
An old year is slowly winding down
Where every minute and second count
Don’t hold our breath, just count down
Gently and slowly. A new year, a new bout
Is coming down the aisle, while an old year
Is disappearing or evaporating in the air
An old year is gone, an old year is out
A brand new day is in, please let’s not shout
Be happy, be jolly, and be ecstatic for now
Please let’s not be as loud as a hungry cow
We must move on, we must go forward
Let’s not look back and let’s not step backward
A new year is present in the atmosphere
Life is not fair, life is sometimes unfair
Let’s be positive and let’s hope for the best
Let’s be fair and let’s start caring for the rest
Life is not easy. Life is not static.
Life can be wonderful and dynamic
An old year is being chased, that’s natural
And a new year is approaching like a jackal
That’s a phenomenon. A new decade is here too
This is the beginning of something special and anew
An old year is gone. It’s now history. It’s now the past
Time is never slow. Time always runs fast, very fast
Like the last poem of the old decade
And the new poem which will enjoy the new shade.

Copyright © December 2019, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several poetry books.
A new day
Comes every day
With a morning, a noon
An afternoon and an evening
It's day and it's night
Across the countryside.

The first day of the year
Is as special as the last
Man creates days of feast
To distinguish himself from the beast
That says that all days are the same
Like the wind that dances and sows.

There is a beginning
To smile and laugh
And an end of time
To cry and die
The animals are right
A new season does not matter.

A new year, a new day
A new week, a new month
A new night, a new noon
A new sun, a new moon.

Copyright © January 2021, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.
Things of Yesterday
are gone like
Whispers in the Wind,
carrying them away,
To never see the Light of Day,
To be Blinded by the Dark of Night,
To never see the Sun Shine Bright,
The Whispers of Yesterday,
Have fluttered away, and gone astray,
The voices that were heard,
The speaking of soft words,
You barely hear them,
Just under a breath,
Upon a Whimper,
is where they rest.
Whispers of Yesterday,
Are all now gone,
Now, Turning soft whipsers
into a sad Love Song!!!

Date: 06/14/2023
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
We all know that Christmas is commercialized
It is about business, profits and making money
So is Valentine's Day right now. Love is for sale
Hearts are on sale. Love is indeed materialized
Greed is at its best. Some lovers are very pale
Many seniors are obviously sad. That's not funny
Because it hurts to see so many loners
Who are not happy. They are in pain
Nobody buys them: flowers or chocolate
Valentine's Day is no longer for lovers
Yet, it is a very special to go on a date
With friends and to dream of having fun
Things have changed and are no longer the same
This is the truth and that's a ****** shame
Still, I'm wishing you: Happy Valentines's Day
Be safe! Blow kisses and don't get carried away.

Copyright © February 2020, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.
neth jones Dec 2024
low by day    a massive moon full
a bowl of candy pallor            
and this city is taken   to a more charming realm

more than one figure takes out a camera
aims                  and   i am not a real person
     but i am represented
       by an attempt     at something 'in bounds'
                       playing it safe
i feel like greeting
     and if truly bold  asking others
      of the quality of their experience right now

[early version
Hello / I’m not a real person / But I am represented by an attempt/ A massive full moon /Pink and low by day/The city is taken to a more beautiful planet]
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