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Every little thing you do,
It lights me up.
Almost if I was a pool of oil,
That your passion set aflame,
I will burn each night and day.
So that the sun can never set,
On our lightning love.
I'm dumbstruck by how amazing she is
Celestial Mar 22
A welcome warning,
Don't look at those who are mourning.
They'll **** your soul dry,
With their own want to die.

Through that, the track is a breeze.
Just follow my footsteps with ease.
Well, maybe not the stumbles.
We might take a few tumbles.

The circle of life rotates fast,
It's so easy to get stuck in the past.
Far ahead is the present,
To reach it would be pleasant.

Be careful not to overshoot,
The future will come to boot,
Worry into your system.
Ones like "I should have kissed him."

Let my words be a guide,
I won't be here for the long ride.
I figured it out too quick,
and now every second is a *****.

Thank you for the blessing of your presence.
I rarely get to indulge such essence.
Good luck traveling on.
At least I'll enjoy one last dawn.
Can there be a time,
Where we sit down in deep night,
To be honest and alone,
Saying everything we wish we could.

Can there come a day,
Where we just sit and talk,
So I can tell you how I love you,
And plan all the things we're going to do.
Mujer, mujer, oh dulce mujer
Mi amor, mi cuna, mi comienzo
En mi cuaderno diario
Cada día es tu día
Tú eres mi alma, mi pilar
Te aprecio todos los días
Y te amo mucho, mucho mi amor.

Mujer, mi amor, mi belleza
Tú me sorprendes todo el día
Tú ocupas el centro de mi vida
Tú eres mi princesa, mi amiga
Tú eres mi reina, mi envidia
Mujer, mujer, oh dulce mujer
Mi oxígeno, mi bella dama.

Mujer, corazón de mi alma
La estrella de mi cielo y de mi vida
Tú eres la muñeca original, la mujer hermosa
Tú eres ella que se mueve, que empuja y que rema
¡Guau! Tú eres una mujer bien realizada
Mujer, dulce mujer, oh tierna mujer
Tú eres el sol que ilumina mi palma.

Mujer para mi, tú eres fundamental
Mi angelita, mi santa, tú eres muy especial
La vida no tiene sentido sin ti, sin tu sonrisa
Tú eres mi faro, mi amor, mi esperanza
Tú eres mi corazón, mi sueño, mi alma
¡Mujer, mujer, oh mujer misteriosa!

PD.Traducción del poema de ‘Joyous Women's Day'
Por Hébert Logerie

Copyright © marzo 2019, Hébert Logerie, Todos los derechos reservados
Hébert Logerie es autor de varios libros de poesía.
I wish you well,
I bid you great things,
I hope that you receive
all the good that life brings!!!

I will see you around,
Hoping very, very soon,
We shall part for right now,
So, Au revoir, and Adieu!!!

It's time that we part,
see the world and explore,
just start our own joureny, and
See what's in store!!

Farewell and so long,
Cos, we will meet again, but
parting is sweet sorrow,
Until the next time my Friend!!!

Be Blessed and be Wonderful,
hoping you're Feeling swell,
I will see you down the road,

Date: 3/5/2025
Tranquilly comes the darkened night,
Farewell hues to ascend into my sight,
The skies adorned in colors of soft blue,
As the sun sets so mournfully too soon.

Drying up its moon drop silver tears,
As the horizon sinks below its sorrowful fears,
The sea of my graying soul does reflects,
The echoing beating of my heart's painful affects.

With genuine sigh and empathy from you,
Surrendering my love is all that can I do,
I welcome the stars now raining down,
From the celestial symphony's sound.

Influence my moons and giving me hope,
Bringing my dreams to life driven to cope,
All the fading visions and grasping desires,
Drift away as upward sparks among a fire.

I surrender to the ebbing tides,
Keeps me in a blue memory, I sigh,
I swim towards safer shores as the bell toll,
Where gentle waves soothe every wounded soul.

Oh sweet timeless the gentle night,
The moon shines with ardent love, so right,
For one hundred more I plead in tears,
Extend these true tender loving years.  

Here I shall rest now forevermore,
Finding peace knowing I have endured,
In silence, my sorrows are laid to rest,
There is nothing left for me, I did my best.
Word count 205. In the end comes peace, amen indeed.
Rose Mar 5
Mentally expecting the worst
Everything that could go wrong will
But what if it doesn’t?
Either way, my list of to-dos gets longer
If my phone rings, I don’t answer. Keep it on silent and no voicemail.
Didn’t pay the bill now I have no service
So what am I gonna do now?
One less thing to worry about, I guess.
Wishing I could disappear
Hiding behind clouds like silent storm waiting to strike
Maybe it’s time I get some rest
Can’t enjoy the moments, it’s always what’s next?
night drapes
day spreads
stars emit light
moons conceal dark
around the north star-fire
away from the south moon-water
stars journey
moons remain
in their wake
at their rest
stories extend
stories retract
It's time to settle down,
To buckle up.
Focus on school and your future,
But they can never drag out the memories,
Of when we were wild and free.

Betting on everything,
Life in the dead of night.
But I guess the sun came up,
Because nothing's the same as it was,
When we were wild and free.
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