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Anita Nov 2020
The word of the day is: Ingenious
– cleverly inventive or resourceful

Sometimes I’ll look at a word and I’ll think
“Oh, that’s ingenious”
Already melancholy in mourning
over having forgotten it

Honking once while I’m blasting it
– windows down, repeat on –
merely flying right past it
with a speed that surpasses free recall

I’ll throw my hand out too late;
out of reach and can’t grasp it
Both feet pressing down as if shattered
by gravity, post peak pride-time free fall

I wish to be and be in its temperamental casket
That ingenium, a supreme state of being
I won’t ever work for but still
I envision I’ll catch it

As if a permanent sickness
rather than self-authored static
As if I blink out a prayer; stick my hand out; am lucky; and still living
Until I’m suddenly clasping it

All I’ve ever desired
And all I had to do was ask for it
Trying to get back to writing something every day. As such, I am writing poems that are inspired by's "Word of the day".

I feel no need to present something of value, but still I can't find the zen in me not to share it somewhere. If art is not shared with the world, has it even been made?

(Yes, yes it has. In some faraway future, that'll be enough. Alas, we live in the present.)
Eola Nov 2020
Hey! You there!
The one with the big ideas and dreams
Why are you slumping along
The society's current ideals?

Why are you not expressing
The creativity bestowed to you by your childhood?
And instead trying to reach
The ideal adult's falsehood?
Graff1980 Nov 2020
I cannot seem to write
without rhyming.

It is not a simple matter
of timing
but has become
my mental wiring.

I find other
poets so inspiring
so deeply

But my brain
has lost the ability
to make any poetry
without playing with
Unpolished Ink Nov 2020
I blame the rain

It has a ceaseless patter

A rhythm on the window and in my head

It stalls my words

Drowning them with sound

Stones that sink that great grey whale of my thoughts

Stilling his song into empty silence

No poems today

I blame it on the rain
Poems in short supply!
Traveler Nov 2020
I am not a cog in this machine
As it rolls on mightily

I wield creative deformity
Navigating aimlessly

My passion refined
Primitively divine

My anger rips through my fears
With claws of resentment

My love for life
An immortal hunger

And I’m not getting any younger!
Traveler Tim
Hannah Marie Nov 2020

She comes in leaps and bounds
Fits and starts
She’s here
Then she’s gone


She’s a fickle creature
Here one day
Gone the next


How do I summon thee?
How do I get the gods of writing
To bless me?
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