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Lexi Mar 2018

Illona Dec 2017
Words been sitting on my tongue for so long
Nothing can escape
They don't know how to solve the labryrinth
Eyes contact
Every crowded room
Only see
the brown orbs
Looking at the sun
But can't see the moon

I can't hug the blues but i can see the sun
Isaac Middleton Nov 2015
i'm in love with the way
we all crowd around each other
in flatteringly-lit places
with four walls
overpriced drinks
and some dark noise
as we keep to ourselves mostly
in groups of one or three

being social

but sometimes
you look into someone's lined eyes accidentally,
as if to say 'save me, please. are you it? please be it.'
no one ever is

then, we look away intensely at the floor,
or pick up an ash tray that is suddenly so interesting,
or ask to *** a cig
or something stupid.

as the night rolls into itself
and you find yourself alone in your unmade bed
to conclude yet another day,
now that you're so tired of

and nothing is quite
i started making eyes at the little mexican girls in the mall when i was twelve.
i shouldn't have started that game so early.
Sofia Rose Sep 2015
I have so many words
crammed inside my head
words on words
no pattern
just words
a disjointed jumble.
As I shove them out
of my head
onto paper
more appear
faster than I can write.
My words
borrowed words
words of geniuses
words of drunks.
Someone once told me
words are powerful
if you know how to use them
but I don't
so I have no power
just a crowded head
filled with disjointed
Alexandra Sep 2015
Have you ever felt alone in a crowd of people?
Well I'm here and I can't quite make out the sounds
Faces rush around me, I can't catch a glimpse
Everything's moving so fast, and here I am so still
I blink my eyes, and everything changes
Oh where did this feeling of longing grow from?
It's like I'm moving in slow motion
I try to move one foot in front of the other
I look from side to side
Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me?*
Trying to catch a glimpse of the one who might save me
But all I see is blank glances, dead eyes
There's no one there, there never was
Just me and my shallow, empty heart
Veeta Nirmala Jun 2015
Crowded* street on this day
Crowded mind on my brain
Crowded people around me
Crowded places in this world
Crowded tweet in my timeline
Crowded capture on instagram
Crowded replies from my friends
Crowded government on my country
Crowded tragic around me
Crowded people whose try find the truth

There's a quiet person took a pen
Started to write on the beloved diary
And he asked to God,
Why this world is so *crowded

God answered

My son, this world is too crowded because,
people didn't thank for their graces.

People always find their wanted on their own,
They didn't let it all to me

He replied
**Oh, God, start from this day, I will thank you for my graces from YOU
By : Veeta. A girl who was living around the CROWDED WORLD.
Amitav Radiance May 2015
There is always a way
Hidden from plain sight
So many crossroads
We have to tackle
Surrounded by structures
And then busy boulevards
Higher and higher
Ambitions kissing clouds
Vertical limits not set
One feels dizzy
Like a minnow
Pushed around
Sprain in the neck
New phobias
And health scares
Spine gives way
To modern marvels
Can’t bear the load
Amanda Lee Oct 2014
Her hands clinged around the pencil,
as if it were the last thing she'd touch.

Her head cleared in spite of the noise,
thinking only of the boy she loved.

As the noise began to rise,
her head began to grow.
And the gardens she used to plant,
rapidly began to glow

Imagination, such a scary place to hide,
in a room of introverts, secrets, and kids who want to die.

A crowded room, a pencil and wind that struck so coldly,
how could one ever be around people yet still feel so lonely?
Olivia McCann Sep 2014
I've walked into a tunnel.
Following coats,
Dragging behind in
The light is slitted
The shape above is
Too Close to my head.
The sharp,
Undecided angles bother me
And a nervous twitch begins.

I imagine it like a funnel,
Sorting population
To pass through in
Close quarters,
Contact guaranteed.

I sneeze
And cough.
My fever smolders
Making my skin chill,
And the thought of disease
Enters, and crowds with me,
Suffocating me to one side-
But not too close-
Don't touch anything.
Fear grows.
I am already sick
But I could get sicker.

Conspiracy drips over my thoughts,
My fever leaving the
normal functioning funnel
In my mind
To be burned away-
materializing in the city-
Around me.
My thoughts bunch
In clusters
And pass all at once,
Leaving waves of nausea
And claustrophobia
As I continue through the tunnel,
Paranoia worsening my symptoms
By the step.
Was very sick yesterday and foolishly made the mistake of busing into the city instead of going to school.
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